Empowering retail investors by providing the right tools to enable their participation and success in financial markets.
Empower Retail Investors Chrome extension is a powerful tool designed to provide comprehensive reports on your trading history from US stock exchanges. Currently, it supports the Robinhood market and Thinkorswim, allowing you to generate detailed reports of your trading performance with profit and loss.
With the Empower Retail Investors extension, you can gain valuable insights into your trading activities. The extension analyzes your trading data and generates comprehensive reports that showcase your performance, including profit and loss calculations. This allows you to assess your trading strategies, identify trends, and make informed decisions for future investments.
✅ Your data stays secure and local! no external requests or transfers!
✅ Quickly analyze and visualize your trading performance through tables and line graphs
✅ View your total Profit/Loss of all trading transactions by selecting a time duration
- All time
- Yearly
- Monthly
- Weekly
- Daily
✅ Download a CSV file of all your trades, categorized by time duration
✅ Tracking the Wins and Losses of P/L trades across different time durations(Because it is essential for evaluating performance and making informed trading decisions)
By empowering retail investors with accurate and detailed reports, the extension aims to enhance your understanding of your trading performance. With this information at your fingertips, you can fine-tune your strategies, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately strive for greater success in the financial markets.
Experience the power of the Empower Retail Investors Chrome extension and gain valuable insights into your trading history with comprehensive reports on profit and loss. Stay tuned for future updates as more stock exchanges are supported, further expanding the capabilities of this empowering tool for retail investors.
Supported stock exchanges brokerages:
✅ Robinhood
Empower Retail Investors is an open source project: https://github.com/ohsik/empower-retail-investors
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-07) QI LI: Great extension to easily manage and check trading performance for my Robinhood and Thinkorswim accounts.
5.0 (3 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-08 / 0.0.21
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