Compare prices between online stores in different countries.
# International Store Prices Comparison Tool Chrome Extension
## How to use
1. go to IKEA product page
NOTE: keep in mind that currently only and are supported
2. open the extension
3. click "Load Results" button
## Data
- prices database used to return results is updated once a day
- currency exchange rates are taken from [NBP API]( on every results request
## Features to be added in the future
- better UI
- selecting countries that should be displayed in results (for now **Poland and Czechia are selected by default** and changing that selection is **disabled**)
- selecting stores for each country to show product availability for in results (for now **Katowice (Poland) and Ostrava (Czechia) are selected by default** and changing that selection is **disabled**)
- selecting the currency that all the prices should be displayed in (for now the **only option is PLN**)
- changing display order of results in settings
## Features to be added in the FAR future
- support for other stores (currently **only IKEA is supported**)