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一个更好的 OneTab 扩展

Image from store better-onetab
Description from store 这是一个更好的 OneTab 扩展 OneTab 的标签储存和标签分组功能是一个非常实用的功能,它可以帮助你储存你打开的标签页,以此来减少资源的使用以及避免杂乱。但是OneTab扩展还缺少一些诸如简易列表,只储存选中的标签等功能。由于开发时间久远长期无人更新,并且也不开源,所有也没办法为 OneTab 增加新的功能,所以这里又做了一个更好的 (Better-Onetab) 扩展。相比于 OneTab 拥有更美观的界面以及更多的功能,并且完全开源。 ★ 基本功能 如果你使用过OneTab,那么你可以想往常一样来使用。但是除了储存整个窗口的所有标签以外,你可以选择只储存你选中的标签。 并且Better Onetab 依然可以使用储存整个窗口的所有标签,储存所有标签,储存左边或右边的标签等功能。并且也可以通过右键菜单来使用。 同样的,你也可以使用“固定列表”来使得一个列表不会消失,你也可以给列表命名,或是通过拖拽来重新排列你的标签,甚至在新版本中,你可以给列表设定一个颜色。 ★ 弹出简易列表 这是我很期望的一个功能,因为我们常常需要从 Onetab 中恢复工作状态,但打开列表页面是一件很麻烦的事情。除了为了管理我的列表,否则我跟喜欢点击图标就可以弹出一个简易的列表。这样我就可以很方便的恢复工作状态。 * 你可以从选项页面将“图标被点击时的行为”改为“弹出简易列表来开启这项功能” ★ 键盘快捷键 你可以给储存选中的标签设定一个你想要的快捷键,这样你就可以非常方便的储存一些标签。这对于提高效率有很大的帮助。 ★ 加入历史记录 你可以选择将储存的标签页自动加入浏览器的历史记录。 ★ 从 Onetab 中迁移 这是一件很简单的事,Better Onetab 支持导入 Onetab 导出的格式。你可以很容易的尝试 Better Onetab。 ★ 通过其他扩展触发 如果你在使用一些其他的可以提高效率的扩展,比如鼠标手势扩展。你可以通过下面的代码来储存选中的标签。 chrome.runtime.sendMessage('eookhngofldnbnidjlbkeecljkfpmfpg', 'store-selected-tabs') 除此之外,你可以将 'store-selected-tabs' 替换成其他字符串来调用其他功能: store-all-tabs : 储存所以标签 restore-lastest-list : 恢复最后一个列表 open-lists : 打开标签列表页面 ★ 一些人性的优化 Better Onetab 不会在浏览器打开时就打开页面,如果你想的话,打开页面是一件方便的事情。 ------------------ 想要查看代码,提交反馈或是新的功能可以访问下面的地址 https://github.com/cnwangjie/better-onetab

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-25) anony subscribe: just downloaded and read reviews. privacy practices should be disclosed, especially from china.
  • (2023-10-03) Anna F.: I'm sorry, but I don't see how this is better than OneTab. Instead of a single page long list, my saved tab groups are displayed in pages. That slows me down significantly when I'm looking for a specific group. It also looks really cluttered because it doesn't show only the title like OneTab, but the title and the URL. That might sound useful, but it actually slows you down as well, because it increases the amount of information that you have to process.
  • (2023-09-22) Tête à-tête: gave it a brief go - i had to create an export file from onetab, to import. it opened the list, but did nothing with it. so.. i pinned the icon and clicked it, to save all tabs - nothing happened. so.. i wrote this, and removed this brave extension but, like ozzymandias, i shall return!
  • (2023-09-03) E LeCaire: This is exactly what it's called, a better version of one tab. The only thing I wish I could do is email the saved list.
  • (2023-08-29) Daniel Malara (Dan): My OneTab crashed and I can't even tell you how much work history I've lost. I'm not going to delete that one because I still hope I can recover data from the corrupted file somehow. Meanwhile, I have felt overwhelmed without a solution for storing work sessions. Very thankful to have found this piece of code. I want to reach the developer to see if he might want to keep working on it more. Would be cool to see a web3 data storage solution for account backups :D
  • (2023-06-15) ARSTLUL: This is a completely advanced extension over the original. im happy to have the options to customize the details. thanks to the developer
  • (2023-04-05) Brian L: You are right, I agree that this is better than Onetab, but for those used to Onetab like me, it is a confusing at first. those people will click on the icon expecting all the tabs to disappear, but then it doesn't and mentions lists. I almost uninstalled this and to go back to Onetab, but I'm glad I went to settings where I figured out how this works. Like a few of your 1 star raters said, you probably shouldn't use the name of the other app, and also not claim this is better even if it probably is. Just call it something like "Super Tab Manager"-- a customizable way to reduce the memory drain from open tabs...
  • (2023-01-19) Joe Lakey: Trading on the name of a popular extension to generate traffic is spammy and just plain unethical. On top of that, calling yourself "better" is presumptuous and a claim that you'd better be able to back up. So far, you've not come close. Get your own name and earn your own popularity.
  • (2022-12-30) Artemi Lebedev: no online support no intuitive
  • (2022-10-20) Péter Jutai: All my tabs are gone from one day to the other. And before some may say I was an idiot: I did not touch my computer for a month. Came home from a trip, wanted to continue where I left off - but all tabs are gone. Splendid...
  • (2022-10-19) Andy Briesemeister: Leider nicht zu gebrauchen. Weder funktioniert alle Tab speichern, noch kann man Tabs wieder löschen.
  • (2022-10-19) 伟吕: Better than onetab
  • (2022-09-28) Deniz Gök: super and FOSS
  • (2022-07-30) Sourabh Chhabra: features are not working...
  • (2022-04-08) Ali Zain: when inputting title for my tab collections, the typing is extremely slow. i like the UI and everything, but that one thing is a huge let down. Im using it on opera.
  • (2022-04-03) tang tomson: 如果能够开放每页的列表数量限制就更好了
  • (2022-03-22) Hattin Berryman: It's great! I started with OneTab, but I moved to this for it's extra features and dark mode.
  • (2022-03-17) Cameron M (Cam): Trying to save any more than 50 tabs (I know it's a lot) seems to cause Better-Onetab to open the UI to quickly before closing the tabs resulting in the tabs not actually saving. Basically, it has poor reliability with larger groups of tabs.
  • (2022-02-28) John: I had been using this for a while, but recently it has just gotten worse and worse. Now, mind you, it might be the fact that I'm using it on Edge, since Edge being Chromium based now allows the use of Chrome Extensions, and that might be messing the Extension up. But what makes this so bad - at least in my experience - lately, is that it is incapable of saving lists, and even incapable of deleting lists, as manually deleting them will have the deleted lists pop right back up again the moment I refresh the page. It can still open the tabs from the lists I already have saved, and I bet that if I were to individually check the other functions, most of them would work with what is already saved in the lists I already have. But not being able to create new lists of tabs, or even deleting old ones, just defeats the entire reason for this extension's existence.
  • (2022-02-18) Pat MySecret: Looks like a nice standard Session saver. Now, if it was able to store logins, I'd be extra impressed.
  • (2022-02-17) AMALDEV BIJU: good everything perfect
  • (2022-01-29) Иван Владимирович Павелко: lists do not save, they disappear if you refresh a page
  • (2022-01-21) Briana Pizzano: This extension is great! You just pin the extension, and then you highlight the tabs you want to save (hold control to select multiple or hold shift to save all the tabs in between) and right click on the extension icon & click "store tabs". Makes it super easy and you can see different groups of tabs from different days, which makes it easy to work on multiple projects. This app has saved my life when it comes to lit reviews.
  • (2021-12-13) Coscorrodrift: Better in some ways but worse in others Good things: tags, ability to import from onetab, ability to sort groups (but implementation is clunky, i wanna drag the group to where i want it, not click an arrow) Bad things: looks worse (why is everything in different places than onetab? lol just copy its design and tweak it a bit, it has a TON of borders for everything), it has pages instead of being one scrollable list, performs WAY worse (super slow at times), and still doesn't have functionality like being able to shift-select several tabs at once.
  • (2021-12-13) Phoenix Phi: Until V2 of this extension is deployed, go use Tablerone. It blows all the other tab managers out of the water.
  • (2021-12-07) Thomas W: Bad. Loses some tabs randomly. Not better than onetab. The UI is just as ugly, yet is less readable and feels slower. I wish the CSS animations were faster instead of only having an on/off option. I wish it stored all the tab lists on the same page. The only advantage to this extension over onetab is collapsible lists, but the large headers and bad typographic hierarchy ruin it. Why are retitle/restore/remove/pin options text bigger than the title of the tab list? Why does the list of options wrap onto two lines for a fullscreen Chrome window? Why are they plaintext nearly identical to all other text on the screen? Why are they text at all? Small icons would be less cluttered. There's already a pin icon so why not have every option be an icon? Why are the colors all so ugly? Bright blue + shades of grey make for simultaneously poor contrast and too much contrast. These are all simple changes that would make a large difference. Clearly the programmers have not learned any basic UI/UX design. Criticizing onetab for bad UI is a joke.
  • (2021-11-17) Hafid Zeghayda: not working anymore
  • (2021-09-21) Anastasiou Alex: Send selected tabs to list doesn't work, only sends 1.
  • (2021-08-15) Mi mzxr: 一直无法登录,显示: 该网页无法正常运作 boss.cnwangjie.com 未发送任何数据。
  • (2021-07-30) Estu Glx: Lists lose all tabs, even created lists disappear. This extension was good at first but now it does not do the work
  • (2021-07-21) 清: 那个,这款插件的外观和功能一样能打,但是,它的主图标太模糊了!这么优秀又用心的作品,用像素这么模糊的图标实在没有排面😂️ 另外,我不知道它能不能通过浏览器账号自动同步,这里好多人都说丢失了标签数据,听起来很可怕。 希望上面两点都能得到改善,给作者五星! 另外,通过谷歌账号同步标签页应该是可行的。我用过一个极尽简单的标签插件,它虽然几乎什么多余功能都没有,但却做到同步了。我中间重装过两次系统,标签页都还在。
  • (2021-06-27) SaFteiNZz: Way better than saving to bookmarks and open all, no trouble. I just set my first enter page to better onetab so once i open chrome I can restore my pages as soon as I can click. Thanks for the effort in the extension
  • (2021-06-23) Peter Romero: Zero intuitivity. Gave up after I couldn't manage to save a single tab.
  • (2021-05-21) Hào Hùng: This is so much better than the one tab extension. It does what I want one tab to do, including store only selected tab when I click the icon, open the tab but not remove it from the list. Love it when it's also open-source. Developers of this extension, you're god-sent to me!
  • (2021-04-17) Kun Ji: Better get away from it.
  • (2021-04-05) Jayden Seaton: its a onetab with a lot more better features and better looking but thats what makes it worse in my opinion because onetab is simpalistic and easy to move things around open tabs close them with just clicking on the icon and in all just simple and thats what i want from something i will use everyday and this aint it, its a lot cleaner yet more annoying to use
  • (2021-03-20) esgalmir: Тонны багов, связанных с дубликатами и сохранением вкладок в именованные группы. Исправлять их никто не будет - разработка заброшена. Вкладки теряются, синхронизации с облаком нет (облако протухло). Совершенно непригодно!
  • (2021-02-21) Hugo Valladares: my lists just suddenly disappeared...
  • (2021-01-20) Majid AlSaidi: I hate it, not working.. all my important taps have gone!
  • (2020-12-23) Ozgur: Sync is not working.
  • (2020-12-02) zi Mai: 請問要怎麼改語言,我安裝時是英文版??? 能不能加繁體中文
  • (2020-11-27) Shoop: what is https://boss.cnwangjie.com/and why does it need access to that?
  • (2020-11-24) Johnny Sun: just closes the tab, doesn't save anything
  • (2020-10-20) Per Aday: bonus points for you to begin just for not misleading people by falsely claiming the extension can save 95% of their memory used (when those savings are from closing the tabs, not the extension at all. In other words, the browser's Close Tab button should advertise that it can save people 95% of their memory used. Why google allows such misleading claims by an extension is baffling.)
  • (2020-10-15) Seth: Multiple issues with it deleting my tabs instead of storing them... Plus I have a lot of problems with it saving my settings (how hard is it to remember I had it on dark mode?) I'm writing this in the hopes this gets better. But I can't do this, so I'll stick with the original for now
  • (2020-10-04) Zach Hurst: Mostly issue free in 2020 & far better than the alternatives.
  • (2020-09-28) 宋腾飞: 不行,点击存储标签,结果把标签全部关闭,一个也没保存,好几次了,太影响使用了,我评论完就卸载,后面人注意点。虽然不是每次都发生,发生一次都够呛!
  • (2020-09-24) mr Watson: Хорошая задумка, выглядит красиво, в отличии от известного расширения можно сворачивать группы, делать им цветовую маркировку, можно сразу по нажатию на кнопку расширения выбрать в какую именованную группу сохранить вкладку. Но есть критичный баг, если сразу сохраняете в одну группу сайты с одного домена, то при выборе на удаление одного из адресов, удаляются из группы все с того же домена. Ещё не работает открытие в конце списка вкладок по умолчанию.
  • (2020-09-16) Magda: Just get the regular OneTab, its better
  • (2020-09-13) zegail mr: 非常不错


20,000 history
3.4108 (185 votes)
Last update / version
2019-08-24 / 1.4.7
Listing languages
de zh-CN en
