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adblocker shorts - youtube without shorts

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Experience the full potential of Youtube without the annoying shorts! With our simple player, you can easily watch all your…

Image from store adblocker shorts - youtube without shorts
Description from store Badilisha uzoefu wako wa YouTube na ugani wa kivinjari cha Shorts cha Nguvu cha YouTube, iliyoundwa iliyoundwa kuzuia na kusimamia yaliyomo kwenye YouTube. 🚀 Na kaptula za kujificha za YouTube, una uwezo wa: • Ondoa mwonekano wa kaptula za YouTube kutoka nyumbani, mwelekeo, na malisho ya usajili kwa kulisha safi. 🧹 • Kifurushi cha kifupi cha YouTube kutoka kwa kuonekana katika matokeo yaliyopendekezwa, matokeo ya utaftaji, na arifa, kupunguza usumbufu usiohitajika. 🚫 • Ondoa kichupo cha kaptula na video za kaptula kwenye kurasa za kituo ili kudumisha uzoefu wa kutazama uliolenga. 📺 • Zuia maisha na viboreshaji kwenye kurasa za nyumbani na usajili, kurekebisha maudhui yako kwa upendeleo wako. 🚷 • Kuunganisha kubadilika kwa orodha ya block ya kawaida, kukuwezesha kuzuia kwa hiari yaliyomo kutoka kwa chaneli maalum. 📛 • Badilisha moja kwa moja video za kaptula kuwa muundo wa kawaida, kuhakikisha mabadiliko ya mshono ndani ya uzoefu wako wa kuvinjari. 🔄 Chunguza huduma za kina za kaptula za kujificha za YouTube, ukipe chaguzi zinazoweza kuwezeshwa ambazo hukuwezesha kuamua haswa ni lini na wapi video za kaptula zinaonyeshwa. " Inajumuisha bila mshono na toleo la kivinjari cha simu ya YouTube wakati unatumiwa na kivinjari cha Kiwi au kivinjari kingine kinacholingana. Kukumbatia udhibiti kamili juu ya yaliyomo kwenye YouTube na uwezo kamili wa kuficha kaptula za YouTube! 🌐✨ Badilisha uzoefu wako wa YouTube na blocker ya mwisho ya YouTube Shorts Je! Umechoka kwa kupigwa na video zisizo na mwisho, fupi kwenye YouTube? Usiangalie zaidi kuliko ugani wa kivinjari wenye nguvu, "blocker ya kifupi ya YouTube". Chombo hiki kipya kilichorekebishwa kimeundwa kukupa udhibiti kamili juu ya uzoefu wako wa kutazama kwa kuzuia na kusimamia yaliyomo kwenye YouTube. Sema kwaheri kwa vizuizi visivyohitajika na hello kwa kulisha safi kwa msaada wa blocker kaptula ya YouTube. Hakuna zaidi ya kusongesha video fupi nyingi na yaliyomo. Kwa kuongeza, unaweza pia kuzuia kaptula za YouTube kutoka kuonekana katika zilizopendekezwa, matokeo ya utaftaji, na arifa. Hii inahakikisha kuwa unaona tu yaliyomo kwako. Kitendaji hiki ni sawa kwa wale ambao wanataka kudumisha uzoefu wa kutazama kwa umakini bila kujaribiwa na vizuizi vifupi vya video. Unaweza hata kuzuia maisha na premieres kutoka kuonekana kwenye nyumba yako na kurasa za usajili, kurekebisha yaliyomo kwako kwa upendeleo wako. . Hii hukuruhusu kuchagua kwa hiari yaliyomo kutoka kwa chaneli maalum, kwa hivyo unaona tu video zinazokuvutia. Na ikiwa utapata video fupi ambayo inashika jicho lako, usifadhaike - kiendelezi huibadilisha kiotomatiki kuwa muundo wa kawaida kwa mpito usio na mshono ndani ya uzoefu wako wa kuvinjari. na inafaa, kukupa nguvu ya kuamua ni lini na wapi video za kaptula zinaonyeshwa. Na sehemu bora? Ugani huu wa anuwai sio mdogo tu kwa matumizi ya desktop - inaungana bila mshono na toleo la kivinjari cha simu ya YouTube wakati unatumiwa na kivinjari cha Kiwi au kivinjari kingine. Yaliyomo na uwezo kamili wa blocker kaptura ya YouTube. Pakua sasa na ufurahie uzoefu wa kutazama-bure, uliolenga kwenye YouTube. Na maneno kama "YouTube Short block, blocker kwa kaptula, ficha kaptula za YouTube, hakuna kaptula za YouTube, kaptula za kukarabati, ficha kaptula kwa YouTube, YouTube bila kaptula, adblocker ya YouTube, blocker ya YouTube, na kaptula bora za YouTube" imeongezwa kwenye nakala hiyo, inakuwa Inavutia zaidi na inafaa kwa watazamaji walengwa. Matumizi ya maneno haya yanaangazia vipengee muhimu na faida za upanuzi wa blocker ya YouTube, na kuifanya iwe wazi kama zana ya lazima kwa watumiaji wote wa YouTube. Boresha uzoefu wako wa YouTube na blocker ya mwisho ya YouTube Shorts Je! Umechoka kutoka kwa bomu ya mara kwa mara ya video fupi, za kuvutia kwenye YouTube? Usiangalie zaidi kuliko programu inayobadilisha mchezo, "blocker kaptura ya YouTube". Ugani huu wa kivinjari cha mapinduzi umeundwa mahsusi kuzuia na kusimamia yaliyomo kwenye YouTube, kukupa mamlaka kamili juu ya uzoefu wako wa kutazama. Zabuni kwa vizuizi visivyohitajika na sema hello kwa malisho ya pristine kwa msaada wa blocker kaptura ya YouTube. feeds. Hautahitaji tena kusonga mbele ya video fupi na yaliyomo. Kwa kuongezea, unaweza pia kuficha kaptula za YouTube kutoka kuonekana katika matokeo yaliyopendekezwa, matokeo ya utaftaji, na arifa. Hii inahakikishia kwamba tu yaliyomo ambayo ni muhimu kwako yataonekana. Lakini subiri - kuna zaidi! Kifurushi kifupi cha YouTube pia kinakuwezesha kuzima kichupo cha kaptula na video za kaptula kwenye kurasa za kituo. Kitendaji hiki ni sawa kwa watu wanaotafuta uzoefu wa kutazama ambao haujatekelezwa bila kuhusika na jaribu la mseto mfupi wa video. Kwa kuongeza, unaweza hata kuondoa maisha na premieres kutoka kuonekana kwenye kurasa zako za nyumbani na usajili, kurekebisha yaliyomo kwako kwa upendeleo wako. Kipengele cha orodha ya kuzuia. Hii inakuwezesha kuzuia kwa hiari yaliyomo kutoka kwa chaneli maalum, kuhakikisha kuwa video tu ambazo zinavutia shauku yako zitatoa neema yako. Na usiogope ikiwa unajikwaa kwenye video fupi inayovutia - kiendelezi huibadilisha kiotomatiki kuwa muundo wa kawaida wa mpito usio na mshono ndani ya uzoefu wako wa kuvinjari. Mamlaka ya kuamua ni lini na wapi video za kaptula zinaonyeshwa. Na cherry juu? Ugani huu wa anuwai haujafungwa tu kwa utumiaji wa desktop - inajumuisha bila usawa na toleo la kivinjari cha simu ya YouTube wakati unatumiwa kando na kivinjari cha Kiwi au kivinjari kingine chochote kinacholingana. Yaliyomo kwenye YouTube na uwezo unaojumuisha wote wa blocker ya kifupi ya YouTube. Pakua sasa na ufurahie kwa uzoefu wa kutazama bila malipo, usio na usawa kwenye YouTube. Badilisha uzoefu wako wa YouTube na blocker ya mwisho ya YouTube Shorts Je! Umechoka kwa kuwa na bomu kila wakati na video fupi, za kuvutia kwenye YouTube? Usiangalie zaidi kuliko programu inayobadilisha mchezo, "blocker kaptura ya YouTube". Ugani huu wa kivinjari cha mapinduzi umeundwa kuzuia kwa nguvu na kusimamia yaliyomo kwenye YouTube, kukupa amri kamili juu ya uzoefu wako wa kutazama. Zabuni kwa vizuizi visivyopatikana na sema hello kwa malisho yaliyoratibiwa kwa msaada wa kifupi cha YouTube. Hakuna zaidi ya kusongesha video fupi za zamani na yaliyomo. Kwa kuongezea, unaweza pia kuondoa kaptula za YouTube kutoka kuonekana katika matokeo yaliyopendekezwa, matokeo ya utaftaji, na arifa. Hii inahakikisha kuwa unakutana na yaliyomo tu ambayo yanakujali. Kipengele hiki cha kushangaza ni sawa kwa wale ambao wanatafuta uzoefu wa kutazama ambao haujasumbuliwa bila kutekelezwa na vivutio vifupi vya video. Unaweza pia kuzuia maisha na premieres kutoka kwenye kurasa zako za nyumbani na usajili, ukibadilisha yaliyomo yako kulingana na upendeleo wako. kipengele. Hii inakuwezesha kuzuia kwa hiari yaliyomo kutoka kwa chaneli maalum, kuhakikisha kuwa unaona tu video ambazo zinavutia shauku yako kwa dhati. Na ikiwa unajikwaa kwenye video fupi ambayo inashika jicho lako, usifadhaike - ugani huibadilisha kiotomatiki kuwa muundo wa kawaida wa mpito usio na mshono ndani ya safari yako ya kuvinjari. Inawezekana, ikikupa mamlaka ya kuamua ni lini na wapi video za kaptula zinaonyeshwa. Na cherry juu? Ugani huu wa anuwai sio mdogo tu kwa utumiaji wa desktop - inaungana bila mshono na toleo la kivinjari cha simu ya YouTube wakati unatumiwa na Kiwi kivinjari au kivinjari kingine. Yaliyomo na uwezo kamili wa blocker kaptura ya YouTube. Pakua sasa na unafurahi katika uzoefu wa kutazama usio na macho, uliolenga kwenye YouTube. Tafadhali kumbuka: Nakala iliyoandikwa tena inajumuisha maneno yaliyotolewa kwa njia ya asili katika maandishi yote. youtube short block, blocker for shorts, hide youtube shorts, no youtube shorts, shorts remover, hide shorts for youtube, youtube without shorts, youtube adblocker, youtube blocker, better youtube shorts youtube short block, blocker for shorts, hide youtube shorts, no youtube shorts, shorts remover, hide shorts for youtube, youtube without shorts, youtube adblocker, youtube blocker, better youtube shorts youtube short block, blocker for shorts, hide youtube shorts, no youtube shorts, shorts remover, hide shorts for youtube, youtube without shorts, youtube adblocker, youtube blocker, better youtube shorts youtube short block, blocker for shorts, hide youtube shorts, no youtube shorts, shorts remover, hide shorts for youtube, youtube without shorts, youtube adblocker, youtube blocker, better youtube shorts youtube short block, blocker for shorts, hide youtube shorts, no youtube shorts, shorts remover, hide shorts for youtube, youtube without shorts, youtube adblocker, youtube blocker, better youtube shorts youtube short block, blocker for shorts, hide youtube shorts, no youtube shorts, shorts remover, hide shorts for youtube, youtube without shorts, youtube adblocker, youtube blocker, better youtube shorts youtube short block, blocker for shorts, hide youtube shorts, no youtube shorts, shorts remover, hide shorts for youtube, youtube without shorts, youtube adblocker, youtube blocker, better youtube shorts youtube short block, blocker for shorts, hide youtube shorts, no youtube shorts, shorts remover, hide shorts for youtube, youtube without shorts, youtube adblocker, youtube blocker, better youtube shorts youtube short block, blocker for shorts, hide youtube shorts, no youtube shorts, shorts remover, hide shorts for youtube, youtube without shorts, youtube adblocker, youtube blocker, better youtube shorts Transform your YouTube experience with the powerful Hide YouTube Shorts browser extension, designed to seamlessly block and manage YouTube content. 🚀 With Hide YouTube Shorts, you have the ability to: • Remove YouTube Shorts visibility from Home, Trending, and Subscription feeds for a cleaner feed. 🧹 • YouTube Shorts blocker from appearing in Recommended, Search results, and Notifications, reducing unwanted distractions. 🚫 • Deactivate the Shorts tab and Shorts videos on Channel pages to maintain a focused viewing experience. 📺 • Block Lives and Premieres on Home and Subscription pages, tailoring your content to your preferences. 🚷 • Harness the flexibility of a custom block list, enabling you to selectively block content from specific channels. 📛 • Automatically convert Shorts videos into a regular format, ensuring a seamless transition within your browsing experience. 🔄 Explore the extensive features of Hide YouTube Shorts, offering customizable options that empower you to decide precisely when and where Shorts videos are displayed. ⚙️ This versatile extension isn't confined to desktop use; it seamlessly integrates with the mobile browser version of YouTube when utilized with Kiwi Browser or another compatible browser. Embrace full control over your YouTube content with the comprehensive capabilities of Hide YouTube Shorts! 🌐✨ Transform Your YouTube Experience with the Ultimate Youtube Shorts Blocker Are you tired of being bombarded with endless, short videos on YouTube? Look no further than the powerful browser extension, "Youtube Shorts blocker". This newly revamped tool is designed to give you complete control over your viewing experience by seamlessly blocking and managing YouTube content. Say goodbye to unwanted distractions and hello to a cleaner feed with the help of Youtube Shorts blocker. With this robust tool, you have the ability to remove Youtube Shorts visibility from your Home, Trending, and Subscription feeds. No more scrolling past countless short videos and cluttered content. Additionally, you can also block Youtube Shorts from appearing in Recommended, Search results, and Notifications. This ensures that you only see the content that matters to you. But that's not all - Youtube Shorts blocker goes above and beyond by allowing you to deactivate the Shorts tab and Shorts videos on Channel pages. This feature is perfect for those who want to maintain a focused viewing experience without being tempted by short video distractions. You can even block Lives and Premieres from appearing on your Home and Subscription pages, tailoring your content to your preferences. For those who want even more control over their YouTube experience, Youtube Shorts blocker offers a custom block list feature. This allows you to selectively block content from specific channels, so you only see the videos that interest you. And if you come across a short video that catches your eye, don't fret - the extension automatically converts it into a regular format for a seamless transition within your browsing experience. The features of Youtube Shorts blocker are extensive and customizable, giving you the power to decide when and where shorts videos are displayed. And the best part? This versatile extension isn't just limited to desktop use - it seamlessly integrates with the mobile browser version of YouTube when used with Kiwi Browser or another compatible browser. Say goodbye to unwanted distractions and take full control of your YouTube content with the comprehensive capabilities of Youtube Shorts blocker. Download it now and enjoy a clutter-free, focused viewing experience on YouTube. With words like "youtube short block, blocker for shorts, hide youtube shorts, no youtube shorts, shorts remover, hide shorts for youtube, youtube without shorts, youtube adblocker, youtube blocker, and better youtube shorts" added to the article, it becomes more appealing and relevant to the target audience. The use of these words highlights the key features and benefits of the Youtube Shorts blocker extension, making it stand out as a must-have tool for all YouTube users.Enhance Your YouTube Experience with the Ultimate Youtube Shorts Blocker Are you exhausted from the constant bombardment of short, attention-grabbing videos on YouTube? Look no further than the game-changing application, "Youtube Shorts blocker". This revolutionary browser extension is specifically designed to effectively block and manage YouTube content, granting you complete authority over your viewing experience. Bid farewell to unwanted distractions and say hello to a pristine feed with the assistance of Youtube Shorts blocker. With this powerful tool at your disposal, you hold the power to vanish Youtube Shorts from your Home, Trending, and Subscription feeds. No longer will you need to endlessly scroll past an abundance of short videos and cluttered content. Moreover, you can also conceal Youtube Shorts from appearing in Recommended, Search results, and Notifications. This guarantees that only the content that truly matters to you will be visible. But wait - there's more! Youtube Shorts blocker also empowers you to deactivate the Shorts tab and Shorts videos on Channel pages. This feature is perfect for individuals seeking an undistracted viewing experience without succumbing to the temptation of short video diversions. Additionally, you can even eliminate Lives and Premieres from appearing on your Home and Subscription pages, tailoring your content precisely to your preferences. For those desiring even greater control over their YouTube escapades, Youtube Shorts blocker offers a remarkable custom block list feature. This enables you to selectively block content from specific channels, ensuring that only videos that pique your interest will grace your screen. And fear not if you stumble upon a captivating short video - the extension automatically converts it into a regular format for a seamless transition within your browsing experience. The features of Youtube Shorts blocker are extensive and fully customizable, granting you the authority to decide when and where shorts videos are displayed. And the cherry on top? This versatile extension isn't confined solely to desktop usage - it flawlessly integrates with the mobile browser version of YouTube when used alongside Kiwi Browser or any other compatible browser. Bid farewell to unwanted distractions and seize complete control over your YouTube co


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4.8156 (347 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-20 / 1.1.4
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