Atlas is your AI web reader.
Atlas helps to enrich your understanding of complex content, helping you navigate long articles, reports and videos with ease.
Chat with any article easily: Ask ChatGPT questions directly on the side panel. Get answers and be informed without leaving the page.
Chat across multiple tabs: ChatGPT reads and answers questions from multiple tabs at once. Stay on top of everything effortlessly.
Get follow-up question recommendations: Receive smart questions to dive deeper into the content. Always know the right questions to ask.
Visualize content with a knowledge map: Distill the big picture into visual maps of key points. Grasp complex ideas at a glance.
Zoom into specific perspectives: Analyze with maps like argument structure or causal explanation. Understand every angle thoroughly.
Use Atlas across platforms: Atlas works on websites, PDFs, Google Docs, and even YouTube videos. Stay informed no matter the source.
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