Fixes help pane in some Business Central versions by adjusting .spa-container style.
This extension fixes the help pane issue in certain versions of Microsoft Business Central, both on-premises and SaaS. It targets .spa-container elements to apply position: relative, resolving problems introduced by recent Chromium updates that affect the rendering of the help pane.
Key features:
Automatically adjusts styles for .spa-container to fix the broken help pane in supported versions.
By default, it works on Business Central versions which do not have a position style set for .spa-container class, including BC25 preview.
Skips applying changes to elements with the ID #spacontainer to prevent unintended modifications.
Detects if the page in the tab is a Business Central page by matching title and common css file.
This extension is free to use and developed independently to assist organizations using Microsoft Business Central.
Install the extension.
Works automatically on supported pages.