extension ExtPose

New Tab Draft

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Description from extension meta

Simple & clean writing experience on browser new tab.

Image from store New Tab Draft
Description from store Simply turn your New Tab page into a clean space to take notes. And all your notes will be kept safely in Chrome Local Storage not on cloud. Features: #Note Open a new tab and Create, Pin, Lock multiple notes easily. #Calculation Open a new tab and make calculations directly. #Protect your privacy New Tab Draft help you save it in your browser NOT on cloud. #Auto Backup All the drafts can be auto backup to your local folder on regular base. #Customization Customize font and background to make it your own way. #Others Post on twitter, Send as email, Emoji, Daily Inspiration, Spell Check options... People use New Tab Draft to take notes, todo, inspiration... whatever they want. Try it. You will not be disappointed. ---- We Swear: 1. We don't do evil like upload your private information to server. All your notes are saved locally in your browser localStorage. 2. We listen to your feedback and try to make this world better. --- Feel free to give us feedback: Twitter: https://bit.ly/2VFkhy8 Facebook Page: https://bit.ly/3qPKYOX

Latest reviews

  • (2024-04-17) Muhammad Waleed: <3 Love it Edit on APR 2024 Still Loving It
  • (2023-08-18) Dolffy Chung: This is the one I have found being the most comfortable with me. Pretty to my taste.
  • (2023-06-21) Metehan Arslan: Great extension! Simple and useful. Only thing that I don't like is everytime it loads there is an animation for the left bar. You can't disable animation and it's kinda annoying but not a deal breaker.
  • (2023-05-16) Facundo Zapata: Nothing more to say, great extension
  • (2023-05-14) Michael Newbeing: I like the idea of having notes in a tab, but I would much more prefer to be inside a specific URL. Notes could open in a new tab only when you click on an icon. My new tab is reserved for other things and I don't like every time when I open a new tab that I need to look at notes. I tried to contact developer via email and Facebook page, but he is not responding. I hope at least he reads reviews and might respond.
  • (2023-03-08) Vitor Boufleur: Great extension! It helps a lot to categorize my work. Is there a way to add data syncronization across multiple browsers and devices? For me only this feature is "missing", it would make this addon perfect.
  • (2022-12-23) Nathan MIRANDA DA SILVA: Este é, sem dúvida, o melhor bloco de notas para o chrome
  • (2022-12-13) Facundo DCG: I really like its simplicity and minimalistic design!
  • (2022-11-18) Charles Bockelmann: Me gusta mucho su simplicidad y la encuentro muy útil. Sin embargo, creo que hay oportunidades de mejora para formatear el texto: negrilla, cursivas, viñetas y reconocimiento de links.
  • (2022-11-17) Atman Patel: Simple tool to take notes or write a draft. This has proved helpful to me so far. Some constructive feedback: Love the simplicity but could use features like adding links, bullets, colors to text etc. Would really love if you start providing the simple functionalities of MS word / google docs. Also the prompt on side to rate and share is too much sometimes, maybe reduce the frequency with which it appears?
  • (2022-11-17) Arkady Elterman: The latest Lock feature seems to have a flaw. When I try to lock a note, before I get a chance to set a password, it gets locked with a password I used previously for a different note (which I already unlocked). If that's a feature (I don't think it is), and there can be only one password for all notes, then how do I change it?
  • (2022-11-17) Neeraj Kumar: It is awsome. Easy to use.
  • (2022-11-17) Muhammad Fassih Haider: It's a great extension. I hope you guys add sync with google account in future
  • (2022-10-30) Ömer: cool
  • (2022-07-17) Илья: Awesome ext. But how to install it on Opera?
  • (2022-07-04) Mae Paltingca: Clean and simple interface. Incredibly useful.
  • (2022-05-24) Jim Morrison: Missing bullet points / Rich text via copy paste
  • (2022-02-21) Yuanmu Liu: 希望支持线上备份功能
  • (2022-02-10) Ross Yesikov: Would love to have standard formatting like bullets, numbers, bold (for the life of me, I don't get it why the cmd+B temporarily blurs the text instead of bolding a highlighted word. How is that useful?)
  • (2022-02-01) Nurbek Fayziev: Ultimate productivity booster!
  • (2021-12-28) Eric Bai: Very fast, efficient, and well-made.
  • (2021-12-11) Thiện Lộc: Elegant design. Super clean. Highly recommend
  • (2021-12-03) Bastian Backer: Great extension! Three proposals to make this great extension even better: 1. Enable "bold", "underline" and "italic" text options. 2. Enable automatic functionality of bullets and numbering when starting a list. 3. Enable different font sizes (e.g. small, medium, large). Beside of that, perfect implementation!
  • (2021-10-06) Ionel Carasca: Awesome app. I'm using it every day.
  • (2021-10-03) Jozef Kusko: helpfull
  • (2021-09-28) Titpun Bright: Nice and simple --------------------- Note : Grammarly doesn't work on this extension Can not make the text bold
  • (2021-09-24) SM PM: это очень удобный, хороший и нужный плагин. рекомендую всем. Разработчики сделайте интеграции с telegram и notion это будет очень круто!
  • (2021-09-23) Batu Aytemiz: Very great! Does what it promises and does it very well. I am curious if addition of img support (I just want to paste images as a place holder sometimes) is on the road map? Thank you for the great product
  • (2021-09-23) Vahap Demir: Probably the best extension I used in chrome for note taking. Using it for a couple of months with pleasure. I would like to suggest adding capability to highlight text or setting font bold/underlined.
  • (2021-08-30) Muhamad Azri: Super useful to write quick notes.
  • (2021-08-18) yu yang: When it can support sync between multiple devices? That is a very important feature.
  • (2021-08-17) Johnny Treasure: Really great! so useful for making quick notes and to dos. I then transfer them into notion if I need to keep them for later or delete them. Great app
  • (2021-08-17) Dean Morrison: Words can't describe how much I love this extension. It is the best rapid capture extension or even app I have ever used. Next extension update I will be giving a donation to the developer. Love it
  • (2021-08-15) Kumar Nilesh: Add quick buttons for sites that we use regularly, or allow us to pin few sites maybe on the side.
  • (2021-07-11) Saumit Up: Love it alot... just wanted to ask is there option to disable the calculations? just like the emoji bar I sometime add dates like 10-5-21 and it subtracts the thing...writing 13/2/21 divides it :// acts as a friction when i'm typing stuff please do resolve it in the next update :) Love u guys
  • (2021-06-23) Orlando Salazar: Such a simple app yet it's my favorite. I have always wanted a quick access for note taking on a browser. The only thing missing is a search function but if this feature slows down the app then forget it, im just being greedy, this app is perfect for quick small notes. Thank you devs!
  • (2021-06-23) hedy: I wish this was available on firefox
  • (2021-06-10) Ryan Jenkins: So simple and easy. It's precisely what I need on my New Tab page and nothing more!
  • (2021-06-02) Beto Britto: Thanks for the super useful extension!!
  • (2021-05-19) Ahmed Z: Great start! Some features I miss from other tab pages that would go along with this minimal experience: --Paste images --Markdown support, basic bold/underline/RTF support --List of notes needs work: X button (delete) bigger and highlighted delete button, borders around each item, delete all button? --optional sync to a single file (in google drive/onedrive) Bugs: --Quotes do not appear visible when using non-night mode and a foreground color. Need to change quote color to foreground color, too. --When multiple new tabs are open, there is a blinding white flash when switching to the new tabs
  • (2021-04-12) Knowledge Transfer: Draft tab worked great for over a year and now our saved draft tabs and items are gone. It was good while it was.
  • (2021-04-12) Calloway Roofing: What happened to our saved items on the Draft Tab? Just gone. You needed to leave it alone. Now our stuff (links) placed on their are gone. Removing the Extension permanently.
  • (2021-04-01) Itay: The best chrome extention!!
  • (2021-03-01) Paul Daum: Used to be a very elegant and lightweight new tab notetaker but sadly not anymore. Many new features make this extension feel bloated. After many years I will switch to different extension
  • (2021-01-10) Void Crab: Good. I use it basically as a dark mode new tab page with personal reminders written on it. I have a few suggestions however: - If i open a new tab and quick switch to another program, the browser icon in the taskbar begins to flash, which is annoying. The page is probably emitting some sort of alert or it's caused by page change. - Being able to disabled and/or change the shortcuts. The shortcut to open bookmarks is Ctrl + B, and the blur shortcut prevents me from doing that. Feels a bit annoying. - I don't know if it's possible, but the backups could to go to a folder inside the downloads folder, such as "Downloads/NewTabDraft Backup", instead of the files flooding the folder.
  • (2020-12-23) ak k: Excellent app. Would be better if they synced notes back up with google.
  • (2020-12-22) Olin Robus: Please remove the twitter ad. I hate it and I'm more likely to not recommend this app if it stays there.
  • (2020-12-22) Victor P: Please remove the "Share with your friend" popup, it breaks the minimalist idea of the page.
  • (2020-12-12) Constantine V: stop forcing your advertisement on every new tab!

Latest issues

  • (2023-08-11, v:0.3.8) Jason Parker: Lost everything!
    Hi. My PC updated and know everything is lost in my New Tab Drafts! How can I get them back?
  • (2023-08-09, v:0.3.8) Phoenix: How to configure New Tab Draft to stop saving empty backups?
    I want to configure New Tab Draft to stop making a backup if the draft is currently empty. I do not need empty files to clog my hard drive and make it hard to find logs that actually contain information I wish to revisit. However, I haven't seen anything related in the settings. Is this something the add-on cannot handle?
  • (2023-01-20, v:0.3.8) Stéphanie L: Tab flashes white every time I do anything with other tabs.
    Hey there! First off, I love this extension, it's been really useful. I do have one complaint though. I usually have multiple Chrome windows open on multiple screens, and within those windows, multiple tabs. And whenever the New Tab Draft is visible, every time I switch ANY tab within Chrome (on any window that I have open), the New Tab Draft will flash white for just a short moment. It's still distracting though. This also happens when I change from a tab to the New Tab Draft, and it happens in dark and light mode (just less noticable in light mode). Is there a way I or you can fix this?
  • (2022-10-27, v:0.3.5) yassine el arraj: Import Backup
    Hello, I did an export for a backup but when I m trying to import it nothing happened. is it a bug and how can I open my data backup that I exported. Thanks for your support
  • (2022-05-20, v:0.3.5) Jakob Possert: 1) New Note 2) Chrome Global Shortcut 3) Donation request less invasive
    Great work, team! Some features that I need to fully use it: 1a) It would be great to have a hotkey for that (like for blur) 1b) and it would be great if that were the default to open a new tab and have a new note (with the sidebar staying out or in sight as it is right now). 2) A chrome shortcut that is global, meaning not just working within chrome. This would eliminate need for sticky notes... 3) Finally, it is a little bit invasive that the first Tab from the address bar goes to the paypal account... Happy to donate if my feature requests are implemented though ;)
  • (2022-03-22, v:0.3.5) Christian Bagaskara: Strikethrough function?
    Hey, loving New Draft Tab so far! I'm just wondering if there is a strikethrough function? It could be very useful on crossing completed to-do lists :)
  • (2022-03-08, v:0.3.5) Stefan Bauer: Alles Weg
    Nach dem restart meines PC sind alle meine Aufschriebe verschwunden, Daten wie Account -namen, Passwörter und wichtige Dinge. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit diese wieder herzustellen?!? Sowas ist mir noch nie vorgekommen mit dieser App, jedesmal wurden mir meine Aufschriebe, nach dem Neustarten angezeigt, aber nun ist nichts da... Ich bitte so schnell wie möglich um Hilfe. Mfg Stefan Bauer
  • (2022-01-28, v:0.3.5) John Asbury: All my notes are gone!
    I just restarted my computer and now all my notes are gone! I can see that there's a backup option, but does this need to be done manually? As in if I've not taken a backup previously, have I just lost all my notes? I have become way too reliant on this extension so I really REALLY hope there's a way to recover them.
  • (2021-11-12, v:0.3.5) Quality Assurance TL: Text formatting capabilities
    I would live to have some formatting on the texts if possible. Simple things like bold, italics, strikethrough, bullets, etc. Just a suggestion.
  • (2021-07-04, v:0.3.1) Raúl E. Taveras Franco: Scaling when at different window sizes
    Hello! I really love New Tab Draft and use it multiple times every day, in different computers. One inconvenience I have experienced, especially when using it to take notes in online classes before transferring them to a more permanent system, is that when I scale the window (say, putting it on one half of the screen and having the class on the other half), the UI doesn't scale with the window, and so large swathes of the text I'm writing are not visible. Right now that would be the only suggestion for an otherwise excellent app. Thank you!
  • (2021-04-17, v:0.2.3) Juan Cruz: how to change the app i use to email my notes
    i selected chrome as the app to use to email but i want to change it, the problem is i selected always use this app, and now i dont get the option of which app to choose.
  • (2021-03-11, v:0.2.3) RoZ: Firefox Support
    Enable New Tab Draft for Firefox
  • (2020-12-30, v:0.2.3) Quality Assurance TL: Share Window
    Please stop the "Share to your friends" window. I have seen this enough and dismissed many times. Still it comes. This is a disturbance.
  • (2020-12-13, v:0.2.3) NYC Lou: Please stop "Share on Twitter" ad.
    Incessant "Share on Twitter" ad is ruining this product.
  • (2020-12-13, v:0.2.3) Yulia Perpetua Naibaho: add text style
    i hope next update add text style, like : bold, italic and others
  • (2020-11-01, v:0.2.2) Vishesh Tiwari: Can not do calculations
    Please enable calculator support
  • (2020-09-21, v:0.2.2) Drshika Asher: New Update Permissions
    I don't like how the extension now takes the most common sites you visit. It slows down the extensions and I honestly prefer it using as less information as possible.
  • (2020-09-10, v:0.2.1) New Permission
    Latest extension update demands many new permission including the data about websites a user visit, there is no explanation about this.
  • (2020-09-09, v:0.2.0) Emmanuel Maggion: App permissions
    I was happy with the extension until it tried to access more permissions after the September 8 update. Please consider keeping it simple
  • (2020-07-08, v:0.1.9) Demaar Lord: Calculator?
    For some reason the calculation function seems to have stopped working. Super sad since that was one of the main things I've used this extension for.
  • (2020-06-30, v:0.1.6) Amrithnath Vijayakumar: Latest Update makes it unusable
    Hey after the latest update today there seems to be a console error that is stopping the notes from loading. They are all there in the localstorage. Also I am not able to record new notes or use the extension in general.
  • (2020-06-30, v:0.1.6) Marysia Kurowski: Help! All my notes have disappeared
    Suddenly today all my notes have disappeared, and when I test start a new one no column is appearing down the left hand side. Some of the notes are invaluable. Please help. The extension is enabled and still there in my Extensions list.
  • (2020-06-30, v:0.1.6) Wui Wen: Notes all lost
    Hello is it possible to rollback? all the notes is lst
  • (2020-06-30, v:0.1.6) ardiol selimaj: Lost notes after update
    All my notes were lost after latest update. Can I recover them?
  • (2020-06-30, v:0.1.6) Nishit Mohanan: Update wiped out my notes
    A recent update seems to have wiped out the notes, plus I'm not able to save any new notes as well.
  • (2020-06-30, v:0.1.6) Adam Śmigielski: update issue
    I lost all my notes today, after the last (today) update, I think. The extension doesn't work well. I can type but I can't create new tabs/notebooks and enter settings (gear icon). Those small icons in the bottom-left corner don't work (they are not "clickable"). Can I restore my old notes in any way? Maybe they are saved locally, on my HDD? Where?
  • (2020-04-08, v:0.1.5) Superior: data gone
    suddenly all my tabs data got deleted like the extension was redownloaded (also costumazation back to default ) my problem is i wrote many songs and i cant recover them
  • (2020-03-30, v:0.1.5) Bill Hamler: Font Size
    How can I change the font size
  • (2020-01-19, v:0.1.5) Mike Heayn: lost data
    i cleared browser data and lost my notes. is three any way to recover them?
  • (2019-11-28, v:0.1.5) Maricor F.: Lost notes
    How can I recover my lost notes?
  • (2019-11-28, v:0.1.5) Maricor F.: Lost notes
    How can I recover my lost notes?
  • (2019-11-24, v:0.1.5) Amit Puri Velotio: How can I open my notes on my office Chrome at home?
    So, I have all the bookmarks and links synced with my google account on chrome. But when I open the same chrome account on my home PC, I am unable to see the notes I added to the same account but on my office account. Is there a way to have them linked to my google account, and it updates when my chrome syncs?
  • (2019-11-16, v:0.1.5) Kuldeep Singh: my data is loss
    i am data lots of data and my personal data all data is gone nothing is showing and i want my data back its request bez there is my lots important data is there
  • (2019-09-10, v:0.1.5) Lasse Haugaard Christensen Soeagerskolen: Keep the original function of ctrl + t and make a new shortcut for the draft mode.
    Hello I use the ctrl t shortcut for a new tab all the time. But I also love the draft mode. Could it be possible to somehow make a new shortcut for the "new draft" tab so I dont eliminate my "new tab" functionality.
  • (2019-08-27, v:0.1.5) Amit Varshney: Chrome crashed, now boom data lost
    Is there any data backup this extension do in json or any other format...?? It showed error "This extension may have been corrupted" and when clicked Repair all gone :(
  • (2019-08-20, v:0.1.5) Dee Fense: Why is the official link a link to the old Google+ community?
    Did you notice? What is your official homepage?
  • (2019-08-18, v:0.1.5) H.M. Lee: Scrollbar Missing?
    Hi, I've been using this extension for a couple of months now because it's really convenient for me to jot down notes with just the press of a new tab. I usually have a lot of drafts saved but I recently noticed that I can't scroll down to see all of my drafts in the sidebar. These drafts aren't erased but they are unreachable without the scrollbar. (I know they're not erased because if I delete one of the visible drafts, one of the unseen ones moves ahead).
  • (2019-08-09, v:0.1.5) Jay Kanakiya: Bug: Change in cursor point
    Great app, been using this since a long time now. Whenever you switching between multiple tabs, the cursor changes its position towards the end, is there any way to change this behaviour ?
  • (2019-04-15, v:0.1.5) Harsha Vardhan Gudivada: A second bug after April 6th and 7th 2019 update
    Dear developer! I think there is one more bug after April 6th or 7th update. This is the use case to recreate the bug. After reading any note among the multiple notes in 'NewTab' and switching to any other opened tab and again switching back to the 'NewTab', the opened/selected/active note always changes to the FIRST note among all notes. This is a undesirable behavior. Before April 6th or 7th, the NewTab remembered our last read/opened/active note and retained it as the active note. I am not talking about opening NewTab in multiple tabs. I am just talking about the case in which NewTab is opened in only one tab, but even that tab is unable to retain the last read note as active but activating FIRST of all notes every time. Before April 6th or 7th, the extension worked wonderfully by setting mostly recently used notes on the top in the vertical left side bar. Now, all that is disturbed by the new update where only FIRST note sticks and remains active all the time. Please look into this matter as soon as possible.


10,000 history
4.7569 (1,156 votes)
Last update / version
2022-11-17 / 0.3.8
Listing languages
