extension ExtPose

Manuals Explorer

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Access a vast collection of manuals across various categories like mobile phones, printers, photo cameras, etc. with a single click.

Image from store Manuals Explorer
Description from store Access a vast collection of user guides across various categories like mobile phones, printers, photo cameras, etc. from the browser toolbar. Effortlessly search using the product or brand name and download them in PDF format for offline access. How to use the extension: - Search for any guide by brand or product. - Click on the Manual you wish to read. - Save, Print, or Download them with a simple click! Permission: Read and modify your data on manualsexplorer.co: This permission is required to make calls to our API via our domain to provide you with the communicated functionality. Want to share feedback? Please fill out this form and help us improve the product for you: https://manualsexplorer.co/contactus You can uninstall this product at any time. Please follow the instructions here: https://www.manualsexplorer.co/uninstall By clicking the button above, I consent to install this Chrome™ extension and abide by its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Chrome is a trademark of Google LLC. Use of it here does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by Google LLC. Companies, product and service names, brands, logos or images mentioned here are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Use of them here does not imply any endorsement by or affiliation with their respective holders. Privacy Policy: https://manualsexplorer.co/privacypolicy Terms of Service: https://manualsexplorer.co/termsofservice


28 history
0.0 (0 votes)
Last update / version
2024-10-23 /
Listing languages
