Delete anything on a website with a click.
DOM Destroyer empowers you to remove anything that annoys you from a web page by just clicking on it. Get rid of newsletter popups, content-hiding overlays, and all kinds of other noisy clutter!
Note that this extension only temporarily hides elements from your view -- to get them back, just refresh the page.
Latest reviews
- (2023-06-15) Jayden Wang (梁珏): Best app more people should use it.
- (2021-09-03) Smabin: it dosent open
- (2021-03-27) deleting ads is satisfying
- (2019-10-09) low polly: faster than using the inspector
- (2018-10-29) Jason %: Can't turn it off. One you turn it on, elements turn red. Great!-Love that. But once you're done removing your elements, there's no way to turn it off. If you hit escape, elements no longer turn red, so it ~looks~ like it's off, but once you left-click anywhere on the screen, those elements will be removed as well.
- (2018-06-27) registrierungs genervter: Der eigentliche Element-Entfernungs-Modus klappt spitze. Aber leider entfernt es auch nach dem Drücken der Taste 'esc' noch Elemente. Somit leider unbrauchbar. Auch wäre es praktischer, wenn man den Button einfach anklickt, dann ändert Der sein Symbol, dann macht mann die Änderung, und wenn man fertig ist einfach den Button nochmal drücken. Hack The Web für Firefox hat das so gemacht.
- (2018-05-28) Shady: its wierd but cool
- (2018-05-20) Fariel Foufou: goode
- (2016-12-05) Fusuke minagi: Useful at times but when you click to destroy icons, it opens the website so its a little annoying.
- (2015-09-12) julian keppel: Das einzige Tool was ohne Probleme so funktioniert wie es soll.
- (2014-07-30) bram geyzen: good