Description from extension meta
Allows a user to provide the URL of the page that loads in a new tab.
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Description from store
Allows you to change the new tab page to the New Tab Redirect app page, or a custom URL of your choice!
Choose from chrome's about pages, *NewTab, Extensions, Downloads, History*, a few popular URLs, or provide your own. Your custom tab can also be a local file, allowing you to create your own new tab page. Saving blank text will cause your new tab to be about:blank.
Files can begin with: file:\\, file://, and file:///
Important: This is not meant to replace your homepage, only new tabs. If your browser is set to load the New Tab page as your homepage, there may be odd consequences.
Note: Because this extension perform a "redirect", I have no control over address bar highlighting or focus.
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Legal Stuff
I am not affiliated with Google or Google Chrome.
Google Chrome is a registered trademark of Google, Inc.
The 'Popular Pages' are taken from I am in no way affiliated with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Digg, Slashdot or any other page listed here. These are provided as a convenience to the user of this extension. By using those pages or any others as a replacement for your new tab, you are still bound by any agreement between you and that site or service.
Latest reviews
- (2023-12-01) Sarah Race (Emmett): I use this extension multiple times a day! It works amazing alongside TeuxDeux. Love it.
- (2023-11-07) John Knox: They fixed the extension back in 2014 but it now has a new issue. It no longer redirects to your chosen start page when you click to open a new tab. Perhaps this is due to Chrome updates or something and they have not updated the extension but it is now as of November 2023 effectively useless again and does not work.
- (2023-11-07) GBRTANK WARBOT: Use this for quick access to the links from local file on PC. Thanks that you added the feature to support local file, since new chrome new rules about local files.
- (2023-11-06) Pablo Rioss: Thanks for fixing the file permission issue which came along with Chrome v118. I am very happy to have my new tabs from a local file working again! Great extension / great author!
- (2023-11-04) Fred Leffingwell: I used the new tab redirect for years, but it recently changed so that it is now almost useless. I used it to redirect to a file on my computer, and though it seems to say it is possible, I can find no way to type in the file location and only get a blank stare from the list that contains a huge number of links I don't use and have never used.
- (2023-10-26) MurderChickenXL: There are a few options I don't understand. It would be nice to have tool tips when you mouse over an option. Since Edge removed the ability to edit our new tab pages, this was a very nice find!
- (2023-10-25) Ryan Yamasaki: I've used this extension for years and appreciate the continued support and development. Like a lot of others here, a recent update, either the extension or Chrome (probably Chrome) made it stop working. It would just open a new tab named "New Tab Redirect" but not actually redirect. To fix this, go to Extensions > Manage Extensions > New Tab Redirect (Details), and near the bottom there is a slider for "Allow access to file URLs". Enable that and if your redirect was to a local webpage (not www) then it'll work again.
- (2023-10-25) Alan Shmahlen: I have been using this extension for years to display my custom tab/starter page in Chrome. A lot of work has been put into that page, and I use it every day for my job. Since the 118 Chrome update, it no longer works. I've had to set my custom page as my homepage and I now need to open a tab and click the home icon. 2 clicks vs 1 doesn't seem that bad, but it adds up day after day. Enabling all of the new permissions has not resolved the issue, at least not for me. It still does not open my local file in new tabs.
- (2023-10-25) wil: great!!
- (2023-10-25) Felix: Why old is suddenly - there are similar extensions (fx: Change New Tab) that does not need all this information: The newest version of "New Tab Redirect" has been turned off because it requires additional permissions. The extension can now: - Change the page you see when you open a new tab - Read the icons of the websites you visit - Manage your apps, extensions and themes
- (2023-10-22) David Price: A few days ago redirecting to local file (for instance file:///somefile.html) stopped working :(
- (2023-10-19) David Ruiz: Justo lo que necesitaba, microsoft edge no deja cambiar eso no sé porqué, menos mal que necontré esta extensión.
- (2023-10-19) Tevett Goad: I really liked it and it was good at what it does. Since the 118 update though, it hasn't worked which caused me to go looking for alternatives where the developer was keeping pace with Chrome Updates.
- (2023-10-16) justin: It was working fine until the latest Microsoft edge update. Now it just loads a blank page.
- (2023-10-16) K R: it was great until stopped loading local page. now i use fast new tab redirect instead
- (2023-10-14) Очевидная Математика (Олег Николаевич): Раньше работало приложение идеально, но сегодня сломалось, не открывает заданную страничку в новой вкладке
- (2023-10-12) Andris Kluga: Won't open local files after chrome update (118)
- (2023-10-12) 고사리미나리: 버전 118.0.5993.71, 작동하지 않는다. ㅜㅜ
- (2023-10-11) Olivier Briand: Ne fonctionne plus depuis le passage à la version 118 :-(
- (2023-09-17) Rich D: Love this extension. I've been trying to find a way to stop the annoying auto history drop down display in Chrome in the search bar FOREVER. Finally found this so EVERYONE around you doesn't see ALL of your history displayed just right there on the main screen. God forbid someone has to use your computer.
- (2023-09-17) Steve Carr: Worked for me using Edge on 64 bit Windows 11 Pro. I did this: Opened Edge, added this extension. Closed Edge. Opened Edge, clicked on 'New Tab'. Clicked on 'Permissions'. Added my chosen URL in the provided box. (eg. I added: Closed Edge. Opened Edge. Clicked 'New Tab'. The new tab opened to my preferred URL, and continued to do so. For me this was add free and remains reliable.
- (2023-09-15) humble so: 非常感谢这个扩展,我不希望我的chrome打开新标签页时弹出搜索引擎的网站,这个扩展解决了这个问题,nice~
- (2023-09-11) 5 group (adachimasayuki): よく使うページに固定できるので大変楽になりました。ありがとうございます。
- (2023-09-10) Cassius Cartland: on chrome, if you are using a search engine other than google, they will put you onto a white new tab page with no customisation, probably to try and get you to go back, however with this extension, by making it redirect to chrome://new-tab-page, it puts me back to the normal chrome new tab with the normal customisation
- (2023-08-29) Brandon Pace: Simple, just like the blank page I use it for.
- (2023-08-17) apateona eagle: Thank you for this !! It's exactly what I'm looking for, after opening the new tab focus goes to google search textbox and not on link. Thank you.
- (2023-07-31) Pmp Princess (Pmp Princess Lucy): Thank you! This worked for me. I'm not ready to switch over to Microsoft edge/bing .. I like my google.
- (2023-07-27) Franseven 7: great extension, the only improvement that would make it perfect is adding a black background instead of white, cause the time you need to wait the page to load you get flash banged with a white page, it ruins the dark mode experience.
- (2023-07-26) TheChuches: Exactamente lo que necesitaba, os recomiendo activar (always update tab) asi puedes escribir una url como lo harias normalmente y en mi caso uso esta URL, que es google con esteroides al usar IA. IMPORTANT: I would reccomend the creator a dark mode, only because when i open a new tab i get flashbanged in the night.
- (2023-07-20) Daniel Ahlström: Works as intended, thank you!
- (2023-06-30) Sébastien D: depuis aujourd'hui, tous les raccourcis ont changé de place et le fond est noir .....
- (2023-06-27) 지엔서: 네이버 웨일 새탭 구글로 설정 개꿀
- (2023-06-26) Lunacious Zucni: Simple and works perfectly.
- (2023-06-23) Богдан Грибенюк: Найкраще розширення! Воно якраз для мене! Я встановив chrome://new-tab-page-third-party/! Я дуже задоволений! Дякую!
- (2023-06-15) Hardworker Studio: Very good extension!!!
- (2023-06-14) David K.: i need to keep autofocus on URL bar so i can quicly search google in the new tab; this extension makes the redirect to my Gmail which I set, changes browser URL and I loose focus from URL bar so I cant search and have to do it manuall
- (2023-05-22) Ivo Miranda: Why the negative reviews? I wanted to open a specific webpage on a new chrome tab and I was shocked this is not implemented on chrome by default. Thank you for this extension. Just works :)
- (2023-05-22) 大口こころ: 可以强制替换chrome的辣鸡新标签页,谢谢你,NTR!(New Tab Redirect)
- (2023-05-10) Farzad Alipour: works as expected. set anything you like as your new tab default page.
- (2023-05-06) Rocío Axarquía (Larielma): Justo lo que buscaba. Muy necesario en Microsoft Edge, que no dejaba cambiar la página de las pestañas nuevas.
- (2023-04-15) Bunny Blue: good
- (2023-04-10) Psychlos Kerbango: it works
- (2023-02-07) Jessica Harry: The settings makes no sense Add a site to the list setings on this open in a new TAB or a main setting not to Switch pages BUT to open it in a new TAB
- (2023-02-06) Matthew Roughton (ArbestRiAgain): Great app. I set it to open Google when I open a new tab. I recommend this app.
- (2023-01-18) Jon N: Gotta have this extension on Microsoft Edge. The NTP in Edge is super annoying and one can't get rid of it. Why is the new tab page in Edge so bloated? Chrome and Chromium's is very minimal and not annoying.
- (2023-01-02) li su: 一个简单而实用的工具,可以用来修改你的新标签页网址。
- (2022-11-18) Rob: Fine app and does what it's supposed to. Only gripe, minor one, is that the new tab doesn't start with the focus on the URL bar, but a quick tap of F6 remedies that so minor detail.
- (2022-11-11) Carl Scott: No fuss no muss and simple to use. Does exactly what it says it does.... redirects your new tab to the web page of your choosing!! Great App!!
- (2022-11-10) Krzysztof Pawlak: Super.
- (2022-10-30) Dmitriy Redka: This is a must-have app for Chrome.
4.0501 (3,152 votes)
Last update / version
2023-10-25 / 3.1.6
Listing languages