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Import Quizlet flashcards. Take AI-powered notes. More integrations coming soon.
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Description from store
Import Quizlet flashcards. Take AI-powered notes. More integrations coming soon.
Study smarter with NoteGPT. Generate intelligent flashcards tailored to your learning needs. Our AI tools help you memorize faster through spaced repetition and active recall. Stay focused with fewer distractions. Continually expanding integrations and features to augment your learning experience. Seamlessly connect with Quizlet for easy flashcard integration. Experience the following features:
● One-click import: Click the extension logo to import Quizlet flashcard decks with one click
● Knowledge integration: Leverage advanced AI to identify key points, important facts, figures and concepts
● Convenient studying: Eliminate the "what" and "how", start reviewing your knowledge anytime, anywhere
🚀How to Use :
● Install the extension.
● Pin the extension and click on the logo.
● Navigate to the flashcard details page on Quizlet (must enter the flashcard page, unable to import card decks from Quizlet homepage).
● After successful import, visit the NoteGPT website to review your flashcards anytime, anywhere.
💡 Q&A
Q1: What is Flashcards?
A1: Flashcards are a learning tool used for memorization and review of knowledge. They are usually double-sided cards with a question or content to remember on one side, and the corresponding answer or explanation on the back. Going through flashcards repeatedly helps the brain better encode and consolidate memories, allowing quick mastery of knowledge. Flashcards emphasize active recall rather than passive memorization, making them more effective for retention.
Q2: What is an Article summary?
A2: With official support from OpenAI, NoteGPT aims to help users automatically generate flashcards from any text on any webpage, such as videos, PDFs, articles, etc., enabling smarter learning. This greatly saves time and improves learning efficiency.
NoteGPT:AI Flashcard for Quizlet and Cram is an intelligent learning tool for you to review and study in a more effective way, experiencing the future of learning together! We are working hard to integrate flashcards from other platforms...
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Latest reviews
- (2023-11-09) y wu: A good tool for Quizlet.
- (2023-11-09) Hongyuan Cao: OMG, that is good learning tool for me
- (2023-11-09) Vivi Chen: Soooooooooo cool!
3.6667 (6 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-23 / 1.0.3
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