Remove nude images from websites for safe browsing
Remove nude images from webpages filtering only safe ones.
Protect yourself and your close people from abusive content, make your workplace safe.
Nude2ban uses a deep neural network AI model to detect explicit content in pictures. All detection happens locally in your browser - so the extension works even if you are offline and you open saved webpages. We respect your privacy - no web browsing data is collected.
How to use Nude2ban?
1. Install the extension
2. (optional) As by default extensions are turned off in incognito mode, you can open your extensions (chrome://extensions/), select Nude2ban and in "Details" turn on "Allow in incognito"
For some websites with many pictures/photos (e.g. photo banks) inference takes some time. You can turn off the filter in the extension popup during the session with such a website if you are sure that there is no offensive content. The filter is applied on the page reload.
Also you can have a list of safe websites which Nude2ban doesn't apply filtering to. Just open the extension when browsing such a website and add it to the list by toggling the switch.