Description from extension meta
Afegiu els costos de la reunió a Google Calendar. Simple i gratuït.
Image from store
Description from store
Fes visible el cost real de les reunions a Google Calendar.
・Afegiu una estimació subtil del cost de la reunió als esdeveniments del calendari
・El cost de la reunió també és visible en crear reunions
・Tarifa horària mitjana i moneda configurables
・Admet més de 30 idiomes
・Completament privat: no s'emmagatzema ni ens envia cap informació.
Si no guanyes diners, millor et diverteixes. Sigues intencionat.
Si trobeu útil aquesta extensió, podeu donar-me les gràcies comprant-me una cervesa ( Felicitats per concentrar el temps i fer les coses!
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-01) Mirjam de Vries: Useful extension and I like that it offers the live update while working on creating event invites, which is what a lot of other tools are missing. I do however want to point out that the way your extension is set up, it may not continue to work reliably for a long time as the class names of certain elements may change over time (which is also why a lot of other extensions promising to offer the same are not working as intended anymore)
- (2023-10-06) 早原潤: Thank you for providing a useful tool. I know this is difficult, but I would like to be able to set a separate hourly rate for each individual in the company. If we could set an hourly rate for each individual, we would know the salary of each individual, but we are thinking of disambiguating this point through an operation in which the unit price is registered for each position.