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An extension that removes suggested content and news feeds from social media sites
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Description from store
Reclaim your time with Surf Aware
Surf Aware is an extension that blocks news feeds and suggested content on social media sites. We've all been in the situation where you go to YouTube to watch one video, or open Reddit to look at the meme your friend sent you. Then before you know it hours of your life have been lost to scrolling and watching content you had no intention of consuming.
This problem isn't your fault. These websites are designed to keep there as long as possible and they're very effective at doing so.
If you want to to protect yourself from this issue you need to remove the suggested content from these sites. This is the purpose Surf Aware serves. By selectively eradicating news feeds and making social media sites distraction free you're able to use social media as a purposeful tool. You then get all the benefits of these sites without the downsides of sacrificing your valuable time unintentionally.
How to setup Surf Aware
Surf Aware blocks content on all major social media sites by default. If you want to edit your settings you should visit the extensions management page in your browser. Click "details", then scroll down to and click "extension options". You can then edit the sites that Surf Aware affects.
This setup is by design. It introduces friction to accessing the social media feeds making you more likely to succeed in your goal of keeping your time your own.
For most people blocking suggested content is enough to break the addictive cycle of scrolling on social media. If you're like me and likely to weasel your way out of the self-binding techniques like Surf Aware I would suggest pairing it with an extension like LeechBlock or ColdTurkey. Both applications allow you block access to the extensions settings in your browser. This will help you stay strong when you're at your weakest.
If you find Surf Aware helpful please consider buying me a coffee to say thanks!