Odtwarzacz wideo z listy odtwarzania i galerii. Obsługuje Chromecast!
Simple and convenient offline-enabled video player. It turns your video playlist into awesome YouTube-like gallery.
Interface is optimized for kids! All controls are easy and natural so your child will not get stuck. The app will continuously play all videos from your playlist and may not require any attention. Just load your device with favorite cartoons and movies and take it anywhere you go.
Experiencing lack of space on your device? Upload your video files to the Google Drive cloud storage and watch them seamlessly anywhere you have hi-speed internet.
Supported video formats are identical to the default Chromebook video player. Below file extensions may be opened: 3gp, 3gpp, avi, flv, m4v, mkv, mov, mp4, mpeg, mpeg4, ogg, ogv, webm and wmv *
* IMPORTANT: Video and audio is decoded by Google Chrome. If you are experiencing issues with your video or sound - your file format is not supported by Google yet and no app can play it. Convert your videos to WEBM format to have 100% compatibility with Chrome.