extension ExtPose

VIN Decoder - Get Instant Vehicle Details

CRX id


Description from extension meta

VIN Decoder - Decode any Vehicle Identification Number and reveal detailed vehicle data & history. Instantly.

Image from store VIN Decoder - Get Instant Vehicle Details
Description from store Discover any car's story with the VIN Decoder Chrome Extension, the simplest tool for decoding VINs directly in your Chrome browser. With a click, you get a vehicle's make, model, year, detailed specs, and vehicle history - from engine size to safety features. It's a hassle-free, ad-free experience. Summary of Vehicle Data Offered: 1. Basic Vehicle Data: Includes make, model, year, body style, and category. 2. Specifications: Details about engine size, power, door count, drive type, and turbo status. 3. Safety Features: Information on airbag positions, seat belt types, TPMS, and other safety systems. 4. Origin Information: Details about the manufacturer, assembly plant, and steering orientation. 5. Recall Data: Comprehensive data on safety recalls, their impacts, remedies, and the number of units involved. 6. Color Options: Information on available exterior and interior color choices. 7. Price Range: MSRP and market pricing variations based on trim and optional features. 8. Vehicle History: A newly added feature that includes previous accidents, ownership changes, and possibly other historical data about the vehicle. Upcoming enhancements still in the pipeline are: 1. Market Value Estimation: To offer both the MSRP and potential current market value predictions. 2. Maintenance Forecasts: Projected maintenance schedules and costs based on the vehicle's make and model. This extension's global reach and compatibility with a wide range of manufacturers underscore its versatility. It's designed to be privacy-conscious and user-friendly, enhancing transparency in vehicle transactions and enriching the knowledge base of its users. With these comprehensive features, it's an indispensable tool for delving into the full story of any vehicle.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-05) Dovydas Musulas: Simple, easy-to-use, and convenient. Works very well to decode US-based VINs. Whole-heartily recommend!
  • (2023-11-03) Ignas Vincerževskis: Does exactly what it says and easy to use. Decodes all US market VIN's.
  • (2023-11-02) Roger Oba: Amazing tool to easily look up VINs!
  • (2023-11-02) Linas Vainoras: solid tool, I'd recommend giving it a shot if you're into cars or just curious.


154 history
5.0 (12 votes)
Last update / version
2024-02-08 / 1.1.12
Listing languages
