extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Fluany is a flashcards platform that helps you memorize and study anything. Quickly and easily while you do your work.

Image from store fluany
Description from store Fluany is a flashcards platform to memorize and study anything, fast and easy while you're surfing the Internet. With our extension, you have an incredible tool to improve your learning and consolidate your knowledge quickly and efficiently. With a minimalist and easy-to-use interface, fluany displays your flashcards in a New Tab, making your study more dynamic and interactive. You can learn a lot while you work, or spend hours on social networks. Create your study lists, customize, add questions, terms or expressions you want to memorize, choosing the interval at which a question/term should appear for you. Friendly and intuitive interface. Start practicing in a few clicks. Your time is precious and with fluany, you can study while you work, talk with your friends or even watching videos. The fluany enters into your routine forcing your mind to learn. Join over 100K students using https://fluany.com

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-30) Cesar Emilio Ruiz Rios: older version was so much better
  • (2022-06-08) Noé Ismet: Yes, it's a very useful extension, I like it a lot. I would love to see more features though, such as combining decks, and a larger interface to build/edit the decks.
  • (2022-05-21) Nayely Santamaria: Recientemente instalé esta extensión y no me carga en lo absoluto, y veo en las demás reseñas que ese problema ya viene desde antes y se ve que no hubo actualización para su mejora. Qué pena, de verdad quería probarla.
  • (2022-05-18) Maricielo Torres: la extensio al principio funcionada perfectamnet despues cada vez que queria agrgar una tarjeta se me borraba otra es y algunas preguntas no me aparecian o hasta aparecian tarjetas vacias, sinceramente esta plicacion es muy buena y no quiero dejarla. alguien conoce una estension similar a este? por favor digame
  • (2022-04-05) Jeferson Ribeiro: App muito bom, mas houve uma atualização ruim... antes havia backup. Onde os arquivos estão agora? Poderiam empacotar como um serviço, estaria disposto a pagar se houvesse algo que me permitisse ter backup notas criadas. (Não pensem em algo caro) risos. Sucesso!
  • (2022-03-28) Renzo Manuel Valencia Zapata: Modifique algunas respuestas pero no se corrigen, siguen siendo las respuestas anteriores; en ocasiones no deja responder y se lagea, intente borrarlas y reacerlas pero siguen apareciendo preguntas que ya borre antes, lo elimine y lo volvi a agregar y parece que se va bien hasta ahora ✌
  • (2022-01-14) sarita: On the live demo page link from Fluany's website there are two options "travel" or "carrer". Bad start.
  • (2021-12-03) soorajram: Good idea guys! No use though. My answer disappear in a second. If I cannot read and understand the answer, what is the use?
  • (2021-08-28) Katherine Elayne Roldán Torres: Es una buena idea de extensión, pero carga muy lento, a veces no abre, me duplica algunas flashcards, cuando elimino algunas, no las termina de eliminar y lastimosamente ahora dejó de funcionar por completo, ya no abre y es muy triste. Espero puedan arreglarlo.
  • (2021-08-25) Kevin Ortiz: A veces no me deja ingresar la respuesta o a veces no me aparece la pregunta y es molesto, por favor arreglen eso por que esta extensión me gusta y me resultaría muy útil
  • (2021-07-21) Trizia Palaco Pfuño: it is very useful for me but please, fix the problem of the bug. I cannot open the extension
  • (2021-06-28) Al: Es muy lenta y se demora cargar, llevo mas de una hora tratando de poner preguntas y respuestas y poder estudiar, es muy lenta, te borra las tarjetas... Quisiera una solucion, o actulizacion ya que necesito una extension con estas caracteristicas para poder estudiar.
  • (2021-06-13) Diana Sofia Morales: I liked the extension but, hey. Why did you quit the import and export buttons? It's not efficient at all. 13/06: It's not working! I haven't been able to practice at all.
  • (2021-06-06) Thiago: Me la instale hace unos dias , y cada vez que me hace una pregunta, no me muestra la pregunta
  • (2021-06-03) Jorge Luis: Good application but recenty have a lot of bugs, Dev update please
  • (2021-05-22) Shadow Beast93: The only problem I see is that correct answers disappear too quickly. They should stay there for 30 seconds or so.
  • (2021-05-15) Elianny Hernández: Escribo la respuestas correctas y me dice que está mal, pero la corrección es la respuesta que puse. Es un bug muy raro, espero que lo resuelvan
  • (2021-05-02) Daniel Casas Cruz: Se buguea bastante, y no puedo corregir las tarjetas que me equivoque
  • (2021-04-26) Emi Bielke: Se demora en cargar
  • (2021-04-22) Maria Fernanda: Ideia incrível, ajuda muito. A opção de importar/exportar conjuntos era muito útil
  • (2021-04-21) sundari: I made my set, but when I go back in to edit some words, and close it, my edits disappear. I can't edit anymore. How do I make them save?
  • (2021-04-03) Ortiz Rodriguez: cuando presiono enviar respuesta se queda trabado y no me deja cerrarlo :(
  • (2021-03-09) Katherine Algarín: Cuando respondo una pregunta y se supone que está bien, me sale que no lo es y tampoco lo deja borrar
  • (2021-03-04) Adamary Michelle Hernández Pineda: Hace unos días la aplicación estaba funcionando bien, pero hoy simplemente no abre en lo absoluto :c
  • (2021-03-03) Michelle Jimenez: no me funciona, yo ya hice las tarjetas para que me puedan aparecer en la pantalla peo no me aparece, pe pongo play y nada
  • (2021-01-25) EMA M.A: La instalé hace días y nada de funcionarme hasta el día de hoy, solo me aparece las tarjetas de idiomas pre-establecidos que son DE PAGO.
  • (2020-12-26) Vidya Jeyaprakash: i love it
  • (2020-11-28) 라라: muito bom, ajuda muito a memorizar. mas fica dando resposta incorreta mesmo quando esta certa, cheguei a copiar e colar a resposta e mesmo assim da errado. e como so da para reiniciar depois que termina de responder tudo, tive que fazer a lista tudo de novo, mas continuou com o mesmo problema
  • (2020-09-17) Janac Meena: It works, but there you have to create the decks yourself. There's no place to download pre-made decks.
  • (2020-09-06) Rosario González: so good app 💗
  • (2019-11-27) Pedro Henrique Melo De Sousa: Great work here guys! Only one tiny but huge sugestion I can give you is adding other types of questions, like true or false, multiple choice and stuff. If you could do so I would give 5 stars.
  • (2019-09-30) Madeline Miller: I like this extension, but my Spanish file was translating to Portuguese. I had to go in manually and change the translation to English. What made this even more tedious, everytime I went to type something into google translate, the extension tab would close. I can also no figure out what the clock poll works.Other than this it works great
  • (2019-04-02) i'm giving this 3 stars because i really love the concept, and the format is easy to use and looks nice. however it's riddled with bugs and just generally is difficult to work with, which is really unfortunate because i honestly love this a lot! it has potential so i hope they're able to fix the issues with it.
  • (2019-02-19) Celia Daly: I love the concept but not being able to import sets from other site (such a quizlet) is a major drawback. I can't use the extension because I don't have the time to retype 3 years worth of Japanese lessons. If we could import from other sources, I would give this 5 stars
  • (2019-01-26) Mar S: PLEASE GET THIS ON TO MOZILLA
  • (2018-12-14) Bruno: This is so helpful! Thanks!
  • (2018-12-03) Rap En: Really helpful idea, I like it very much. If possible I think it would be great if the window desplaying the answer could be as long as the text. Right now, the text that does not fit in is just displayed outside of it which makes it hard to read sometimes.
  • (2018-10-14) isaiah moral: This extension is amazing & was glad I found it! However it would be great if the dev team could implement these ideas: - Adjustable timer (eg); Set a timer for 1 min allowing words to pop up on any tab every minute until you pause the time, I personally find this suitable since the extension doesn't work when I'm on certain tabs & only one word per tab opens. (Definitely will change my review to 5 stars)
  • (2018-10-05) Ella Shen: It actually doubles as a test studier, so great!
  • (2018-04-02) Jeferson Ribeiro: So funciona com as questões inclusas se for criar adicionar novas etc BUGA tudo e não funciona. Uma pena a ferramenta/Ideia é fantástica.
  • (2018-03-26) The cards I create disappear the next day. No worries, there's a very helpful option to save the set, so I did. I'll just re-upload it everyday, no biggie. Then I played and didn't turn it off before turning my laptop off. I was happy to see that it still worked the next day, but then I wanted to stop it. But then my set was gone and all the defaults are back. I can't stop my from playing. I tried turning off the extension and turning it back on, but it still flashes. I'm done trying to make this work.
  • (2018-02-20) Tanuu Bojengles: I spent several hours typing out flash cards only to have them vanish the next day.
  • (2017-12-28) Cinyee Chiu: I love this idea and had been using it happily....until today. The list I create is disappeared, and the default lists come back. I'm not even sure what I did to reset the list....(did I restart my laptop?) But anyways, this is disappointing.
  • (2017-12-18) Anthony Grossi: The concept within itself is great, and I'm glad this extension exists, however it is not free of problems. 1. Lack of instructions. Having a tutorial on the initial opening of the extension would greatly help users understand how to use fluany easier and faster. I know you have a YouTube video to showcase fluany, but that doesn't mean everyone will watch it. 2. The extension is only good for basic Q&A. There should be a way to answer questions in alternate formats, such as true/false questions and multiple choice answering. 3. Deleting study lists has no confirmation. If anybody accidentally clicks the delete icon on the study list, it is gone just like that. Adding a confirmation message saying "are you sure you want to delete <name of list>? would basically make this a non-issue. 4. This last issue is a super small one, but should be changed. When editing a list of questions, on the bottom left of the question it actually says "editar" in Portugese/Spanish instead of edit. 5. Everything that everyone else already has said. I have faith in this extension and I can appreciate the work you have already put into it, it just needs some more development. Excellent idea though!
  • (2017-11-28) Min Black: The idea of this extension is awsome but I think it would be better if I dont have to re upload the package after everytime I shutdown the computer.
  • (2017-11-09) Ataraxy _: Very nice concept but it can't work..When I make a file, the next time I switch on my computer it's not here anymore. I study japanese and I need to add vocabulary, I don't want to spend my time on writing everything again everyday. So bad because it was a nice system, learning while not working but no, it's so bad conceived :(
  • (2017-11-07) Matt Montgomery: Love this idea. Just wish you could have multiple choice options.
  • (2017-11-04) Jakab Puskás: Nagyon hasznos, jó szótanuló alkalmazás.
  • (2017-11-03) Sophie G.: You're off to a great start with this! if I could just add the information with an excel sheet or something easier than running around translating and copy/paste, that'd make it a lot easier! Avidly waiting for your update on this!!
  • (2017-11-01) Christian H: Great idea, needs some work. No syncing across devices, so I have to download and upload .flu package to get it between devices. Not a huge deal, but a bit annoying. Biggest problem is the interface. There aren't any real instructions, and the button icons don't really make sense. The timer doesn't make sense, and I can't figure out how to make it pop up less frequently. It needs documentation on how the basic functions work. Also, there is not current place to share .flu packages. I don't want to have to populate my own flashcards forever. The point is to have experts in their field make flashcards so I can study, and I make flashcards from my field. Plus, I'll get to learn things I never even thought about making. Overall good idea, just a bit too early to function well.

Latest issues

  • (2022-11-24, v:2.0.0) Walmir Rodrigues: It doesn't work
    The extension stopped working a few days after instalation
  • (2022-11-18, v:2.0.0) Wallace “WDVN” Nascimento: reload infinito
    fica carregando sem parar e nao funciona.
  • (2022-06-26, v:2.0.0) Adriana van Gogh: PROBLEMA DE BUG
    pongo la respuesta correcta y me aparce que esta mal y me sigue saliendo la misma pregunta, creo que es un bug :(
  • (2022-06-09, v:2.0.0) Cintia Castañeda: problemas
    por favor arreglen, tengo problemas y no me sale las opciones para agregar preguntas solo me arroja un paquete para comprar, me parece una grane estafa....
  • (2021-08-30, v:2.0.0) ANDY ULISES VALENCIA ESCOBEDO: Fluany
    Por favor arreglen los problemas que tiene la extensión, de verdad que si funcionara bien seria muy útil
  • (2021-08-30, v:2.0.0) ANDY ULISES VALENCIA ESCOBEDO: Respuestas
    Siempre escribo la respuesta correcta y me pone que está mal
  • (2021-08-04, v:2.0.0) Noah Segal: Decks don't update after added cards
    Pretty simple problem. I added more cards, expecting to see the cards in the playlist, and the just don't appear. I double checked that they were added. Stopped and started the deck and quit chrome and opened it back up again.
  • (2021-07-01, v:2.0.0) Kamila Koraleski: Mudança de título não funciona
    Tentei mudar o título de um dos meus grupos de perguntas várias vezes e não funcionou, acredito que seja um problema
  • (2021-06-24, v:2.0.0) Cao Tuệ Anh: I don't know
    I click play, and the timer is 15 mins, but after 2 hours, it's still doesn't appear any question box to answer.
  • (2021-05-11, v:2.0.0) Laura Gaytán: DELETE ACCOUNT
    I want to delete my account, but I don´t know how. Please help me.
  • (2021-05-11, v:2.0.0) priscila tabirá: The extension doesn't work
    I can`t use the extension because it just keeps loading
  • (2021-03-01, v:2.0.0) Sol Michia: No puedo usarla
    Sólo me permite comprar cursos de inglés, pero yo quiero crear mis tarjetas.
  • (2021-02-16, v:2.0.0) Joana Melo: The extension doesn't work
    Recently I installed the extension but I can't use it, I only can see language cards to buy
  • (2021-02-15, v:2.0.0) María Fernanda Rodríguez Allegre: No puedo crear listas de preguntas
    Acabo de descargagr la aplicación y solamente me deja comprar tarjetas en ingles, pero yo quiero crear mis propias tarjetas ¿por que no me da la opción?
  • (2021-01-28, v:2.0.0) Marvin Estuardo Pop Cuc: Importar lista
    Hice mi lista de preguntas, pero por un problema tuve que formatear mi computadora, pero exporte la lista de preguntas antes de eliminar la extensión, ahora que de nuevo la quiero instalar no se como importar la lista de nuevo, ya que son demasiadas pregunta.
  • (2020-12-09, v:1.0.3) Angelina: no aparece en mi pantalla
    Activo el cuestionario y no me aparece en la pantalla, ¿ qué hago?
  • (2020-10-12, v:1.0.3) Caro Realpe: Hi, could you please tell me what file format does a list need to be to import it?
    Thank you I really like this extension
  • (2020-09-08, v:1.0.3) Niki Bos: Cookies
    How do I install 3rd Party Cookies?
  • (2020-02-15, v:1.0.3) Credito ABA: sugerencia
    me puedes indicar el desarrollo en español, gracias
  • (2019-08-06, v:1.0.3) Abdul Aziz Chowdhury 6030: format
    can you make it export on csv/docs/spds
  • (2019-02-25, v:1.0.3) Sarah Kapoor: File type
    Hiya, What file format does your list need to be to import it? Your help page doesn't exist anymore on your site
  • (2018-05-20, v:1.0.2) Hai Duong Nguyen: Keep list after closing Chrome
    Well, but when I shut down the computer, the data is lost. I think this needs to be fixed!!
  • (2018-04-13, v:1.0.2) No se desactiva
    Me manda tarjetas aunque ya las borre
  • (2018-03-26, v:1.0.2) Flash cards reset the next day, won't stop playing
    The cards I create disappear the next day. No worries, there's a very helpful option to save the set, so I did. I'll just re-upload it everyday, no biggie. Then I played and didn't turn it off before turning my laptop off. I was happy to see that it still worked the next day, but then I wanted to stop it. But then my set was gone and all the defaults are back. I can't stop my from playing. I tried turning off the extension and turning it back on, but it still flashes. I'm done trying to make this work.
  • (2018-02-22, v:1.0.2) BRUNA TAVARES: problema de aparece coisas que não configurei
    bom dia, criei uma lista de palavras e traduções. e para teste configurei ela para aparecer a cada 1 minuto. Eu desliguei o computador, mas a lista continua aparecendo, só que quando tento configurar o app, não aparece essa lista. parece que ela foi "ocultada". isso pode ocorrer?
  • (2018-02-07, v:1.0.2) BigDave EnglishTeacher: Keep list after closing Chrome
    I am a professional language teacher. My students and I love the extension, but you MUST find a way to keep the list "alive" after closing the browser. My students are developers. Would you like their help?
  • (2018-01-07, v:1.0.2) Aline Loureiro: Pacotes de Perguntas
    Seria interessante se houvesse uma espécie de interatividade entre os usuários. Desse modo, cada um poderia disponibilizar suas listas de estudos para as outras pessoas usarem. Talvez, fosse necessário passar por uma moderação para descobrir se as respostas das perguntas estão certas ou apenas deixar como responsabilidade do usuário. Assim, aumentaria a gama de conhecimentos do aplicativo e provavelmente alcançaria outras áreas do conhecimento como História, Biologia e até Matemática. E isso, com certeza, atrairia novos usuários para o app.
  • (2017-11-29, v:1.0.2) Keyboard
    How to type in languages with another keyboard?
  • (2017-11-29, v:1.0.2) Reverse translation
    I need to test myself in both way, from the language, and to the language I'm learning.


10,000 history
3.3229 (96 votes)
Last update / version
2024-04-23 / 3.2.0
Listing languages
