A Chrome extension that provides multiple reading styles for eye protection
Reader Style是一款专注于提供舒适阅读体验的Chrome扩展程序。它提供10种精心设计的护眼主题,包括浅色、暖色、深色等多种模式,满足不同场景下的阅读需求。
Reader Style is a Chrome extension focused on providing a comfortable reading experience. It offers 10 carefully designed eye-protection themes, including light, warm, and dark modes, to meet different reading scenarios.
• 10种精心设计的护眼主题
• 实时切换,即时生效
• 平滑的过渡动画效果
• 自动保存个人偏好设置
• 优化的文字对比度
• 科学的护眼配色方案
Key Features:
• 10 carefully designed eye-protection themes
• Real-time theme switching
• Smooth transition animations
• Auto-save personal preferences
• Optimized text contrast
• Scientific color schemes for eye protection
1. 浅色护眼模式:经典舒适
2. 暖色护眼模式:减少蓝光
3. 深色护眼模式:夜间阅读
4. 绿色护眼模式:自然舒适
5. 蓝调护眼模式:清爽冷静
6. 咖啡色调模式:复古文艺
7. 日落暖橙模式:温暖舒适
8. 深夜模式:超低亮度
9. 纸张色调模式:仿真纸质
10. 薄荷清新模式:清新自然
Theme Types:
1. Light Mode: Classic & Comfortable
2. Warm Mode: Blue Light Reduction
3. Dark Mode: Night Reading
4. Green Mode: Natural & Comfortable
5. Blue Mode: Fresh & Calm
6. Coffee Mode: Vintage & Artistic
7. Sunset Orange Mode: Warm & Cozy
8. Night Mode: Ultra-low Brightness
9. Paper Mode: Paper-like Reading
10. Mint Mode: Fresh & Natural