Display game rating difference between two languages you choose.
Under Steam review filter section, display overall rating, the rating of your target language, the rating of another language to compare, their difference, the proportion of target language review, and a link to browse target language's reviews.
User options (1-6 to filter reviews accounted):
1. Preferred language.
2. Another language to compare.
3. Game purchase type.
4. Off-topic filter.
5. Minimal playtime.
6. Gaming Device.
7. Review type of the Link.
You can also display proportion of reviews from Steam deck user, non-steam-purchase, or within specific time range.
1. Interface only supports English and Chinese for now. (I don't want to simply throw words into google trans so that's it. Email me If you want to help translate it into other languages, TIA.)
2. The supported 12 languages of review are those used by more than 1% Steam users(By Steam stats in Nov 2024).