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Helps you manage canned replies in Gmail and everywhere else on the web
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Description from store
Canned Replies is a productivity tool that makes it quicker and easier to send the messages you send often. Use Canned Replies to create a set of commonly-used text snippets, and easily access these from within Gmail, or from the context menu and browser popup.
Gmail-optimized experience: Use Canned Replies from within your Gmail compose window. Canned Replies adds a button into the Gmail compose toolbar so you can quickly access your messages in context to the email you’re sending. Simply click on the desired message and it’ll be inserted into the email at your cursor.
Context Menu: Insert a text snippet via the context menu. Just right click (or control click) on any editable field and click the desired Canned Reply to insert it.
Browser bar popup: Canned Replies offers a popup window from your browser bar for all other use cases. Use the popup to copy the snippet onto your clipboard. This is useful if a website does not support native context menus, or if you’d like to paste your messages into an external application.
3.0.0 – Upgrades to Chrome manifest V3 to align with Chrome's updated security practices. Also fixes the bug where the button stopped working in Gmail.
2.0.0 – A revamped Canned Replies popup that includes the ability to search for your messages. Also includes bug fixes and accessibility improvements.
Latest reviews
- (2023-07-06) ruaridh watson: This is excellent and exactly what i needed. Have been using for a few months now and can absolutely say it has made my life so much easier replying to my small business customers speeding up my work flow no end; I primarily use the right click context menu feature. As with any such thing there are some features which are not ideal for my use case, but I am hoping they will be addressed in some fashion with the pro version when it comes out. It lacks an alphabetical sort or alternate means of reordering entries and as such you need to populate your entries in reverse order; it displays the newest at the top. I had to use the export feature and then reorder in excel and import to resolve my scatter brained initial attempt. The local size limit is a factor that could be an issue if you plan on using a lot or large entries; I've worked out that the maximum characters is 8190 with each entry using 29 chars before you add text. If there was a way to reference an external document instead that would be amazing. A nice feature for a future version would be some sort of hierarchy in the context menu as at the moment all entries appear in a single list; even just one extra level would be most useful. This would preferably be user defined, but a preset number of primary categories that can be renamed would also work. That said, despite these limitations, I have found it immensely useful and use it many times a day. Also the import and export feature means i have been able to migrate it to all my computers.
- (2022-05-26) Omar: Thank you so much for your efforts to make life go easier. I just have one question which is how long it will take you to release the new version of this extension? I searched almost the whole store to find a similar extension of yours with backup option and no storage limitation at the same time but I run out of luck :( Please take my request in your consideration. Best regards.
- (2021-07-26) Myles Athas: Was at least a 4 at first, dropped to a 2 after a few days usage Initially 4 as this doesn't work in Salesforce, my use case. As you can't put them in alphabetical order or group them it was also inconvenient, but the app itself seemed pretty good. Dropped to 2 when I'd spent 5 minutes making yet another entry, to lose it because of an "Error Saving" because Google Chrome's storage has a max storage size, and I'd apparently hit this. And when I clicked past the warning the content I'd written was gone. Perhaps consider making it clear there is storage limits, maybe a % left, and absolutely not lose the entered content when reaching an error stage.
- (2021-07-22) Eldad Levy: Works great! Will be good to add the option to move replies Up/Down the list...
- (2021-06-07) Kyle Magri: Awesome application! Been having a slight issue with the right click function. Read that the issue should have been updated in a previous update, but when pressing the right click and choosing the canned reply I need, nothing is coming up. Any recommendations?
- (2021-02-23) Yordan Soares: La uso frecuentemente y me parece genial: no necesitas registrarte en ningún servicios, puedes importar y exportar tus respuestas y cuenta con un buscador bastante práctico. Lo único que extraño es no poder aplicar estilos (negrita, cursiva, etc.) y guardar enlaces.
- (2021-02-03) Soren Madsen: Logo covers the `formatting options` button of Gmail menu. If there were a feature to only have it in the text menu (right click) it would be OK. In addition, extension can't handle formatting, font colors etc
- (2020-09-15) Langara-S: Great extension, useful, easy to setup. Works on most sites. Right-click works on Facebook Classic's Inbox (which will be discontinued soon) but doesn't work with the inbox of the "New Facebook".
- (2020-07-07) Amy G: Works well. Just have to accept the permissions in the Options page to use the right click menu. Works like a charm! Thanks! Amy
- (2020-07-06) Mathieu Nouquet: Broke with the July 6th update.
- (2020-02-25) Breanna Walters: Works great aside from the fact that I cannot change the order of the canned replies.
- (2019-12-13) banality: Pretty good!
- (2019-11-01) Richard Kuehne: Would be a 5 if I could alphabetize the saved responses.
- (2019-09-09) Sloatch: One of a kind easy bugless extensions get 5 stars Thanks
- (2019-08-22) Rafa Molinas: Works great :)
- (2019-08-16) Pearce: Thanks for making this extension! I work in Customer Service and had been looking for a Chrome replacement to the Firefox extension "Clippings" and this one was perfect. Sucks that people keep leaving average/bad reviews for random things you can't control? O_o After reading a few I knew I had to leave a fair one. Great extension, thanks again!
- (2019-07-27) Ivan Toropitsin: Greate extencion! Thanks very much! I have migrated from my gmail responces here. Also I'm using Slack in my work. Will be grate to create app there, because I didn't find any simple and usefull apps like your. It will also be convenient if there will subfolders for much of unswers.
- (2019-07-17) Gabriel Giguère: Do the Job that i want. it's Perfect.
- (2019-06-01) 2Greedy: Thank you very much for a worthy app Tina would have loved it if the right click context menu worked, and we could group canned responses, should you get this working ASAP i will be more than happy to change my review
- (2019-05-27) Karen Franta: I'm very happy to find a solution to "canned replies" for calendar. However, I need more flexibility with font sizes, bold feature, highlighting feature and especially with adding links to the canned responses. If you could make this app do all these things, the it would make it a 10+ for me.
- (2019-04-29) Mimarlık Robotu: Hi Tina, I really like your extension and thanks for sharing it for free with us. Just one question: Is it possible for you to integrate html editor in next update? Because if I setup a link in a text, it doesnt appear in the reply... Same for bold texts, etc. Maybe it will be better if html editor is integrated. Have a great day ! :)
- (2019-04-12) Marcus Van Hassel: Works well for the most part. I foresee that not being able to categorize or group the replies together will make it troublesome in a situation where we may have many responses canned
- (2019-02-28) Chris Simms: Amazing App, a real time saver. Only 1 thing is missing, the ability to sort the list of canned replies. At the moment, the last canned reply you add automatically gets listed at the top. I would love to be able to sort them according to importance or frequency of use. So the ability to manually sort the canned responses (by maybe drag and drop) would be amazing!
- (2019-02-08) Susan Murdoch: I like this for my purpose the only draw back for what I do is the huge number of text inserts and the inability to reorder them in the UI. They go in in the order you put them in and the one you need may be at the bottom. It doesn't order alphabetically or even by usage. If there were a way to organize them I would get more use out of this tool. Looking for another solution.
- (2019-02-08) Will: The right click context doesn't work - regardless of which site (gmail, this comment box I'm typing in, wordpress, etc.) I'm running Linux (Debian 9)
- (2019-01-23) It meets most of my needs. This extension is a very important tool that my company uses. I have all of my agents download and program theirs once they join. Request: I wish that the information saved would carry over to all my computers. Maybe allow us to set up an account? Could you please, please, please allow us to sort the positions of the replies? I would like to be able to move them up and down. - This would be amazing.
- (2019-01-23) It works great for my use. I have about 15 canned responses which have made things a lot more efficient. Is there an option to change the view, maybe just show the title (rather than title plus partial first line) or tile view?
- (2018-10-01) Alexander Azhevsky: Great extension! But please fix ordering issue while exporting/importing. If you do that you will got reversed list of canned replies. Also it would be nice to do not autohide the button in Gmail composing view after reply insert.
- (2018-04-15) Craig x: Good concept, doesn't quite work as I need it to (right-click menu not pasting) but workable using the click on icon in Chrome nav bar. I really hope this extension gets further developed. It will do me for now until I can find something better.
- (2018-02-13) Jorge Antonetti: Recent update is bugged. Widget menu will not scroll.
- (2018-02-02) Sathish Kumar: right click copy from context menu doesnt work. Hope new version will be able to right click and auto post the canned replies without using copy paste
- (2017-12-28) Jack Schulte: Thanks for making this Tina!
- (2017-09-21) Brian Hochstein: Integrating a setup like the tinymce wordpress plugin is a much needed feature for text formatting, adding the capability of links, embedding images, etc Since this extension doesn't have all that i'm moving on to the next one.
- (2017-09-14) Nacho Diaz: useful! But definitely needs resort option.
- (2017-06-13) Michael Baram: Very nice, need reorder items feature. Also, would be great to use images as titles
- (2017-04-11) Dan Leveille: Great app, but it would really benefit from rich text editing! I include links in my emails to customers, and this extension unfortunately doesn't support this.
- (2017-03-30) Isaac Moore: Rock solid, does exactly what it describes.
- (2017-03-29) Loida D: I like it so far. I wish we can sort of arrange the position of the canned responses.
3.9516 (62 votes)
Last update / version
2022-12-18 / 3.0.0
Listing languages