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あなたのGmail受信トレイはスパムや不要なメールで溢れていますか? 大量の不要なメールをまとめて解除または削除するのに苦労していますか?InboxPurgeは、数回のクリックで受信トレイを整頓し、管理を取り戻すための完璧なGmail整理ツールです。
✔️ Gmailの一括解除ツール: ニュースレターやスパム、不要なメールをワンクリックで解除—手作業はもう必要ありません。
✔️ メールの一括削除: 何千ものメールを一括削除して、受信トレイをすっきり整理しましょう。
✔️ 受信トレイダイジェスト: お気に入りのニュースレターをトピックや好みに応じてグループ化し、簡単に読むことができます。
✔️ 送信者のブロック解除: シンプルなブロック解除機能で連絡先管理を取り戻しましょう。
✔️ Gmailアクションバー統合: GmailのネイティブアクションバーからInboxPurgeのツールに直接アクセスできます。チェックボックスを使ってメールを選択し、ワンクリックで一括解除または削除—迅速かつ簡単です。
✅ InboxPurgeをインストール: 数秒でブラウザに拡張機能を追加します。
✅ サイドバーを開く: Gmailの直感的なサイドバーを使ってメールを管理します。
✅ 一括解除&削除: 不要なメールを選択し、ワンクリックで解除または一括削除します。
🗑️ 93,679,294通以上のメールを整理した数千人のユーザーに支持されています。
⌛ 時間を節約: 面倒な手作業を省き、数分でメールの解除と受信トレイ整理を実現します。
🔐 100%プライバシー保証: InboxPurgeはすべての操作をデバイス上でローカルに処理し、データを安全に保ちます。
Latest reviews
- (2024-06-02) 4nubis Wiry: It make it look easy
- (2024-05-28) Danial Toor: It's great but it is $5 for the bare minimum. It's worth it. I may make my own extension one day and make it free for people to use.
- (2024-05-27) Henry L.: Seems to work unlike every other plugin like this!
- (2024-05-19) yassin sherif: LOVE YOU GUYS IT WORKS
- (2024-05-18) Grey Hodge: The advertising says it's free and runs locally with the extension. Neither is true, it's freemium with big limits on free functionality, and it absolutely DOES NOT RUN LOCALLY, the first time you use it you have to log into their systems so the processing can be done there. I cannot state whether this product is good or bad because if they lie to me at the very beginning, nothing else matters to me. Your product can't actually be good if you feel you have to lie to get people to install it.
- (2024-05-16) Sharath Ravindran: works great !
- (2024-05-15) Miranda Knutsvik C.H.N, NNCP: Simple and INCREDIBLY FAST. Thank you
- (2024-05-14) Nicholas Lawrence Osbourne: Very easy to use cleaned a lot of junk mail.
- (2024-05-13) Joao Vasco Almeida: Coronha e cabo, metralha na nuca: é bom, melhor, top, super, fantástico, incrível.
- (2024-05-12) Tyler Shatto: does what it says on the tin. Mass delete and unsubscribe easily. max mass unsubscribe is 20 per month, though you can pay $5 one time to get unlimited. I'm just waiting til next month. thank you!
- (2024-05-06) Christina Lumpp: does what says 20 free update tomorrow if gives more if not update tomorrow then its monthly.
- (2024-04-27) Tube Relevant: the best chrome extension used till date
- (2024-04-02) Danielle Bosworth: wish you got more free
- (2024-04-02) Aderinsola Adigun: Very Fast and simple to use! I highly recommend
- (2024-03-20) peter orlando (manny): Gmail saver! no more drowning in spam
- (2024-03-20) Richard Etts: My inboxes are so much easier to navigate and read what I really want to read.
- (2024-03-14) Benjamin P.: My gmail is now empty !!!
- (2024-03-13) Sales Sat: Love it, so quick and easy to use
- (2024-03-03) Kim Smith: So far so good, 20 emailers and 3800 emails deleted in 30 seconds flat! Just hope it doesn't come with any nasty surprises...
- (2024-02-15) Zain: 2 minutes and unsubscribed to 20 useless websites, dayum
- (2024-02-14) Laura Rodrigue: Nunca fue tan facil usar una aplicacion! Comodo, rapido y eficiente :)
- (2024-02-12) John Perry: Man this is a dream come true I can finally have my mailbox back. love this app!
- (2024-02-10) Santiago Yanez Ferreiro: Amazing, helps greatly to manage your inbox.
- (2024-01-12) Courage Egbude: Works great! was able to clear out my inbox in seconds
- (2024-01-09) Michał Goliński: Not working. Showing that i dont have any subscriptions. Uninstalled.
- (2024-01-09) Melissa Kitchen: It works, even the free version will get the job done, eventually!!
- (2023-12-08) Noel Lopez: Quickly deleted thousands of emails (for $5)
- (2023-11-25) Mateusz Borowski: Helps a lot to unclutter my 28k emails Gmail account! Glad I could cleanse this filthy mess in few clicks than going through it one by one. Thanks <3
- (2023-11-10) Natural Girl Wigs: Very helpful extension
- (2023-10-18) Brian Cummings: Was unable to use as it failed to open the google permissions box.
- (2023-10-12) Marilyn Irish: Used to unclutter my mom's inbox... what an absolutely AWESOME extension. :) No more political lists or marketing emails... Gmail as it is supposed to be. WOW.. Love it! Thanks for the great work! <3
- (2023-10-10) Kozahry: Worked perfectly and was significantly cheaper and easier to use than all other options.
- (2023-10-03) Islam Sharabash: It works and it works well. I took a look through the extension code to make sure it was safe — looks great to me. Importantly it actually works.
- (2023-09-18) Guy McCord, MBA: Cannot bulk unsubscribe
- (2023-08-05) Tiwa Tayo: Super helpful extension!! Saved me from the countless newsletters and mailing lists I had mindlessly subscribed to. Highly recommend.
- (2023-07-28) Oluwapelumi Reserved: Such a great help...clearing spams and unsubscribing from needless email notifications has never been easier. It is also super easy to use.
- (2023-07-24) ADEDUNSOLA ADIGUN: Really awesome!!! Cleared up my messy Gmail in seconds!! Highly recommend!