Takes notes from youtube video notes with live-preview markdown note editor. Text & video highlighter. Record audio & video. GDrive
📢 Take youtube notes in side panel with live preview markdown editor and sync with local files .
📌 Why you should consider this:
✪ live preview markdown
✪ No signup required
✪ Video snapshot
✪ Record video, audio from video and microphone
✪ Auto-write video caption line-by-line
✪ Persistent text & video currentTime highlighter
✪ Supported platforms:youtube,udemy,coursera,edx,udacity
✪ Fuzzy search
✪ Dark mode and custom themes.
✪ Export notes in three format: markdown,html and pdf
✪ Sync with desktop local file manager.
✪ Sync with cloud drive: GDrive, oneDrive, Dropbox,box.
✪ Sync with cloud notes: Notion, onenote (coming soon).
✪ Pure & clean code that powers fastest performance.
✪ Cloud & Cross-devices sync (coming soon).
✪ All notes and media files saved locally.
✪ No tracking & no Ads.
✪ Lightweight 76kb only
✪ No third-party library used.
✪ Negligible memory consumption (consume 400% less memory than new tab).
⌨️ keyboard shortcuts
Alt + O ⇒ Open videoNote sidePanel
Esc ⇒ Close note editor dialog
Ctrl + Z ⇒ undo (work only when copy listener on)
Ctrl + Y ⇒ redo (work only when copy listener on)
Alt + H ⇒ highlight (work only when copy listener on)
Ctrl+ Shift + H ⇒ remove highlight (work only when copy listener on)
Shift + Space ⇒ extend selection (work only when copy listener on)
📌 == FEATURES ==
✅ Markdown live preview
You don't need to open separate panel to preview your markdown.
vidyaNote provides a real live preview like wysiwyg editor
you can update existing markdown's mark to change formatted text.
✅ No signup required
vidyanote is only video-notes extension in chrome webstore that don't require signup
✅ Multiple video e-learning platform supported
you can screenshot any webpage and insert text and images from any webpage by simply drag-n-drop
✅ Add video highlighter
Click highlighter button to insert mart at current position Press "Delete" key or mouse middle-click to delete highlighter
✅ note grid view like google keep
All notes display in grid format. Auto add video's thumbnail for easy recognize. When note open, related video will open.
✅ Record audio and video
Record video, audio from video in one click.
✅ Capture current captions
vidyaNote doesn't insert whole transcript into notes like others do.
vidyaNote insert only currently displayed caption.
✅ Create nested folder to organize notes
you can organize notes in nested folders
✅ Custom Themes & fonts
customize each-note appearance according to its purposes
✅ Time has come to forget ctrl+c and ctrl+v
Drag and drop any web content e.g images,selected text.
vidyaNote doesn't convert text into image like others do.
vidyaNote format into markdown so that you can easily modify them
selected text will auto-copied to vidyaNote when you press ctrl+c on any webpage
⌨️ keyboard shortcuts (work only when copy listener on)
Ctrl+Z ⇒ undo
Ctrl+Y ⇒ redo
Alt+S ⇒ highlight
Alt+S ⇒ highlight
Shift + Space ⇒ extend selection
🖥️ Take screenshot
Click on screenshot icon for capture and save screenshot
Use Keyboard shortcut (Alt + S)
🖍️ Highlight text
When you clip selected text, selected text will highlighted automatically
Click on Save Highlight button on right bottom corner to save highlight.
For remove highlight, Select again highlighted text and press Ctrl + Shift + H.
For disable highlight, Go to options page
✅ No vendor locked in.
vidyaNote auto-sync your notes with desktop local file manager in three format:
markdown,html & pdf
You can view and edit notes in any other markdown based note editor.
✅ Auto-Sync notes with other cloud providers
You can sync notes with cloud drive providers:GDrive, oneDrive, Dropbox,box.
You can sync notes with cloud notes providers:Notion, evernote (coming soon).
✅ Private and secure
All data saved locally.
Your notes or media file e.g images, videos never touch our server.
ℹ️ Support
Join vidyaNote on google groups:
You can mail us: [email protected]