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Play Drum 4x3 Game as a Chrome extension - Also can Play without Internet, try it now!
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- Play more games on the top-left menu.
Drum 4x3 is a free kit that you can use to play drums on your browser. It's a great way to practice your drumming skills or just have some fun.
To use Drum 4x3, simply click on the pads to play the corresponding drum sound. You can also use the keyboard to play the drums.
Drum Drum has a variety of features to help you improve your drumming skills, including:
A variety of drum kits to choose from
A metronome to help you keep time
A recording function so you can listen to your playing back
A variety of lessons to help you learn how to play the drums
Latest reviews
- (2024-04-17) inon gadi: יפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפההההההההההההההההההההההההההההה
- (2023-11-12) Lowa Mark: Suitable for me
- (2023-11-09) David Bush: Love it 😇
- (2023-11-08) Lion Jane: This game is the best 😁
- (2023-11-05) Lisa Anne: Good :)))
- (2023-11-05) Walker Ethan: great 👍🏻
4.6923 (13 votes)
Last update / version
2023-09-04 / 1.1.0
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