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Tutorials on unlocking skins are shown here. You can discuss in the comments which skins you like best.
There are also wars between different skin types. For example, a green-purple (4chan) skin will almost always try to kill a Reddit skin. Just a little tip ;) is about game tactics, tips & tricks. This helps you to get started in the game, but also how to advance, kill others, grow, hunt, and increase your rank. Maybe at last, you will get to the leaderboard? Who knows, it’s up to you. But the guides in this category will greatly help you. In the comments you can discuss tactics with the fellow readers, and tell them which worked best for you. The tactics are written by people who are very good at the game, so don’t worry!
This Website is about private servers and their development. Coders will need to write their own server software for servers to create their own private servers. How this is all done, how you can join private servers, what the disadvantages and advantages are and the different gamemodes this has to offer, you can or will be able to read in this category, so stay tuned!
In this category, clones of the game are shown. Much like with, clones will start to show up. Are they better, or worse? You will read it here. You can also read a little bit about the source code here, and maybe you will be able to make your own modifications or clones of!
If you are feeling a little bit mean, you can choose to take the unfair path and choose to modify your game with hacks or advantages. This way, it is easier for you to win, at the cost of other players! No need to have skill, you just install hacks and voila! Easier to see players for example, by zooming out. This way, you see them earlier than they see you, and this gives you an advantage.
If you are looking for modifications of the game, which aid you in playing, but do not give you an unfair advantage, you can check out this category. Here are things such as graphics quality mods, connect with friends mods and background changers and more skins. Without giving you an unfair advantage, they are nice modifications to the game, so check it out!
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