A Chrome plugin for developers, testers & POs. Streamline workflow, format JSON, pick colors, add random images & generate fake data
Data Ninja is a versatile developer toolbox plugin designed to streamline various tasks for programmers, Product Owners (POs), and Quality Assurance (QAs) professionals. Whether you're in need of generating fake data, formatting JSON, encoding and decoding, or even picking colors, Data Ninja has got you covered.
🚀 Generate various types of fake data including:
⭐️ Names
⭐️ Phone (US/BR)
⭐️ Cellphone (US/BR)
⭐️ CPF (Brazilian Individual Taxpayer Registry)
⭐️ SSN (Social Security Number)
⭐️ CNPJ (Brazilian National Registry of Legal Entities)
⭐️ Email
⭐️ Passport numbers (US/BR)
⭐️ CNH (BR)
⭐️ RG (BR)
⭐️ Companies
⭐️ Passwords
⭐️ Websites
⭐️ Credit card numbers
⭐️ Dates
⭐️ CSR (Certificate Signing Request)
⭐️ UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)
⭐️ ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier)
⭐️ LorenIpsum
🚀 Image Generator
⭐️ Create random images of people for testing purposes.
🚀 JSON Formatter
⭐️ Format JSON data for better readability and organization.
🚀 Encode and Decode
⭐️ Encode and decode data in various formats such as Base64, SHA1, SHA2, etc.
🚀 Color Picker
⭐️ Easily pick colors using a convenient color picker tool.
🚀 ASCII Table
⭐️ View an ASCII table for reference or debugging purposes.
🚀 REGEX Builder
⭐️ Build regular expressions effortlessly with the REGEX builder tool.
Made with ❤️ by
Fernando França & Karla França