Doživite tuje jezikovne videoposnetke v svojem maternem jeziku na YouTubeu
Premagajte jezikovno oviro s "AI Voice Over for YouTube" in si odprite vsebine iz videoposnetkov v 57 jezikih!
Z našo tehnologijo podprto z umetno inteligenco se govorjeni vsebini, idealno predavanja, dokumentarci, vadnice, predavanja ali informativni oddaji, prevede in izvirni zvok prevede v vaš jezik.
Razširite svoje znanje in odkrijte vsebine iz držav in regij, katerih jeziki vam niso znani. Naš dodatek podprt z umetno inteligenco je tu, da obogati vašo izkušnjo na YouTube-u.
Prenesite naš dodatek in brezplačno raziskujte TED pogovore v jezikih, ki jih enostavno razumete ali želite poslušati.
Da odklenete vse videoposnetke YouTube za prevod, lahko kupite žetone prek naročnine. Te žetone lahko nato uporabite glede na računski trud, potreben za videoposnetek. Za 4 evre se mesečno podeli 120 žetonov, kar ustreza trajanju prevoda približno 2 - 2 1/2 ure.
Hvala, ker uporabljate "AI Voice Over for YouTube"!
Cenimo vaše izkušnje in pozdravljamo vaše povratne informacije, da nenehno izboljšujemo naše orodje. Delite svoje misli z nami in bodite del naše poti k boljši jezikovni dostopnosti na YouTube-u.
E-pošta: [email protected]
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Experience YouTube videos in foreign languages in your native language. Overcome the language barrier with "AI Voice Over for YouTube" and unlock content from videos in 57 languages!
With our AI-powered voice-over technology, spoken content from lectures, documentaries, tutorials, lectures, or news broadcasts is translated and the original audio is dubbed in your language.
Expand your knowledge and discover content from countries and regions whose languages are foreign to you. Our AI-based add-on is here to enrich your YouTube experience.
Download our add-on and explore TED Talks in languages you understand effortlessly or want to hear for free.
To unlock translation for all YouTube videos, you can purchase tokens through a subscription. These tokens can then be used according to the computational cost of a video. For 4 euros, 120 tokens are credited monthly, which corresponds to a translation duration of about 2 - 2 1/2 hours.
Thank you for using "AI Voice Over for YouTube"!
We value your experience and welcome your feedback to continuously improve our tool. Share your thoughts with us and be part of our journey towards better language accessibility on YouTube.
Email: [email protected]