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Rogue One - Star Wars New Tab Wallpapers & Games, Changes your new tab to a beautiful rogue one - star wars new tab wallpapers.
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Install rogue one - star wars HD images new tab theme and enjoy incredible images of rogue one - star wars in action.
By installing this extension you will replace your default new tab.
This tab was made by fans and is not officially endorsed by or has any relationship with another entity.
It comes packed with some awesome features that will improve your new tab experience like:
★ 100+ action-packed shooters, adrenaline-fueled racing games, head-scratching puzzlers, and more.
★ High quality rogue one - star wars images with every new tab.
★ Screensaver mode or rogue one - star wars trending images.
★ Date and time.
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Latest reviews
- (2020-07-23) blade sartorelli: pretty awesome its the third one ive used from you guys and they are all very cool perhaps moving the search bar so that it doesnt take up the main area of the picture could be an improvement or resizing the image