Quickly navigate to Capsule CRM records.
Tired of endlessly searching for Capsule CRM records while debugging your automations?
Capsule CRM Shortcuts is your time-saving solution.
No more fumbling with URLs or manual searches. Simply enter an ID, select the record type, and instantly access the exact Capsule CRM record you need.
✅ Streamline your workflow
✅ Eliminate frustrating searches
✅ Debug faster, more efficiently
Perfect for no-code automation experts and Capsule CRM power users.
🔧 How it works:
1. Set your domain in the "Settings"
2. Click the extension icon
3. Enter the record ID
4. Choose the record type (Party, Opportunity, etc.)
5. Click to open the precise record in a new tab
🚀 Benefits that will transform your workday:
✅ Save precious time
✅ Reduce tab clutter
✅ Increase productivity
✅ Minimize errors
✅ Impress clients with lightning-fast problem-solving
👋 Say goodbye to:
✅ Memorizing complex URL structures
✅ Copy-pasting IDs into the right place
✅ Endless searching by name or email
✅ Second-guessing if you've found the correct record
Capsule CRM Shortcuts empowers you to focus on what matters: creating seamless automations and delivering exceptional results for your clients.
Don't let record searches slow you down. Install Capsule CRM Shortcuts today and experience the power of instant access to your critical CRM data.
Optimize your workflow. Amplify your efficiency. Unlock your full potential as a no-code automation expert.
Capsule CRM Shortcuts: Because every second counts when you're building the future of business automation.
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Last update / version
2024-10-24 / 1.0
Listing languages