extension ExtPose

Cheap Cars For Sale (delisted)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Find the cheapest cars for sale in USA. Find cars priced for less than $500, $1000, $2000 and $5000 mostly.

Image from store Cheap Cars For Sale
Description from store If you are wondering where you can find or buy dirt cheap used cars priced for $500, $1000, $2000, $5000 or less, this app will take you to Autopten, a car search engine specially made to help people with low budget to find the most affordable cars for sale in United States USA by owners, dealers and auctions. Try our Chrome Extension which works better as a searcher in your browser without opening the site, find it at: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cheap-used-cars-finder/fcdppepokjggadoccaljepikhbkjdbga You can also download our Android App from: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.autopten.cheapcarsforsale Our Chrome extension is part of Autopten.com. If you are searching for used cars priced for $500, $1000, $2000 or less than $5000, our Chrome extension may be helpful for you. This extension is very EASY to use. Just select your favorite auto brand and the state where you live, push the SEARCH button, and it will show the cars found on our database, plus some other offered at auction. These vehicles are sorted by lowest price. We also promotes these vehicles on our social pages: Facebook - http://facebook.com/cheapcarsunder1000 Facebook - http://facebook.com/cheapcarsforsale Google+ - http://plus.google.com/+Autopten Twitter - http://twitter.com/Autopten Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/Autopten Flickr - https://flickr.com/photos/Autopten RebelMouse - https://rebelmouse.com/Autopten Youtube - http://youtube.com/Autop10 Join us at http://www.autopten.com/ and get the best deals first!


604 history
3.9231 (13 votes)
Last update / version
2015-05-15 / 1.0.2
Listing languages
