Browser extension that simplifies the Prosperous Universe interface and adds useful features
Prosperous Universe is a great game, but there are some missing features and annoyances that we would like to fix. Refined PrUn adds 70+ features and 28 new game commands.
- XIT BURN: Shows the number of days of consumables left
- XIT CXTS: Commodity Exchange Trades
- XIT CONTC: Pending Contract Conditions
- XIT FINBS: Balance Statement
- SHPT and BLCK icons display a destination label
- CONTD partner search results are shown above the search bar
- FINLA shows additional columns for liquid assets, like deposits
- LM BUYING/SELLING ads are highlighted green/red
- CAT material sorting is enhanced for consumables and prefabs, and SHPT is now always last
- Ships display condition in FLT
- And many more!