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Bring Back Old-School Shortcuts with Bspace: Back with Backspace, Forward with Shift + Backspace
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Description from store
Revive Classic Browsing Shortcuts with BSpace! đ
âȘ Backspace Navigation: Easily go back with the Backspace key.
â© Shift + Backspace: Effortlessly move forward with this shortcut.
đ« Domain Blocklist: Customize your experience by blocking specific domains.
âšïž Smart Focus Control: No interference when typing or in a text field.
We thoroughly examined all similar-functioning extensions, striving to create the ultimate experience in browser navigation and shortcuts.
Experience the old-school convenience of browsing with BSpace!
teruppliva klassiska surfkortkommandon med BSpace! đ
âȘ Backstegsnavigering: GĂ„ enkelt tillbaka med Backsteg-tangenten.
⩠Shift + Backsteg: Rör dig smidigt framÄt med denna genvÀg.
đ« DomĂ€nblocklista: Anpassa din upplevelse genom att blockera specifika domĂ€ner.
âšïž Smart fokuskontroll: Ingen störning nĂ€r du skriver eller Ă€r i ett textfĂ€lt.
Vi har noggrant undersökt alla liknande funktioner, i strÀvan att skapa den ultimata upplevelsen inom webblÀsarnavigering och kortkommandon.
Upplev det gammaldags bekvÀmligheten med att surfa med BSpace!