extension ExtPose

Notebook Web Clipper

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Description from extension meta

Clear the clutter. Clip the web. Save to Notebook.

Image from store Notebook Web Clipper
Description from store Notebook Web Clipper Clip content from the web to your Notebook with Web Clipper. Clipped content, saved as Note Cards, are immediately synced across your devices. Access your note cards through notebook.zoho.com. Download Notebook app on your devices today from zoho.com/notebook/mobile-app.html and boost your productivity. What can you clip? * Be it a new recipe you want to try or the next place you want to visit, clip text, images, or links into a note card, and save to a specific notebook. * Want to save an article for future reference? With Clean View, you can save the entire article as a note card, minus the ads. * Need to quickly grab a screenshot of a web page? The 'Screenshot’ option quickly saves the screenshot as a Photo Card. You can choose to clip the entire page, or the visible view or only a part of the page. * Annotate images / screenshots before you add those in Notebook. We've added a complete annotation tool to edit your images. * Add tags, reminders to note cards before you save those to Notebook. * Convert any link to Smart Cards. Refer zoho.com/notebook/smart-card.html for more details on Smart Cards. * Use Meeting Notes to take quick notes on an online meeting using Zoom, Cisco Webex, Zoho Meeting and Zoho Showtime. Web Clipper can also be used to create note cards. Have a quick thought you want to note without leaving your browser? Create a quick note from scratch right from your browser. You can also add photos directly from your computer to Web Clipper. Write your feedback to [email protected] zoho.com/notebook/web-clipper.html

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-21) Master Psychic Rachel: The functionality of this app is highly inconsistent, often not working as expected. Despite having a yearly subscription and storing a significant amount of my personal data within it, I'm facing persistent issues with its operation and synchronization. The customer support has been quite disappointing. In hindsight, I regret dedicating so much time and entrusting my documents to this application.
  • (2023-09-07) Dee Cheerokee: Szóval. Nem értem, hogy miért kell bejelentkeznem egy másik honlapon, hogy használhassam!? Egyáltalán nem lehet úgy simán használni, mint ahogy a bemutatóban. Erről egy sor sincs írva, hogy előbb regisztrálnom kell. Pediglen tényleg hasznos lenne...
  • (2023-07-21) Benis Fabrics: Web page sync not working
  • (2023-06-14) Alex Dryagin: So far so good. Where do I set my hotkeys?!
  • (2023-05-16) Shafer Hart: You need to stop opening a webpage EVERY TIME YOU UPDATE. So annoying. I don't really care. Just update in the background and LEAVE THE USER ALONE.
  • (2023-05-12) Meglen Hadzhitsanchev: Whit update since 11.05.2023 I have an issue with web site gmail.com - a wide gray line on top of the gmail content. When i stop this extension - everything is OK. I am waiting the next update.
  • (2023-02-25) Belay Mulat: great!
  • (2023-01-14) Catherine Delumpa: I love it! So neat... Very helpful... Love love it
  • (2022-12-27) Jorge Alexandre: It helps me in many different ways. I tent to use reader view to save different web pages that i'm using for research. Also, copying and writing down notes helps me fixate the information better. I use it to take screenshots of online presentations and organizing them all in just one file. I can take a screen shot of a whole web page, and then annotate, write comments, highlight stuff, etc. I can save and bookmark videos to watch later. As a suggestion, i would like to be able to highlight text while on the read viewer mode
  • (2022-11-21) Muslim Gore: this app is a life doctor, it saves people. I love it and I could write a lot about it but I'm going to keep it short and authentic. it's the best app I have ever used. easy to stay organized and easy to use.
  • (2022-11-19) Vanessa T (Vanessence): I really love this app and have been using it for quite some time now. One thing I miss, however, is the notebook option sorting in the clipper. A couple of years ago, they used to be sorted alphabetically, but now they are in order by creation date, and as I have several notebooks, it means I have to scroll quite a bit to find the notebook I'd like to save a link to as they are no longer in alphabetical order. I would love it if that could be changed, or made into an option. Other than that, I love this app and it's now my go-to for saving information. :)
  • (2022-11-07) Lisa F: PDF Clipper covers download dialog. Lost entire filled document as a result
  • (2022-10-16) ANGELA STELLA: Trovo questa estensione eccezionale! Posso copiare di tutto, da testo a immagini.Io poi, sono una grande appassionata di poesia,quindi amo l’idea di poter racchiudere tutte le mie poesie e citazioni e le immagini d’amore che mi piacciono di più li. Per poi trasferirli nel mio instagram. E anche delle immagini inerenti ad essi. Questa funzione quindi mi piace moltissimo,forse poi perchè e anche l’unica che lo fa. E mi piace anche l’idea di potervi anche mettere un password.Un po' come se fosse un diario segreto. E un estensione anche molto personalizzabile. Inoltre c e anche un app per android,solo che ha dei problemi di sincronizzazione, purtroppo non salva bene tutto.E non si possono aggiungere più di 19 note a biglietto. Che peccato! Ma complimenti, lo stesso,e ancora grazie,grazie ancora allo sviluppatore,per questa bellissima estensione! 👏👏👏😀 Aggiornamento: Amo sempre di più questa applicazione...❤️Però sarebbe bello se fosse data la possibilità di trasferire cartelle di immagini senza limiti qui su notebook web clip.Però mi piace veramente tanto questa estensione.
  • (2022-09-19) Bahey Saied: Very Handy Tool :) ,, Really makes my day :)
  • (2022-08-12) Romana Cvn: het plaatsen van plaatjes gaat niet
  • (2022-08-04) JJ MR: Simplemente excelente, llevo mucho tiempo usándola y no he tenido ningún problema, felicidades.
  • (2022-07-12) Si Paling: i love this notes. this apps also available in playstore
  • (2022-07-07) Estonian Language: Hello, if i had money i would donate you, this extension is necessary because it´s useful, thank you.
  • (2022-03-02) Jacob Bar: Zoho Notebooks is a good alternative to Google keep. Like it. Jacob Bar
  • (2022-02-22) Uri Naor: Notebook is my favorite app. I still can't believe this is free. Thank you!! <3
  • (2021-11-26) Nicht Verfolgen (Indsiger): Awesome to have this extension on desktop to complement the Android mobile functionality. Awesome online notebook. I especially like the import/export functionality. Awesome software company that actually responds to end users...!
  • (2021-11-13) Jorg Lez: Great extension if you use the (also) great app. My only complain is that you chose a specific notebook to save the bookmarks. It seems to show the last one created if I understand correctly.
  • (2021-09-13) Ender- Requiem03: Used to be nice but now it takes to long to add notes. :( uninstalling now. Edit: Oh nice it's back to normal again :D
  • (2021-09-04) Michael S: Really wish there was a way to change the default notebook the clips go in. It doesn't matter what I have set as default in the actual notebook app either, it just always has the most recent created notebook as the default for web clips. Honestly I don't want my default notebook for actual notes to be the same as the default notebook for web clips anyway but at least that would make a little more sense. And considering there is no way to rearrange your notebooks outside of changing the sort parameters, I can't move a specific notebook to last. If I am missing something and there is a way to change the default notebook in the web clipper please advise. I have a dedicated notebook for web clips but having to drop down and change which notebook every single time almost takes away the convenience of it and could just copy/paste in the actual notebook app. Might have to go back to Evernote even though I don't want to....
  • (2021-08-19) Serhii: Visually is super but: 1. Code snippets does not have any highlight 2. Copy pasting code snippet makes it single line 3. Ctrl-Z in large note forgets the position 4. No drag-drop 5. Screenshot whole page is not working and i guess there are more. Really promising, but still cannot migrate to this for those reasons
  • (2021-07-29) gbzorro: Worked with this app for many hours but can't seem to understand how it works. Even lost page with about 6 different clips (and oddly, pastes text clips in HUGE 20-24 point size). Previously worked with similar Windows apps (InfoSelect and Clipmate - both great and easy to learn). Is there any more detailed tutorial for Notebook Web Clipper than the :56 seconds one that flies by beyond understanding?
  • (2021-07-16) Angela Perelli: fa esattamente quanto promesso e lo fa bene, per questo 5 stars
  • (2021-07-15) Daniel Q: It is a great tool, however it would be nice if tags were easier to edit as currently there is no way to mass-edit tags.
  • (2021-06-24) Azra Komish: Just Perfect!
  • (2021-06-23) Aparichit: Zoho app is good but this clipping extension is bad. It's link card doesnt work with half of the website, even if I manually add it it disappears
  • (2021-06-11) El detective Yoshi: Todo bien hasta que leí sus políticas de privacidad. Es muy invasiva, en especial por la parte de "tener acceso a sus interacciones". Eso es personal :T
  • (2021-06-09) GaminChris159: Notebook Web Clipper is SO AMAZING! I use it everyday as a helper for my homework. It has so many features and it has a super clean and "chill-vibe" kinda look. I recommend you downloading this extension since it's my favourite extension for studying.
  • (2021-05-23) Lily Roppolo: Very helpful, especially for someone like me who's bookmarks often get unorganised. It's very nice to have everything all in one place. The cover art is awesome, and I like that you can add your own!
  • (2021-05-08) Ethan: amazing
  • (2021-04-14) Ryan Shamari: I like the idea and it's what i wanted. I just wish they let me draw in the notes using my Microsoft pen.
  • (2021-04-03) Gamerfanc28: I LOVE THIS! :DD
  • (2021-04-01) cws testing: teset
  • (2021-03-24) Твой Бог: Не знаю что это! Но круто! А для чего расширение? Как пригласить в ведео чат вас пообщаться?
  • (2021-03-16) marie jocelyne Falcin: tres bien
  • (2021-03-15) Simon Zheng: You cannot clip this page due to browser restrictions. Anyone can tell me how to deal with that?
  • (2021-02-27) Eleonor Delavin: nice tool
  • (2021-02-23) seigne: One of the best note-taking apps i've encountered so far in the chrome extension store. Has a built-in reader view, customizable notebook user interface, it's clean, aesthetically pleasing and functional. Truly one of the greatest finds in my scouring for chrome extensions, <333 good job developers. I love it so much, not even a robot. Just a genuine person gushing for the app haha xDDDD
  • (2021-02-21) Shawn B.: Annoying forced overlay that cannot be disabled, breaks browser functionality. When viewing pdfs the scroll bars break because this plugin forces an overlay save option. This option should not be force on a user but something that can be enabled. Optionally, this forced overlay is not even needed since you can just click on the plugin to get the options.
  • (2021-02-11) Tim Vybe Glocal: I want to like it, I wish to use it, BUT, I have concerns over privacy. The tab labeled "Privacy statement" inside Chrome webstore, says that, "The publisher has not provided any information about the collection or usage of your data"** Yet the permission of the app says it can view and change all your data on web pages you visit. Again I need this app, I want to like! However to give an extension full control over my web activity and data without knowing what happens to my data makes me question whether I should use this app or not? Any clarification appreciated. **The privacy statement tab only points to a URL with a longwinded technical legal document.
  • (2021-02-09) Mirjana Lundell: I can see some had problem with this back in time, but i think this is really reallygood, maybe it depends on what you expect it to help you with and what its really are for. I love this its so helpful and its easy, its fast, its still skeep me inlogged even if i didnt use it for somdays. I LOVE IT , and u can thank me later :P
  • (2021-02-05) Guilherme Gomes: Facilitou muito minha vida, tem a função "To Do" e da para anotar as coisas no meet Perfeito, super indico :)
  • (2021-02-04) Gosia Baca: needs an acc hate it
  • (2021-01-02) Tim Kackley: awesome.just love it
  • (2021-01-01) RAlex 5232: This extension does not work on Youtube webpages.

Latest issues

  • (2023-05-14, v:2.0.11) Lisa: Letterbox bar on Twitch.tv
    Hello, I've been using your webclipper for a long time. Just three days ago, I started seeing a letterbox (1 inch black bar) across the entire bottom of my screen, on Twitch.Tv channels only. The night before it wasn't there, and in the morning it was. I thought the problem was my browser. I couldn't figure it out. Then today I unloaded all my extensions and it went away. Process of elimination: It is this Notebook Web Clipper. Why it throws a huge letterbox bar across the bottom of the screen beats me. Could you please fix it? I use your clipper somewhat regularly, and use Twitch daily, and the letterbox bar just blocks the entire informational portion of a stream. Thank you.
  • (2023-03-17, v:2.0.9) Bahey Saied: Extension became corrupted
    greetings ,, thanks for your amazing wok ,, after last chrome windows version update ( Version 111.0.5563.65 ) extension ui became corrupted when clicked & even doesn't save clips or notes to my notebook ,, even chrome reports errors in the extension ( please fix ) :(
  • (2022-09-07, v:2.0.5) Ярослав Работицький: Bugs in webclipper
    The first of all I can't drag&drop images from browser to webclipper modal window, text is ok but images aren't pushing to note. The second one is that notes are saving in my not default notebook, and I can't fix it...
  • (2022-06-04, v:2.0.4) Rosemary Bartolini: Web Clipper App for Mac Won't Clip
    Every time I try to use it, clip something from the web, I get a sign-in window. So I click the link "Sign in" and it opens a new window that says welcome at the top but the window is always blank. can't sign in so can't use the app.
  • (2022-05-04, v:2.0.4) Bill Wilson: Cannot Login, NoteBook will not display the clip pop-up
    When I click the NoteBook Extension I get the login pop-up but am unable to login. When I click the "login" link it opens another pop-up that is blank. After a couple of hours of periodically trying I still cannot login. Also, I can open the panel that displays all of my existing Notebooks. Suggestions? Thanks in advance!!
  • (2021-10-14, v:2.0.3) ممدوح المصري: m
  • (2021-09-18, v:2.0.3) Bill Wilson: A Windows and Mac App
    First, I love your app. It would be my only goto app for taking notes if it did and didn't do a few things. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Make an comparable desktop app that can capture from multiple screens and web sites. The extension is nice but having the Notebook Clipper close each time I switch to a different web site makes it unusable. I must be able to capture screenshots and notate from multiple web sites in a singlec clip. 2. As a desktop app I would have more reliable functionality with regard to editing, etc. The extension is not consistent meaning I can paste one time and not the next, I cannot paste images and text at specific locations, the extension hangs occasionally, and the "Done" button is covered over or sometimes disappears. I know I sound like I don't like the extension but the truth is I think the concept is great and I actually compare it to Onenote now and then. Please consider my suggestions. In the meantime, I'll keep watching for the improvements! - Bill W.
  • (2021-08-14, v:2.0.3) carol lima: "You cannot clip this page due to browser restrictions."
    it keeps showing this message, i havent even used once!
  • (2021-07-29, v:2.0.3) Conrad Blankenship IV: why do you need my "location" to save
    why do you need my "location" to save websites, even if it somehow has a logical explanation I don't see how it should be a requirement.
  • (2021-07-14, v:2.0.2) JD Blankenship: Browser restrictions
    When I click the extension in chrome I get error: Notebook Web Clipper You cannot clip this page due to browser restrictions
  • (2021-05-20, v:2.0.2) Эржена Бадмаева: Заметки
    Можно ли работать с уже созданной заметкой в маленьком окошке? Создаются новые заметки
  • (2021-04-26, v:2.0.2) Rodney Druin: help
    i didnt download this
  • (2021-03-30, v:2.0.2) Brielle Smith: saving
    I'm not quite sure if this is a feature but I feel like it should be? Do your notes autosave while writing? I was taking notes for my lectures when my page needed to refresh and when I did all of my notes were gone and I can't seem to recover them.
  • (2021-03-02, v:2.0.2) Dmitry A: BUG
    So weird... Bit it blocks the button that creates tickets in Jira. Will you fix that?
  • (2021-02-17, v:2.0.2) Karen Lawrence: MOVING BOOKMARKS TO NOTEBOOK
    Hello! How can I move my Chrome bookmarks into my notebook? I tried to drag a folder into the notebook and it didn't work, but I just KNOW there's a way, it's just a computer illiterate trying to do a job I don't understand! Thank you for your help!!
  • (2021-01-28, v:2.0.2) Shahab Farc: sf ShZ
  • (2021-01-27, v:2.0.2) james mark millete: found my phone
    im found my phone internal
  • (2021-01-27, v:2.0.2) james mark millete: phone contact
  • (2021-01-03, v:2.0.2) Raymond Noirot: youtub
    impossible connection sur youtub
  • (2020-11-14, v:2.0.2) Vasko Borisov: здравеите
    проблема е там защото не разбирам англиски нямали варянт да е и на балгарски превод
  • (2020-11-08, v:2.0.2) eliane querol: scan
    peut on scanner des documents avec ce logiciel. Merci
  • (2020-10-08, v:2.0.2) Cindy Cruz: Utilisation du Web Clipper sur portable
    Bonjour, Tout d'abord, merci beaucoup d'avoir développé cette application qui est une super alternative à Evernote ! Le seul petit bémol à mon sens est le manque d'options pour la mise en forme du texte : ce serait top d'avoir un choix de plusieurs polices, de pouvoir mettre en couleur le texte etc, bref de pouvoir avoir davantage d'options sur la mise en forme du texte ;) Je me permets de vous contacter aujourd'hui concernant un autre sujet : j'ai commencé à utiliser le Web Clipper sur mon ordi portable, et c'est un outil vraiment utile que j'apprécie beaucoup ! En revanche je n'arrive pas à installer le Web Clipper sur mon téléphone portable, alors que j'utilise pourtant Google chrome comme navigateur. Sur le Chrome webstore, le Web clipper semble pouvoir être installé uniquement sur PC. Pourriez-vous me dire si c'est bien cela (ce qui serait vraiment dommage !), et sinon m'expliquer comment ajouter le Web clipper sur mon téléphone portable ? Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide et vous souhaite de passer une très belle journée, Bien cordialement, Cindy Cruz
  • (2020-09-06, v:2.0.2) Guy Eberly: Some of my system has been taken or it's been missing far to long, need you to find my chromebook and more, help me now please.
    I would love to help if you will let me, I already know where some of my system is I think. Up to all of use now or do you not know me yet? on it now, Processing
  • (2020-08-31, v:2.0.2) Peggy Lucas: video
    trying to watch a video but can only get sound?
  • (2020-08-24, v:2.0.2) Lisa Kent: Email
    Want to save emails here
  • (2020-05-30, v:1.5.3) Алексей Копытов: Расширение не работает
    IRON, Версия 67.0.3500.0 (Сборка для разработчиков), (64 бит)- расширение не работает, пишет " You cannot clip this page due to browser restrictions"
  • (2020-05-01, v:1.4.27) SHIVAM KUMAR SINGH: Essential Features
    Guys without having text highlight feature and add tags feature within extension itself, Its will not be very useful. Please add it until i will have to wait.
  • (2020-04-06, v:1.4.27) Stefanie Crisp: Attainment of properties
    Legal ownership and rights; where do I begin?
  • (2020-03-18, v:1.4.26) Moy Valencia: How do you create and add tags to my notes?
    I have been trying to find the option to create or add a tag to the notes but cant seem to find it.. I see the button and when I click on it, it is empty and says no tags available.
  • (2020-02-17, v:1.4.26) Mikey K: The Clipper Logs Me Out After Each Browsing Session
    The most recent update requires that I sign in to the Zoho Notebook Web Clipper after I open Chrome each and every time. This does not happen with other extensions, and it didn't happen before, with Notebook.
  • (2020-01-22, v:1.4.25) Richard Land: your food court app has violated my copyright with false java
    i have lost millions of dollars in private data
  • (2019-11-14, v:1.4.21) becky pb: Notebook is not working in Chrome (works fine in Firefox)
    Hello, I love the Zoho Notebook extension. It has stopped working in Chrome. It works fine in Firefox but I use Chrome all of the time. I remember a while back there was a question when I signed in asking if I wanted to try the beta version. I clicked yes to try it. Could this be the problem? How do I get back to the old version? Thank you for your help, Rebecca
  • (2019-11-14, v:1.4.21) YEZIEK 84: napisy za jasne
    nic nie widzę na stronach,
  • (2019-10-26, v:1.4.21) Brobaco Gimenez Martin: The drag and drop of images are bugged
    Since the update of the new version of the extension. The drag and drop of images ar bugged. You can make it, but only write the URL of the image, but not the image. This is a feature I use so common so I would appreciate the solve of it.
  • (2019-10-23, v:1.4.20) Chet Rhoden: web clipper greyed out
    not responding
  • (2019-10-19, v:1.4.19) Sandra Lovett: Spell Check and Thesaurus
    It would be absolutely wonderful if you could add spell check and a thesaurus to Notebook. As a professional writer, I live, eat, and breathe spell check and thesaurus and I have not found any note-taking app or extension where I can easily enter a word into the thesaurus and come up with a list of alternative words. The only thing I have found is to pull up Word or Google docs and use the thesaurus in these programs -- which is heavy and extremely cumbersome. Thank you for your consideration!
  • (2019-10-16, v:1.4.19) RiMuru TeMpeSt: I dont like life
    .... dumbass read the title
  • (2019-08-16, v:1.4.19) Naveen khatri: its not working sir
    pls fix the problem.. not working as an extension'\
  • (2019-05-13, v:1.4.19) Raimundo Oliveira: tudo bem
  • (2019-04-01, v:1.4.19) Incompatibility with Atlassian Confluence
    Dear, Year extension prevents me from creating new pages in my Confluence space. It is therefore useless for me. Regards
  • (2019-02-15, v:1.4.19) Wesley Kenji Oyama: Extensão quebrando alguns sites
    Ao executar, por exemplo, um site de sistema como o Jira, preciso trocar o modo de leitura da extensão de "todos os sites" para "ao clicar". Porém, nesse modo, para de funcionar para outros sites.


80,000 history
4.2028 (1,001 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-01 / 2.1.8
Listing languages
