Description from extension meta
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Description from store
Chessconnect 是一款 Chrome 网络扩展程序,允许智能棋盘的所有者将他们的棋盘连接到、 或。它的主要功能包括:
- 使用、 和 的官方 API
- 得到这些国际象棋网站的认可,并且 100% 合法
- 适用于 Windows™、Mac™、Linux、Android™ 和 Chrome OS™
- 无缝集成到您选择的国际象棋网站
- 支持几乎所有电子棋盘
- 完全支持 Chess960
- USB 和蓝牙连接
- 作弊检测问题更少
- 与机器人、人类对手和现场锦标赛对战
- 可选延迟以降低鼠标/棋盘滑落的风险
- 可选声音或语音移动公告
- 在 DGT3000 或 Zmartfun Tap N Set 国际象棋时钟上显示移动和时间
- 非商业且免费使用
请注意:如果您在使用此扩展时遇到任何问题,请查看 获取提示。如果失败,请向 [email protected] 发送一封包含所有详细信息(操作系统、棋盘制造商、国际象棋网站、控制台日志等...)的电子邮件
Latest reviews
- (2024-01-29) Luca D: Works very well on my Chessnut Air on Windows 11... with the "experimental flags" set, connection seems to be stable and seamless and with no significant latency between the website and the board January 2024 edit: plugin has just been update with Lichess support, and it is working very well; in my opinion it is now the best way to enjoy online play with a Chessnut board on a PC, being more reliable than the official software and allowing for both USB and bluetooth connection
- (2023-10-09) Alex Troyb: Excellent extension! It took me a minute to find the "connect" button on the new layout of, but once I found the button on the screen everything worked perfectly.
- (2023-09-16) Nick Holme Kjeldsen: This is the missing link for thew Chessnut line of produkts. Works great with both the Chessnut air, and the chessnut Pro. What shoulda been a part of the provided software from Chessnut this little genius plugin solves!! GREAT JOB!!