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Zegar analogowy w pasku narzędzi!
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Description from store
To bardzo proste rozszerzenie kładzie mały zegar analogowy obok pola adresu.
Jest to bardzo przydatne, jeśli ukryć pasek narzędzi OS więc normalny zegar nie jest widoczny.
Możesz dodać zegar cyfrowy, zmieniać kolory, dodawać przypomnienia za pomocą alertów i jest pełny kalendarz, aby zobaczyć po kliknięciu zegara ...
... czy żaden z tych, i po prostu korzystać z zegara, jak to jest.Wybór należy do Ciebie.
Teraz, wszystkie Twoje ustawienia są prawidłowo zsynchronizowane na wszystkich komputerach, które korzystają z tego rozszerzenia na.
Aby uzyskać pomoc i wsparcie, warto zapoznać się na stronach pomocy technicznej i skontaktować się poprzez Google+ czy Twitter.
Zegar dla Google Chrome ™ jest dostępny w wielu językach.
UWAGA: nowy system powiadomień używa nowego centrum Google powiadomień. To jest dopiero rozwijają się na niektórych platformach, więc jeśli jesteś użytkownikiem Mac lub Linux, pełna funkcjonalność alertów może nie być w pełni dostępne.
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-07) Aparna Banerjee: Great extension, though the visible digital clock hangs after a while, and the time does not update. But when extension is clicked and opened there it works, but not the clock outside.
- (2023-08-23) 言川: 时间偏移默认单位是小时,能否精确到分钟?因为我的Windows时间始终快4分钟,Internet时间又无法更新,所以想用这个插件显示正确的时间
- (2023-07-14) Gustavo Ferreyra: Se colgó en las 10:06 y ya son las 11 y media y sigue en la misma hora. La verdad. Si un reloj se cuelga no sirve.
- (2023-05-25) Mathieu BM: Trés pratique quand on désactive la barre des tâches
- (2023-05-08) Skill seizer: does it notify hourly ? like other extentions do, by the way , i removed those ones bcoz i found it all arounder
- (2023-05-06) Roman Kozhushko: Спасибо, что исправили отображение дней недели.
- (2023-03-24) roin H: Digital clocks have a delay, usually between 1 and 2 minutes; the display effect would be better if it were a little larger; it would be ideal if the alarm could choose the ringtone; can the ringtone be changed to a better sounding one? Or can you import your own voice. Overall, I am still satisfied, thank you. With chatGPT, the world has finally completely broken the language barrier, haha.I hope more people from different language countries know about chatGPT’s super translation ability. Of course, I also hope that chatGPT will not modify the speaker’s original intention on its own, remain neutral, so that chatGPT translation can truly become a bridge for communication between different languages.
- (2023-03-06) Amy Burkhart: I LOVE this extension on Chrome. It's the only one I've used for YEARS. It helps me at work to set specific times that I need to be doing something, like take a break, go to lunch or to punch in or out. The only thing I've noticed is that it's been updated to allow the alarm to go off consecutively until I tell it to stop. Is there an option to only have it ding once or three times like before? A lot of the time when this goes off, I'm on a call with a prospective client and it's annoying to have to stop my train of thought to turn off this alarm. Thank you so much for taking the time to create this alarm. By far the best extension I've found for this purpose!
- (2023-03-02) ADITYA MEENA: I really like this, I use it on edge but it sometimes freeze and time of small clock that we see on the bar does not update, but when I click it and that box opens which have calendar and a clock, it shows correct time, it would be great if that can be fixed, I am assuming it might be just with edge version of it so I am now going to try the google version of this on edge now
- (2022-11-25) Raimo Järveläinen: No mutta perhana, jo toistamiseen myöhästyin tapaamisesta, kun tämä G-kello ei hälyttänytkään. Huolestuttavaa, että kehittäjä on täällä vastaillut ongelmiin "käsittämätön toiminta/virhe...". Todella huono räpellys. Vaihtoon!
- (2022-10-11) Serge No: The time is not updated automatically. You need to click on the icon that is REALLY annoying.
- (2022-10-08) Thullika G: Earlier used to auto update and display time in the taskbar. Now I have to click on it to view the updated time.
- (2022-09-21) Kuri Tsusakayue (穢君yuo): 希望可以改一下布局(提醒和中间日期的时间间隔很短……然后整体就很紧凑) 。。。由于编码问题 星期 的显示是乱码的咕。。。以及在插件栏显示的样式会变成1330(中间的分隔号时不时会跑偏hhh)
- (2022-07-03) Daniel F R: Muy util y completa
- (2022-06-23) Marcel Heller: Eigentlich super - Allerdings bleibt die Uhr seit einigen Wochen öfter stehen. Ich vermute einen Zusammenhang mit anderen Tools, denn das passiert immer, wenn ich auch die andere Anwendung laufen habe und sonst nicht.
- (2022-06-20) K D T: 殘體中文看了秒刪 噁心死了
- (2022-06-12) Tom: Used to be very useful but it broke several months ago and there has been no fix or communication from the publisher. At this point have to give up and uninstall.
- (2022-06-07) Greg Carestia: Time no longer updates. Latest version broke it. Please fix.
- (2022-04-27) Brennan Hicks: PLEASE UPDATE! This extension was working great for me for several months, then out of nowhere it stopped updating the time. This has caused me grief and late arrival to Zoom meetings... If it is not updated soon, I will need to uninstall it.
- (2022-04-22) Bertus van Heusden: Installed CG beside the Date Today (DT) clock because no extension seems to support double or triple clocks for chatting with faraway friends (US/NL/RU). Please add! Diffs: * DT has different colors for minute and hour hands, handy at 9:46 and 2:13. * CG has time-offset. Nice, but lots of confusion around DST as countries differ in start date. Time zones with auto adjusting would be better. (Programmer alert: find a free lib!) * CG has calendar, alarms and reminders. Not tried. * DT will copy date and time for pasting time stamps elsewhere. Great! * CG uses Courier font for digital clock. Bad choice for readability because in White on Black it appears too thin and in BoW it appears fat and smeary. Please, could it be changed? Calibri is the best! Arial is also okay. Consolas or Google's Overpass Mono are good if it must be a monospace font.
- (2022-04-09) xxx illuminati eye xxx: é mt leve e maravilhoso pra quem quer deixar a barra de tarefas oculta recomendo ☺
- (2022-03-26) Ngô Thảo Nguyên: Thank for app, thank for developer.
- (2022-03-17) Tamim Ahmed: it don't show seconds when appearance digital on. come on man add second count
- (2022-03-09) Yuseph Tohabath: A little finicky, but it gets the job done! One of the few extensions I keep pinned.
- (2022-01-21) Daniel Han: That's what I want. Good~ and I hope it would getting better in case of graphic.
- (2021-11-22) Em McBride: time lags. it has one job and yet it lags.
- (2021-10-24) ilka FOG: Пользуюсь в каждом браузере нереально удобно гибкая система настройки немного запаздывают когда долго сидишь на одной вкладке но не более чем на 1 минуту!
- (2021-09-28) Vikas Rao: Windows 11 does not have clock on second monitor so this is very useful
- (2021-08-27) Hân Gia: it's very good.
- (2021-07-22) mneth7each: il migliore tra quelli provati grazie
- (2021-04-22) Miguel Rivas: Hola, muy buena extensión, ¿Cómo puedo cambiar el idioma del reloj sin cambiar la configuración de mi sistema?
- (2021-04-02) Viet Nguyen Tran: Nice extension. Just should change the extension icon (clock icon) for more clearly
- (2021-01-03) Ivan Tarazevich: Кодировка дней недели не верно работает у меня
- (2020-12-02) muharrem yılmaz: efso
- (2020-10-12) Abraham: My 4 core cpu was being overworked at a constant 100%. I discovered this little extension was the cause.
- (2020-09-30) Victor Gabriel: Congratulations, the simplicity and practicality is incredible
- (2020-09-09) RV GM: Todo muy bien hasta que me dí cuenta que consumía el 40% de los recursos del procesador... A LA BASURA! Para qué necesitaría consumir tantos recursos???
- (2020-08-31) Kanatsız Kuş: İstediğinizi size veren bir eklenti ama daha fazla ayar ve tercih eklenmeli bu haliyle güzel ancak modifikasyonlar için bence yeterli değil.
- (2020-08-12) Chandana Das: Loved it. Wow! it worked. Thankyou Mr. Eagle for guiding me. Now my digital clock looks like (14:55/12.August.2020) to look like that do - 1) Open chrome and on chrome right click on the time icon on the toolbar.. 2) Click on 'Format'. 3) Choose ' Custom Format. 4) Insert this code in custom window '(T/d.M.Y.D)'. You're done.
- (2020-07-30) Adamov Fanni: nagyon tetszik
- (2020-07-04) Mr. Eagle: Love it! To get time format like this: 09:53 - Saturday - 4. July - 2020 - Right-click on the clock icon in the Chrome toolbar and choose "Options". - Click on "Format" - Choose "Custom Format" - Insert this code in the Custom window: "T - D - d. M - Y" (without quotes). Click the icon in the toolbar to admire your new clock. Cheers :)
- (2020-07-02) Michelle Guillen: es molesto que sea tan pequeño, no sé de qué manera lo puedo hacer más grande y eso que quité e aspecto de reloj redondo
- (2020-06-24) Станислав Пермяков: Сбивается кодировка дней недели в календаре (вместо "Пн", "Вт" и т.д. странные символы)
- (2020-04-06) Tien Nguyen: Simple, easy, enough and elegant.
- (2020-04-06) สุริยา รักดี: ดีครับ
- (2020-03-27) Everything I needed. THANK YOU
- (2020-03-19) Nat P: This app is very useful. thank you. However, It would be best to provide users with their own definable time intervals, and verbally announce the time automatically rather than just alerting them with a sound. Thank you!
- (2020-03-18) Kevin Pillay: I am white.
- (2020-01-28) Nishant Gaurav: Does its job well and better than any clock available in store. Thanks for spending your precious time in its development. Regards
- (2019-12-12) First Last: Время не изменяется.