extension ExtPose

Ask Your Bookmarks

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Description from extension meta

Simple and Smart Bookmark Manager. Great AI-powered search capability, find the bookmark you want through fuzzy descriptions.

Image from store Ask Your Bookmarks
Description from store In the vast ocean of the internet, everyone accumulates hundreds, if not thousands, of webpages worth bookmarking. However, as these collections grow, retrieving those once-valued pieces of information becomes increasingly challenging. Google Chrome’s default bookmarking feature, while serviceable, falls short when it comes to managing a large volume of bookmarks. The interface is unfriendly, operations are cumbersome, and looking for old bookmarks can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Besides, who can remember the titles of webpages bookmarked years ago? We’ve developed a solution to this problem — a special Chrome extension that employs AI technology to understand your vague descriptions of webpage content, quickly helping you find the bookmarks you want. No matter how little you remember, just a simple input allows the extension to precisely match your search, bringing those old bookmarks back to light. **Key Features:** - **Smart Search**: Quickly find targeted bookmarks based on vague descriptions of content. - **Personalized Learning**: As you use it more, the extension learns your browsing habits, prioritizing frequently visited webpages on your homepage. - **User-Friendly**: A simplified user interface makes managing bookmarks easy and enjoyable. - **Automatic Organization**: Leveraging AI technology to categorize your bookmarks automatically and clean up dead links, keeping your bookmark collection tidy and organized. (In development) Why should you install this extension? Because it’s not just a tool; it’s a powerful assistant for navigating the internet and managing information. Whether you need to organize a vast array of learning resources or efficiently manage daily browsing content, this extension enhances your browser experience. Install now to make your bookmark management smarter. ---- 在浩瀚如海的互联网世界,每个人都有那么几百上千个值得收藏的网页。但随着收藏的不断积累,找回那些曾经觉得珍贵的信息变得越来越困难。谷歌浏览器的默认收藏夹功能,虽然基本满足需要,但在管理大量书签时显得力不从心。界面不友好,操作繁琐,寻找旧书签就像在针堆里找针。而且,谁能记得几年前收藏的网页标题呢? 我们为此带来了解决方案 —— 一个特别的Chrome插件,它采用AI技术,能够理解您对网页内容的模糊描述,并快速帮您找到想要的书签。无论您记得的信息多么少,只要简单输入,插件就能精准匹配,让那些旧书签重见天日。 **主要特点:** - **智能搜索**:基于内容的模糊描述快速找到目标书签。 - **个性化学习**:随着使用时间增长,插件会学习您的浏览习惯,在主页让常用的网页优先显示。 - **用户友好**:简化的用户界面,让管理书签变得轻松愉快。 - **自动整理**:借助AI技术,自动为您的收藏分类,清理无效链接,让收藏夹保持整洁有序。(开发中) 为什么您应该安装这款插件?因为它不仅仅是一个工具,而是您浏览互联网、管理信息的得力助手。无论您是需要整理大量学习资源,还是希望高效管理日常浏览的内容,这款插件都能增强您的浏览器使用体验。 立即安装,让您的书签管理更加智能。


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Last update / version
2024-05-06 / 0.9.5
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