Ukrainian Phonetic keyboard layout for Chrome OS with custom key mappings. Custom mappings and auto context refresh.
The Ukrainian Phonetic keyboard chrome extension allows chrome OS users to type using the Ukrainian phonetic layout.
To make use of this extension follow these instructions:
1. Install the GSCS Ukrainian Phonetic Keyboard chrome extension
2. Ensure that the extension is enabled in your browser toolbar
3. Access your chrome settings by clicking the three dots on the upper-right side of your screen
4. Click "Languages" in the settings side menu
5. Click "Manage languages in Chrome OS settings"
6. Click "Device" in the settings pop-up
7. Click "Keyboards and inputs" on the Device page
8. Click "Input settings" on the Keyboards and inputs page
9. Click "Add input methods" on the input settings page
10. Search for Ukrainian Phonetic and select this input method
Once fulfilling these setup steps, you should be able to see the keyboard language input exist in your taskbar language list.