See what time it is - anywhere and everywhere
Remote work means so many events in so many different time zones!
Need an intuitive way to visualize them?
Try SlideZones!
🕜 Features
✅ Select any time zones your browser supports
✅ See the time across all of them at any date
✅ Create an event with description and links
✅ Get a link to share with your team
📝 Change Log
✅ Simplify extension functionality and introduce live clock
✅ Display hours from other dates before and after
✅ Set time by input, not just using the slider
✅ Drag background and slider independently
✅ Add support for event duration
✅ Pulse current time
✅ Allow adding an event title and description with support for links
✅ Show current time across all time zones
✅ Add some missing time zones
✅ Add button to copy shareable link to the toolbar
✅ Show current date over time
✅ Initial release