extension ExtPose

Savings.com Coupons & Promo Codes for Edge

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Description from extension meta

Find and apply promo codes at checkout on various online stores, helping you save money while shopping online.

Image from store Savings.com Coupons & Promo Codes
Description from store Stop wasting time hunting for coupons and expired coupon codes! Save money automatically when you shop online. Get the no-nonsense Savings.com browser extension in seconds and shop like you normally do. We'll alert you with a pop-up when there's a coupon available and even automatically try them out if you say so! 💯 Fresh coupon codes, promo codes and deals delivered to you on thousands of sites and your favorite brands! 💯 Automatic coupons when you're about to place an order 💯 Shopping tips to help you save big! Get started in 30 seconds! No sign up necessary. Already using other loyalty/incentive programs like Honey, SlickDeals, Coupert, Rakuten, RetailMeNot, CapitalOne, CamelCamelCamel? This will make a great addition to your collection of shopping extensions! Start saving more today! Want more deals? Visit Savings.com Have questions? Let us know by contacting us at https://collectsavings.com/help Not seeing Savings.com but think you should? Set up a filter in Adblock Plus or similar ad blocker tools like AdBlock, uBlock or Adblock Pro. If you have any concerns please view our Terms of Service at https://www.savings.com/info/terms/ We may earn a commission when you use one of our coupons/links to make a purchase. Description for review (single purpose description) The Savings.com browser extension is a unique experience to accompany the Savings.com website allowing users to conveniently surface savings/coupons/deals for each site they shop at online if there are any applicable - including Amazon, Macy's, Best Buy, Target and others. To experience the extension, you can simply add it and then go to a site like Fanatics (fanatics.com). Deals/coupons will appear in the lower corner via a modal box. You can close the box (which will minimize into a "tab" such that it can be re-opened). On the checkout page where a promo code field is available, the modal will open again to remind the user to try a coupon code before placing the order. Coupons/deals are displayed when the user visits the site on the home page. The alert box can be minimized and then displayed again when the user is on a page that contains a promo/coupon code box. No sign in is necessary at this time since there is no cash-back/rewards component.


1,063 history
0.0 (0 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-29 / 1.0.17
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