Input color names and get their RGB codes & default Codes.
Our "Color Picker for PC, Windows and Mac": Easily obtain Hex or RGB color codes with this simple, easy-to-use extension. Choose your colors effortlessly and enjoy the convenience of collecting codes instantly. Perfect for designers and developers seeking efficient color selection on their desktop.
✅ This is my extension features:
1) Default Colour: Here you can easily choose a color and obtain its Hex color code.
2) RGB Colour: You can select RGB Color here and collect the RGB Color code from here.
3) Easy To use
4) Simple Extension
✅ How To Use Color Picker on PC?
Step 1: Start by adding this extension to your Chrome browser by clicking "Add to Chrome."
Step 2: Next, click on the Extension icon.
Step 3: You will see here
In the first tab, you can easily choose a color and obtain its Hex color code. In the second tab, You can select RGB Color here and collect the RGB Color code from here.
Step 4: Enjoy a safer browsing experience!
✅ Disclaimer:
Please note that "Color Picker for PC, Windows, and Mac" Chrome Extension is an independent product and is not associated, affiliated, or endorsed by the Color Picker Android app or its developers. We respect intellectual property rights and make no claim to any copyrights associated with the Color Picker Android app.