A customizable 'new tab' extension, with pomodoro and weeklendar.
sage50 gives you a better experience in a new tab, with a beautiful and customizable theme, it features:
- a pomodoro customizable timer with work and chill functions
- a week calendar, perfect to organize your week.
- time and weather
- light and dark mode
- customizable background
XMAS UPDATE: what's new on v0.0.2
-Weekalendar and Pomodoro visibility settings now saved cross sessions
-Changed default background
-Minor color change on Weekalendar for better legibility
-Pomodoro timer now saves user preference cross sessions
* background image on banner: https://unsplash.com/pt-br/fotografias/uma-montanha-nebulosa-com-uma-casa-no-topo-l92BZCMe-to
this is a give-credits-to-use image and NOT sponsored.