Displays detailed diagram for Amazon Connect flows and modules
A simple browser extension that draws a detailed diagram of Connect flows and modules.
The extension runs on the browser and first checks whether an AWS Connect page is open.
It retrieves flow definition from AWS Connect to create a diagram and load it in the page. It also displays the flow definition in a table and connect with OpenAI GPT to get an explanation of the flow.
The extension can be found in Chrome Web Store at: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/amazon-connect-flow-exten/cgnmohjobkifeodobhmpdimcegcffjkj
The privacy policy is at https://sites.google.com/view/mybrowserextensions/home
This extension does not handle personal or sensitive user data. It only communicates with AWS Connect to request data to display on the screen, with OpenAI to request a flow explanation and nothing else is sent to any other server.
The source code can be found at: https://github.com/Fernando-Fernandez/AmazonConnectFlowExtension