extension ExtPose

Discount Calculator

CRX id


Description from extension meta

A basic caculator that also allows you to calculate common price discounts and tips with a single click.

Image from store Discount Calculator
Description from store Calculate common discounts with a single click. This is a simple caculator that also allows you to calculate price reductions and see how much money you save! You can compare the reduced price and the amount of money you save. As a buyer, it works as a sale price calculator to see a final price after you factor in a discount - perhaps from that 20% price off coupon you have. Features: - A set of common discount percentage calculations. Takes your current calculation and rounds it to a price-friendly two decimal places. Displays the amount you would pay with the deduction and how much you save - invaluable! - Remembers your previous calculation when re-opened - History records last 10 calculations - Use the keyboard number pad for calculations - Copy results from the display - Re-sizable window - Enter key for "=" and "c" for clear - It's Free! Keyboard Shortcuts: - Number Pad or 0-9 for Number Entry - Equals (= or Enter) - Clear ("c") - Del or Backspace to delete - Divide (/) - Times (*) - Minus (-) - Plus (+) - Percent (% or F1) (Examples, 50%20 means 20 percent of 50; 40+50% means add 50% of 40) - Square Root (F2) - +/- (F3) - Decimal point (Period) - Copy results from the display (Ctrl-c) - Close Window (ESC or click in main Chrome tab) Changes: 1.1.6 - Update to manifest V3

Latest reviews

  • (2021-05-17) Sumi: its a calculator
  • (2018-12-05) This system is safe this system you wont get virus or hack so its safe
  • (2018-02-24) Artiom Kirov: It works
  • (2017-12-09) Vyacheslav Sh: Can not calculate lower tnan 1. Не считает если меньше единицы. Example: 0.005+50% = 0$

Latest issues

  • (2020-09-07, v:1.1.4) Ojnor59: Calculator has become corrupt and I cannot reinstall
    Hello, I like having this calculator so handy. But it has somehow become corrupted and I cannot repair or reinstall. When I try to reinstall, I get the message "Could not move extension directory into profile." Do you know what I can do to fix this issues? Thanks
  • (2019-09-19, v:1.1.4) LAWRENCE EDWARDS: Shortcut keyboard Update
    It would be great if you could add functionality for keyboard shortcut for this extension.
  • (2018-07-06, v:1.1.3) promjena valute
    izbor vlastite valute
  • (2017-10-04, v:1.0.8) oof


2,000 history
4.375 (8 votes)
Last update / version
2022-03-26 / 1.1.6
Listing languages
