모든 웹사이트에 다크 모드를 적용합니다. 밤이나 일상적인 웹 브라우징을 할 때 어두운 테마를 사용하여 눈을 보호하십시오.
This extension will automatically create a dark theme for any website without manual adjustments. You can customize the brightness, contrast, and sepia levels, and apply it to either all websites or only selected ones. Additionally, it supports automatic switching between dark mode and light mode based on the time of day.
Main features:
-Automatically generates a dark theme for websites
-Automatically switches themes based on time of day
-Choose specific websites to apply dark mode
-Adjust brightness, contrast, and sepia (ideal for nighttime or reading mode)
You might notice news updates about DarkThemer in the settings popup. Developer Tools are also available for advanced users.
DarkThemer is ad-free and respects your privacy, with no data collection or user login required.