# 中文介绍
## 这是什么?
## 为什么需要它?
- 📚 **阅读长文更轻松**:面对长篇文章时,大纲能帮你快速了解文章结构,抓住重点
- 🎯 **快速定位目标内容**:不用再在长页面中来回滚动寻找,一键跳转到目标位置
- 📱 **提升浏览体验**:简洁优雅的界面设计,不影响正常阅读,需要时一键唤出
- 🎨 **美观且实用**:现代化的界面设计,流畅的动画效果,让浏览更加愉悦
## 主要特性
- ✨ 一键查看页面结构
- 🔍 智能识别页面标题
- 📑 清晰的层级展示
- 🚀 平滑滚动定位
- 🎯 快速导航跳转
- 🌈 优雅的动画效果
# English Description
## What is this?
This is a browser extension that helps you quickly browse and navigate web content. It automatically analyzes page structure, generates a clear outline directory, helping you grasp the overall structure and quickly locate content of interest.
## Why do you need it?
- 📚 **Easier Reading**: When facing long articles, the outline helps you quickly understand the structure and grasp key points
- 🎯 **Quick Navigation**: No more scrolling up and down looking for content, just one click to jump to your target
- 📱 **Enhanced Browsing**: Clean and elegant interface that doesn't interfere with normal reading, available with just one click
- 🎨 **Beautiful & Practical**: Modern interface design with smooth animations for a more pleasant browsing experience
## Key Features
- ✨ One-click page structure view
- 🔍 Smart heading recognition
- 📑 Clear hierarchy display
- 🚀 Smooth scroll positioning
- 🎯 Quick navigation
- 🌈 Elegant animations