extension ExtPose

AdBlock Secure

CRX id


Description from extension meta

No ads, no pop-ups, no banners, no trackers. Uninterrupted browsing experience on all websites.

Image from store AdBlock Secure
Description from store AdBlock Secure is a powerful tool that can enhance online browsing experiences by removing various forms of advertisements, including banner ads, video ads, and pop-ups. By eliminating these intrusive elements, users can focus on the content they truly wish to engage with, without distractions that disrupt their browsing flow. Additionally, ad blockers often improve page loading times since they prevent the loading of resource-intensive ads. With AdBlock Secure settings, you have the freedom to control ad blocking and website notification popups according to your preferences, both globally and on a site-by-site basis. This ensures a seamless browsing experience tailored to your needs and interests. You can manage AdBlock Secure extension behavior by configuring specific settings: 1. "Ad Blocking": enabling and disabling ad blocking for all websites You have the option to easily control ad blocking settings across all websites. By toggling the ad blocking feature on, you can keep intrusive ads at bay, enhancing your browsing experience. Conversely, turning it off allows you to access websites without any restrictions on advertisements. 2. "Acceptable Ads": customizing ad blocking for specific websites Fine-tune your ad blocking preferences by whitelisting specific websites through the extension settings. When you add a website to the "Acceptable Ads" section, the extension will refrain from blocking any ads on those whitelisted sites. This way, you can support your favorite content creators while still enjoying an ad-free experience on other websites. 3. "Pop-Up Blocker": managing website notifications for all websites Take control over website notification popups through a user-friendly toggle mechanism. Engage this feature to effectively inhibit bothersome notification popups that have the potential to disrupt your workflow or browsing session. Should you wish to receive notifications, you can effortlessly deactivate this function at your convenience. 4. "Acceptable Pop-Ups": tailoring website notification popups for specific websites Enjoy a personalized approach to website notification popups by whitelisting specific websites in the "Acceptable Pop-Ups" section of the extension settings. Once added to the list, the extension will no longer block any popups from these whitelisted sites. Say goodbye to unnecessary interruptions while staying informed on websites that matter to you.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-07-04) Alex Sokol: Very good ad blocker!


129 history
3.0 (2 votes)
Last update / version
2023-12-15 / 0.1.30
Listing languages
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