extension ExtPose

Recent History

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Description from extension meta

This extension displays your recent history, recently closed tabs, most visited pages and recent bookmarks in a one click pop-up.

Image from store Recent History
Description from store No more worrying about lost or accidentally closed tabs! A quick overview of your recent browser history with one click access. 📰 FEATURED - http://lifehacker.com/5536343/recent-history-gives-chrome-a-better-history - http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/other/switching-to-chrome-download-these-extensions/ 🛠 FEATURES - Change the number of items - Change the width of the popup menu - Multilingual support - Order sections for the popup menu - Show most visited URLs - and much more... 🗒️ CHANGELOG - 3.0.5 - Fixing browser action bug. -3.0.4 - Fixed bug that prevented the extension's history page to be seen when clicking on "Show All History". Fixed a few styling issues. -3.0.3 - Fixed styling issues on PCs. -3.0.2 - The style of the history and options page have been tweaked. -3.0.1 - The calendar history page has been enabled again. -3.0 - Recent History is back and updated for the current version of Chrome. A few features have been removed/disabled for various reasons but the main popup feature still remains. Made with ❤️ by Browsecraft gang. Stand with Ukraine 💙💛.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-12-16) 陈亮: 会加广告了。。
  • (2023-10-12) Cornel B: It's a great extension. Could you please make these improvements: 1. preserve the search filter in the history popup (that is, if I type something in the popup-search-input edit field when I bring up the popup to filter the results, well, I'd like on the next time the popup comes up to have the same typed filter & filtered results show up) This is quite useful if you want to restrict your results let's say to only at what you browsed on a specific domain. 2. increase the limit of the displayed items from 30 to something much higher (500 or such) 3. apparently there's a bug in chrome - history items are displayed for the last 24 hours if you dont pass a startTime in the chrome.history.search call. so just add a "startTime: 0" paremeter there. https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=73812 10/12/2023 It's a pity the developer doesnt pay attention to suggested improvements. Anyway, let's make some more suggestions, who knows... 4. Add an option to restrict only to certain domain(s) just like you added for filtering out certain domains. 5. Allow regex searches You may wonder why such suggestions. I learn new languages and it's useful for me to go over words that I looked at, to remind myself, to learn them better.
  • (2023-09-21) Jay Guyton-Wright: Just because you spent 2 years developing an app, it doe s not give you permission to use another app as an advertising forum once every 3 months. I came back to my locked PC to find their other app opened a tab, advertising I service I do not need, or would want to use. There is a reason I have ad blockers. Do not use extensions that go beyond the access needed for their function to advertise their other products or hijack your browser to get you to use their other products. Bad practice all around. I was fine with this extension until this event.
  • (2023-09-06) 姜国会: 良心好工具。chrome自带的历史、书签太渣,越来越渣。这个工具满足需要。
  • (2023-08-10) Nil Desperandum: Thanks. But it does not work fully compatible with the native dark mode.
  • (2023-07-08) Кое Кто: Doesn't seem to show all the results for the searched keyword in the All history, which are shown in the standard search. Seems to not show all results within All history, which shown in the standard search.
  • (2023-06-29) Radu Popescu: This extension periodically opens an ad for another extension, manganum, twice in 2 days so far, despite their claim of once every 3 months. The ad claims it was opened by another extension, Bookmarks Checker, which I do not even have installed, so I had to do a bit of digging around to figure out what's opening it, because it's obviously lying. Hilarious to see all the reviews this past year so far are from people complaining about the same thing. To the developers: saying you only open the ad once every 3 months implies there's an acceptable amount of spam you can send me, 4 spam advertisements per year. There is not any acceptable amount of spam. There's not even an option in the extension options to disable the ads, so basically this is going to spam me forever. It is no wonder all your recent reviews have complained about this. I'm going to have to remove it and stick with Chrome's built-in history manager.
  • (2023-06-27) P.I. Hublou: "Recent History" has a truly minimalist interface. I like it. The opposite from minimalist is the spammy other app the developers promote every so many time. "Manganum" takes the browser over. There is no switching back and forth. It is of course an other app.
  • (2023-06-27) Pieter Harmse: Opens advertising pages, without consent. Avoid!
  • (2023-06-27) F3n3k: Contient de la pub cachée, et ouvre tout seul des pages pour installer d'autres extentions du Developpeur, une honte !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • (2023-05-12) 彭勃: 希望最近的书签页,加一个附加信息,能显示其收藏在哪个文件夹下 want the most recent bookmarks page, with an additional piece of information, to show you where your favorites are in the folder add: recent Booksmark 页可以解除30的最大限制吗,能够设置成50或者60甚至无限制。 谢谢作者开发出了这么好用的插件 In the recent Booksmark page, can you lift the maximum 30 limit by setting it to 50 or 60 or even unlimited? Thanks to the author for developing such a useful plug-in
  • (2023-05-03) 전Sg: Why the hell.. I really don't know why it has to be this hard to find the features of a date-range delete, deleting older data first(although this is not automatic). I thought "There is some kind of taboo in Google's policy?".
  • (2023-04-21) І П: неможливо подивитися історію за кілька днів, лише видалити
  • (2023-03-03) Armaduzo: Forcefully opens a new tab on startup with advertising for their other apps. Happened to me 3 times in 2 days, and it was difficult to find out that it was this extension causing it. Does it again when you uninstall the extension. I thought I had malware installed on my computer, turns out i did and it was called Recent History.
  • (2023-02-28) Rafhaan Shah: Used to love the extension but I can't keep around an extension that has ads and opens up random links whenever it feels like.
  • (2023-02-28) Rob Turner: Liked this extension. Have used it for years. However today when I opened Chrome a new window popped up that I wasn't expecting, pushing for me to install a new "integrate me into everything you use on Google" extension. I had to go digging around on the extension's site to find out it's related to this extension, from this developer. Looks like this extension updated and now it opens what can only be described as an advertisement for the developer's other products. No warning, no explanation, No "Hey you use our other extension so we thought you might like this". I spend a good 20 minutes trying to determine if I had malware or a virus, because browser hijacking is what malware and viruses do. Not cool. Looks like I'll be shopping around for another history manager extension.
  • (2022-09-11) Олександр Сотников: Hello! Can you add Ukrainian to your awesome extension?
  • (2022-07-01) 채민: 이런 앱을 원했습니다 드디어 찾았네요 사용하기 편리하고 깔끔합니다
  • (2022-05-07) 平井伸治: On Show All History, the process is slow from selecting a date to displaying it. It takes 3 seconds to display 430 entries.
  • (2022-02-15) Ladia Zhang: chrome canary 100.0.4889.0 历史记录不覆盖原版历史记录了 我喜欢那个按日期能按网址分类排列的功能但是其他就做的有点不太行,响应速度搜索和删除很慢 只能按日显示历史。。。
  • (2022-01-14) DTP HCC: This calendar is one day ahead of last year's day of the week. For example, December 31, 2021 is Friday, but on this calendar it is Saturday. By the way, the day of the week of January 1st of this year is displayed correctly (Saturday). (Japanese) このカレンダーは、昨年の曜日より1日進んでいます。 たとえば、2021年12月31日は金曜日ですが、このカレンダーでは土曜日です。 ちなみに、今年の1月1日の曜日は正しく表示されます(土曜日)。
  • (2021-11-16) KK HH: 超好用,看YT時,看過的影片都會紀錄,要回找 也方便,安裝其它相同功能的插件,就紀錄不了,牛逼, 唯一美中不足,就是沒有符號,只是1個「下三角」符號顯示, 辨視度很低,應該像其它家插件一樣,給個倒圓箭頭圖案,甚好。
  • (2021-11-11) Markus Kugler: Sollte eigentlich genau so direkt in Chrome implementiert sein. Vielen Dank für das tolle Programm. Das ist jedenfalls ein sehr nützliches Add On.
  • (2021-11-05) moner pao: The Logo Icon of the taskbar must be replaced. It is too ugly and completely affects the use
  • (2021-09-02) Person Good: 啥都好 就是搜索可以做的人性化一点 还不如chrome原生的 搜索太慢了 而且搜索的逻辑也很不舒服
  • (2021-08-18) kanglgya: 最近打开谷歌后点历史记录不会跳转到这个拓展页面,而是跳转到谷歌自己的页面
  • (2021-08-16) Andrew Collins: OK for accessing Recent History and Recently Closed Tabs via pop-up, but the All History search function locks up more often than it works. Removed. P.S. History button is built-in to Edge, so I've migrated to that.
  • (2021-07-28) Kevin Tobola: Google store says last updated was May 28, 2021 and is version 3.0.5. The changelog of the extension (in the settings) says last updated December 17, 2019 and is version 3.0.5. The developer's GitHub (https://github.com/umarsheikh13/recent-history) shows the code updated since December 16, 2019.
  • (2021-06-23) Константин Мельников: Очень, очень, ОЧЕНЬ медленное расширение. У меня история открывается по 5 минут минимум, или и вовсе бесконечно загружается. Невозможно пользоваться!
  • (2021-06-20) Zrck_069: WENT AND CAME BACK... why?
  • (2021-06-10) Joe P: just installed. instruction said to the the blue clock icon. Well, I didn't get one when I installed this extension. And if it is there, I sure as heck can't find it or see it.
  • (2021-06-07) Rainbow Warrior Princess: Would be perfect if I could open all the history entries I selected in "All History" at once in new background tabs (inactive until selected, if possible), now I can only delete them after selection.
  • (2021-06-03) Wimpers: Better than the Chrome search possibilities.
  • (2021-06-02) Tripee-a: i used this extension and i loved it..but a few week a go, it automatically disable after 3-5 minute every time when i opened chrome... i search my extension and have not and in chrome store either...but, when i closed and relaunch chrome an it re-appear...
  • (2021-05-31) Ronen Buium: Perfect... Thanks...
  • (2021-05-29) Darwinig324: I have this extension but it's saying that it violates Chrome Web Store policy.
  • (2021-05-29) Stanislav Gres: What I need. Strange there is no such built-in function provided by Chrome itself.
  • (2021-03-07) 丽丽爱看剧: 1.logo能不能弄个明显的啊,我这个灰色的主题完全看不见LOGO了
  • (2021-03-06) masvil: Amazing extension, I hope dev will keep on working on it.
  • (2021-02-22) Caio Fr.: Very Cool, Easy and Very very Useful to Use. Loved it
  • (2021-01-08) איל כהן: It changed the view page of Ctrl+H of chrome. it's not said in the discription. It shows only one day view. Doesn't show all history log in one view. Can't choose a period between two dates. Even though it is so easy for the Author to accomplish. Very Very dissapointed bc it doesn't aim to show old history more then 3 months. It doesn't back up history. with a little affort of the Author to backup and show old history, it will be the best History add on and very popular.
  • (2020-12-31) Это Я: Недавно закрытые не показывает
  • (2020-12-12) 高小扬: 历史记录显示的时候可以完全按照时间点来排序么,不明白排序的规则是什么
  • (2020-11-23) Виталий: Все отлично! Добавить бы еще кнопки удаления в выпадающий список недавних закладок и кнопку удаления всех недавно посещенных https://i.imgur.com/JDLnvp7.png было бы супер!
  • (2020-10-05) Giuliano Vallese: Quite useless. The research function doesn't work properly, so I don't see any point in using it.
  • (2020-09-02) Дракоша Пестренький: Очень хорошее расширение. Правда потребляет аж 25% CPU при открытии меню (аналогичное расширение потребляло не более 10%) и много памяти (до 70 MB. Но по крайне мере функционал наконец додумался кто-то объединить у истории переходов, закрытых вкладок и часто посещаемых адресов. Осталось только переключение по открытым вкладкам сделать и вообще здорово будет...
  • (2020-08-19) Restu Wahyu Saputra: keren
  • (2020-07-06) vickie cox: outstanding
  • (2020-07-02) Tesla Z: Dear Umar Sheikh: First of all, I want to thank you for your excellent work, for us to create the Recent History plug-in, it has brought me great convenience. I found a small problem in use. The top of the browser is black, and the icon of the plug-in is not visible. Can you add a function to change the color or icon size to make it look more conspicuous? thank you. . .
  • (2020-07-02) 李艾因: 缺少正體中文的對應,已提供語系檔,期望作者能夠採納。


40,000 history
4.2413 (547 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-13 / 25.2.11
Listing languages
