Description from extension meta
ناناتسو نه تایزای بزرگ است !! با بسیاری از تصاویر پس زمینه!
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Description from store
After extension installation every time you will open a new tab you will see this app nanatsu no taizai tabs new tab.
This extension will get you the best and the richest nanatsu no taizai wallpapers and themes you will ever want.
Here is where you get a bunch of stuff related to that. Do not forget to check the application for new upgrades to find new sin elaine tabs every week!
What makes nanatsu no taizai extension undoubtedly amazing:
frequent images updates for endless choice of amazing themes. Simple to view and easy to set as wallpaper. Simple & effortless access to your preferred visited websites like google, instagram, twitter google+ and a lot more. You may even customize your own easy bookmarking websites. You can shuffle all of the imgs, or, shuffle your favorite nanatsu no taizai images gallery only. Simple ui with gowther merlin hd pics.
P.S: this app is made by nanatsu no taizai fans, and it is unofficial. The content in this extension is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by any company. This application is mainly for entertainment and for all manga meliodas superfans to enjoy these nanatsu no taizai themes.
Nanatsu no taizai tabs is the best extension for fans who love seven diane wallpapers. You will discover an amazing high definition wallpapers waiting for you.
You'll definitely love using this extension.
Latest reviews
- (2020-08-23) viviana dini lopez: adotro nanatsu no taizai
- (2020-08-12) Nicole Valeria Hernandez Cardenas: 私はそれが5つ星に値する7つの大罪の壁紙が大好きです
- (2020-03-29) Angie Lorena Angarita Matiz: es muy buena owo
- (2020-03-29) Nicolas Angarita: tiene fondos muy bonitos uwu
- (2020-03-21) LORD • RUAN: muito fd
- (2020-03-01) Jesus Galeana: por que me gusta nanatsu no taisai
- (2020-01-06) Nat Abrahão: Eu esperava algo um pouco mais do meu gosto, mas é de qualidade muito boa, as imagens sÂo ótimas, mas eu nao gostei da barra de cima, nem da barra de pesquisar, também nÂo gostei das opçoês nas laterais da imagem, dos 3 pontinhos da barra de pesquisar, também acho que faltou a barra de favoritos, e por último achei que as letras eram grandes demais. Essa foi a minha crítica, espero que eu tenha ajudado a quem for usar isso e também a quem criou, muito obrigada. :)
- (2019-11-04) 「㞃」xXmeliodasXx「㞃」: es sebera
- (2019-09-09) Armando Jafeth Gonzalez Fuentes: Es asombrosa