extension ExtPose

LinkedProspect Sidekick

CRX id


Description from extension meta

An automated reply/comment tool that makes networking easier and helps you start and continue conversations with prospects.

Image from store LinkedProspect Sidekick
Description from store Let LinkedProspect generate a high quality comment/reply for you LinkedProspect: Simple, Effortless Networking that generates sales An automated reply/comment tool that makes networking easier and helps you start and continue conversations with prospects. Our AI powered tool is designed to save you time and expand your audience and generate new business. Engaging easily with one click social comments is LinkedProspect Sidekick’s super power. We provide "Like," "Dislike," "Support," "Idea," and "Question" buttons, to generate a reaply or comments. Regenerate until you find a relevant comment. We also offer text completion, which means that you start a reply or comment and LinkedProspect generates the rest. LinkedProspect Sidekick currently supports LinkedIn.With the support of our technology, you can expand your audience, establish new connections with decision-makers, businesspeople, and industry experts, and share your ideas. This generates conversation with prospects and helps with sales and business growth


85 history
5.0 (1 votes)
Last update / version
2023-12-07 / 1.1
Listing languages
