extension ExtPose

SessionBox - Multi login to any website

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Description from extension meta

Using websites with multiple accounts at the same time is made easy. Create an independent tab with a click of a button.

Image from store SessionBox - Multi login to any website
Description from store Use one browser with multiple active sessions per site. Log into multiple accounts on the same site simultaneously. No more need for secondary browsers, private sessions, let SessionBox handle these for you. Your sessions are securely synchronised between your devices by using your SessionBox account. Start a session here and continue it in any other chrome browser. Protect your privacy. Tabs managed by SessionBox do not use shared storage, variables are handled by the extension. Other tabs and websites therefore cannot monitor your activity. SessionBox can be used for free for non-commercial usage. For commercial license, please check our website: https://sessionbox.io/plans

Latest reviews

  • (2024-07-26) Anatoly V. Zakharov: Очень нужная вещь, но внезапно стала платной. И как заплатить - ведь нам отключили и PayPal, и Visa, и Mastercard. Есть UnionPay и Мир, но тут они недоступны. Я очень расстроен.
  • (2024-07-06) B I: doesn't work on twitter.com, mypikpak.com, epicgames.com, uplustv.lguplus.com Pricing Monthly Hobby Plan : $12.99+VAT(27%) = $16.50 Annual Hobby Plan : $4.99+VAT(27%)*12 = $76.05
  • (2024-06-16) Shyamji Shandilya: Using this for about a year and no issue. Thanks to devs for this. But instead of putting limitations on the extension you guys are completely forcing free users to buy a plan. Not a professional way. Google didn't succeed in forcing the youtube subscription and you guys also won't . At some day someone will make alternatives(Although some already present). Remember free users aren't going to pay. From them you can get genuine appreciation and donations(from some free users). Revanced is the big example of alternative that arrived just because google decided to force users to see youtube with ads by ending Vanced youtube.
  • (2024-06-12) Ariel Careggio: Era buena pero desde Julio 2024 deja de estar gratis. Por desgracia no puedo pagar por lo que tuve que buscar otra alternativa.
  • (2024-06-11) J W: Greed, rent seeking and enshittification claim another one.
  • (2024-06-09) Kirm: Oh and now they're removing the free plan because they're greedy and giving the legacy users a huge discount so they subscribe and forget they're subscribed to it after the annual plan runs out and then bank on their users paying full price next year because they forgot to unsubscribe. I spit at this extension. Works great, not gonna pay for it. Please recommend alternatives that are free and don't rugpull like this.
  • (2024-06-07) Emi: Worked fine, but now keeps telling me that someone else from my location is using it, which is false, because I'm the only person. It forces me to sign out. It only works again after reinstalling. I lost all my stored sessions. This happened twice. Update: They're removing the free plan now. Greedy bastards. Dropped to one star. Would give zero if I could.
  • (2024-06-06) Fae B.: Used to be great until it autolocks you out of your own sessions mid using for 'commercial use' or whatever when all I'm doing is writing on different blogs with friends for fun. really wishing to find an alternative to it now 06/2024 amazing, somehow it got worse. i was somewhat fine with limiting myself to two extra sessions per website even though i'm not even doing anything commercial, but now they want to remove the free version entirely. thanks for convincing me to switch to firefox! there's a better alternative there
  • (2024-06-06) krackenmclackin: This was a program I liked to use for quite some time, near about six years, and yet after all this time it's now being forced to be a paid service when all I needed was the free function. I liked Sessionbox, but not enough to subscribe to it. I'll use it until I no longer can while free, and then find another platform to use for my needs.
  • (2024-06-05) María Melano: No está mal pero, desearía que no se dañara la extensión, luego de un momento, piden comprar una especie de servicio Premium y ya no se puede usar la extensión, entonces desinstalé y la volví a instalar ya que la competencia deja mucho qué desear. Ojalá existiera algún desarrollador que creara algo similar a los "contenedores de Firefox", Containers de sesiones, y así evitar caer en este tipo de extensiones arbitrarias y abusivas como SessionBox. Edito mayo 5 2024 Ya no vale la pena usar esta extensión, desinstalada!!!!
  • (2024-03-06) Антон Таранов: Please fix the extension, the scripts from the site are not loading
  • (2023-12-07) undefined: 1. Online sync is useless 2. Session groups are useless 3. Grouping sessions by website is useless Instead of simply creating new session this extensions does so much useless things, that is it barely possible to figure out how to use it. Firefox container tabs are so much better.
  • (2023-11-27) Alex Karshin: A pain to use...
  • (2023-11-08) Victor Viudez: Simplemente ya no funciona. Intentar abrir varias sesiones de Office 365, o google, genera errores en los sites, no puedes acceder en la mayoria de casos. La nueva versión es una aplicación y de pago mensual... desinstalando.
  • (2023-10-31) 菠萝的海: 仅仅作为一个工具而已,居然还要登录,登录就算了,还有会话数限制。。。。比他好的插件有很多
  • (2023-09-14) Matyako: これまで長くとても便利に使用していましたが、Session Box Oneが登場してしばらくした頃からセッションの切り分けができないサイトが出始め、今ではまったく使えなくなりました。 とても残念ですが原因も直し方も分からず、サブスクリプションを毎月支払う価値がなくなってしまったので、解約して削除します。
  • (2023-08-23) IA: It requires an account. Nice try.
  • (2023-08-16) Jose: No funciona bien, es imposible iniciar con dos cuentas diferentes en Twitter.
  • (2023-08-10) Santiago Martínez: Esta extensión no cumple con lo que dice. Queria tener separado las sesiones de google hice todos los pasos y a la hora de abrir tengo todas las sesiones juntas, un desastre!!!
  • (2023-08-02) Ralf Wieler: Since the last change of terms and condition, stored inormation regarding the different sessions are dropped. This will make a lot of additional work and therefore only two-star-rating. Otherwise, if it works, it works well for me.
  • (2023-07-20) LS M: Atención Administradores, a partir de la actualización del 18 Julio 2023 Perdió Compatibilidad con el navegador Chrome y ya no inicia varias sesiones, solo se engancha con la sesión inicial. Favor de resolverlo. Gracias
  • (2023-07-14) Ramadhan. Reza: Please add an option to disable favicon notifications because they are ugly on bookmarks. Also please add an option to disable context menu.
  • (2023-07-12) Mohammad Eslami: Exactly what i was looking for, I don't understand peoples comments it says exactly what it does, You can login easily to multiple accounts and use them at the same time Perfectttt !!! Thank you so much.
  • (2023-06-20) ᴛᴠᴄᴍᴀᴛᴏꜱ: Too confusing. It doesn't really allows us to save pages into groups, but rather it redirects you to some session website where the page interface is copied but it doesn't really load when in there... It was just impossible to make it work, not intuitive at all.
  • (2023-05-28) R: Beyond unusable illogical interface, doesn't have the same functionality as the Firefox containers, if you're looking for an alternative.
  • (2023-05-25) Martin Kock: Doesnt work on many sites like fex epicgames
  • (2023-03-17) All Seller: Slow page loading
  • (2023-02-15) rares: worst app ever. crashing twitter not working can't delete my account, server has errors.
  • (2023-02-15) Mateus Giori: Ja instalei e apaguei umas 10 vezes, ele funciona nos 2 primeiros minutos com o Whatsapp e depois parece que ele perde o acesso à internet, quando recarrego para de funcionar, mesmo desconectando e conectando
  • (2023-01-12) Szymon Miler: Breaks pages. AWS Console does not show Flow logs settings while I'm in session box.
  • (2023-01-11) haifeng cai: works for me, love it
  • (2023-01-07) Insomnious: Перестала работать, как положено - куки не сохраняются! Некоторое время назад сайт, который до этого отлично дружил с расширением, перестал с ним работать. Все новые сессии стали открываться с теме же кукисами, что и основная. Запилил багрепорт в поддержку - ноль реакции уже 2 месяца. Ребята ни черта не делают и забили на баги и разработку. Не покупайте это уродство, есть другие аналогичные менеджеры получше.
  • (2022-12-28) rx t: Não funciona com o twitter. Se eu fechar e abrir o navegador, tenho que abrir as abas novamente.
  • (2022-11-21) The Ilegator: no longer works for free users.
  • (2022-10-27) Amaly lock: you can't upgrade you're subscription all my cards is declined paypal also is declined already paid for a year in last year but now i can't buy the prem version shame
  • (2022-09-20) Feng Xue Jing: hi, i try to login with 2 to 4 whatsapp web version, it cant work , it will hang up and sign out after 1 by 1
  • (2022-09-14) 晓华王: 以前装过,卸了,现在没办法,同类型的软件我只找到这个,然后创建了一个组,退出浏览器,再登陆,提示要登陆,用帐号也登陆不了,用游客也登陆不了
  • (2022-08-16) Tony Natividad: I was trying to find an extension similar to Multi Account Containers that is available in Firefox. I can't login to any webpage after the first website. I don't know if it is because it does not handle 2FA. Keeps on going back to asking for password then 2FA.
  • (2022-08-08) Виталий (Lucius): Возни много, сайты не всегда открываются в новой сессии а в результате нужна вообще платная версия что бы хоть что то можно было делать только время зря потратил
  • (2022-07-29) Milez Awxy: very useful
  • (2022-07-29) Alexandr Kistanov: Нужно было для вацапа. Вроде бы запускается второе окно, логинится второй аккаунт и вроде оба активны... Но! Она не отправляют и не принимают сообшения... на теелфонах сообщение есть а на компьютере нет... Короче бесполезная штуковина, которая еще и вводит в заблуждение, то есть вредит. Не рекомендую!
  • (2022-07-26) Francisco Vieira: The extension itself works fine, but be careful if you subscribe as there is nowhere I can find to cancel the subscription and their support doesn't care to help me cancel it either!
  • (2022-06-28) Adam M: I've been looking for an alternative for Multi-Account Containers I used to use on Firefox. This looked like it fit the bill, but I can't even sign in to any websites! I've tried multiple accounts, they all come back unable to sign in, try again later. The accounts work just fine outside of this extension. Please fix.
  • (2022-06-23) Jorge Silva: Can't recommend it at this point. It randomly stopped working claiming that another free device is already activated from your location, while that's not true. Just sounds like a way to money grab you and force you to subscribe in order to keep your sessions working.
  • (2022-06-23) Rebas Khalifa: I was always very happy until I got surprised today. "Another free device is already activated from your location". I am supposed to upgrade to use SessionBox on multiple devices. However, I am very sure that only my main device is connected to SessionBox. Unfortunately, logging out all devices via the website didn't help either. So the extension is sadly useless for me. Guys, there are other ways to make people buy an extension.
  • (2022-06-14) Mick Key: I only use this extension on my PC, but it says "Another free device is already activated from your location"
  • (2022-06-04) Mail Server: Doesn't work at all in Brave Trying to create a new session just gives message "megbklhjamjbcafknkgmokldgolkdfig is blocked". If you try to manually load a site in that tab, cookies are not segregated between sessions. If you log in or out in that tab, it logs you in or out on all tabs.
  • (2022-06-03) Patrik Drozdík: Used to work okay - still not as good as Firefox's native container tabs, but I can understand it might be due to this being an extension and not a native browser feature. However recently it stopped working for me and all I get is a message saying "Another free device is already activated from your location". I don't need any of the fancy features, temporary sessions are enough for me, so I refuse to pay for all the knick-knacks I won't ever use. This issue started when my browser crashed once and ever since then I cannot get past this message. Final verdict: totally useless now.
  • (2022-06-01) Connor Stern: Worked fine for a while, now it claims I am logged in at multiple locations! I only use this app on ONE computer. Please fix this buggy location detection.

Latest issues

  • (2017-01-18, v:1.0.9) Alex ExtGuru: Monetization browser extensions
    Hello! I represent the company EXT.GURU. I have reviewed your extension, and I would like to invite you to work with our company. I have analyzed, that your extension "SessionBox - Free multi login to any website" can bring you a guaranteed high income. You can get the maximum profit with our automatic service for monetizing browser extensions, while our advertising is not annoying or malicious, and does not prevent the extension of functionality. Our system optimizes traffic from around the world. We provide coordination of all the nuances and suggestions of webmasters. Payments are carried out upon request during one hour at a convenient system to you. We would also like to note that our system does not interfere with other systems of monetization, you can plug in our program as an additional method to generate an income. If you have any other extensions, we can discuss. We look forward to collaborating. Sincerely EXT.GURU team. https://ext.guru Contacts ICQ: 654784658 Jabber: [email protected] Skype: extguru [email protected] [email protected]
  • (2017-01-16, v:1.0.9) sessionbox proxy
    hey, greetings of the day, I want to upgrade my account to "supporter". I just want to know more about session proxy feature. will each session be connected automatically with different proxies? will you provide the proxies? Do I have worry about proxies? what if given proxy to the session banned or not working, can I change it when I need to? I read in comment that someone upgraded to "supporter" but did not get proxy feature. Thanks and appreciated for the awesome add-on.
  • (2017-01-15, v:1.0.9) rajesh mahawar: SessionBox - Free multi login to any website
    install eror
  • (2017-01-15, v:1.0.9) Old functions in new version
    Hello! New version is great! But i have some trouble with that. In the old version, my sessions were sorted by strong order (i speassaly named them 1 session, 2 session, 3 session ... etc). Now it opens randomly. First i use group sorting and then open group. I hope this feature will be re added. It was really helpfull :3 Thank you!
  • (2017-01-12, v:1.0.9) Session Box
    Почему удалили с Mozilla Firefox
  • (2017-01-11, v:1.0.9) Сокол Плюс: no proxy?
    I payed for "supporter" upgrade to use proxies on sessions, but I can't see no ip changing when starting sessions (( please help! (account "Supporter" type shown.)
  • (2017-01-11, v:1.0.9) Rafikul Sekh: RTYE7T6Y6
  • (2017-01-08, v:1.0.8) Girish Shet: Max Accounts
    Let me know maximum how many accounts can be open using SESSION BOX.
  • (2017-01-05, v:1.0.8) MEMORY
    Please back the other version... so many memory, why? its best app, but now when open tab is over 400.000k memory, crash my computer with this app lol
  • (2017-01-05, v:1.0.8) memory almost 70%!!!!!!
    omg this update make memory big problem almost crash my notebook


300,000 history
3.3894 (1,297 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-25 / 1.8.8
Listing languages
