A hodgepodge of homemade browser features and omnibox commands.
Jam for Chrome is a hodgepodge collection of homemade browser features for chrome. Most of the features are omnibox commands. Check options screen for full list of features.
# Omnibox commands:
jam help — Opens options.
jam bookmark in [folder] — Bookmark highlighted tabs into a folder by name without having to search for it—case sensitive!
jam cached — Open a cached version of a webpage (Wayback Machine).
jam extract [keyword] — Extract ALL matching tabs into a new window.
jam find [keyword] — Switches to tab that contains the keyword.
jam magnet [keyword] — Bring ALL matching tabs into the current window.
jam manage [folder] — Open bookmark manager to matching folder name(s).
jam move window to [pc] — Move tabs in current window to a target PC.
jam note [text] — Adds a floating note on the screen (for printing only, not saved).
jam pack — Bookmarks entire window to a new folder and closes the window.
jam pop — Move highlighted tabs to their own window.
jam select all — Selects all the tabs in the current window.
jam sort — Sorts tabs by URL in current window.
jam to [pc] — Move selected tabs to the target PC.
# Other Features
## Move Bookmark Position
Saving a bookmark with a title such as 'My favorite cat website index:0' this will move the bookmark to the desired position. Index:0 means at the top of the chosen folder.
## Send tab to another PC
Saving a bookmark as "TO [PCNAME]" will pop open the bookmark on the target PC and destroy the bookmark.
## Folder~
Saving a folder as "Name~" with a tilde at the end will merge the folder into another with the same name (if it exists.)
## Folder\Folder
Saving bookmark folder as "Name\Name" with a backslash in the middle will relocate the bookmark the to desired folder structure. E.g. Cats\Grumpy will put Grumpy inside of Cats.
More information may be on the options page. Please note the options page loads some very non-intrusive ads in the side bar to help you support this extension. Donations of any size are helpful and welcome! Thank you!